OnlyGains Q! - journey to mount Olympus

AYYY MA MAN ZYZZ :heart_eyes:

Sadly I find dancing like that is just cringe :joy:

Off day today.

So something I realized, every time I use a new sub, or just change my main sub, I end up sleeping way too much.

For example; when I listened to WANTED for the first time, I slept over 15 hours.
When I added emp fit st3, I slept for 13.
Today I woke up 14 hours after sleeping.
Don’t really know how this might help others but I feel like the first couple of days, extra sleep is required to fully integrate the script for the first time, it’s like when you get a new game for PlayStation or Xbox and have to go through that one loading screen where it downloads necessary files, mobile games are the ones that do this the most, and I feel like I react to subs like that.

Also @Azriel no physical pain from this one (Qv2 of st3 with WANTED did end up giving me pain the very next day) but I do feel somewhat sore, which is probably due to the fact that my strength shot up unexpectedly yesterday, other than that I do feel this intense craving to lift.

Also I don’t feel any overload or energy depletion (like with WANTED) but that could also be due to the reason that I downed some heavy cupcakes after gym yesterday :joy:


Nice man, I think the physical recon from my Hero custom was to many modules effecting physical change at once. My new healing paragon QV2 custom, not Ultima, runs like a charm so far. Glad to see this one is working well for you. I have no doubt the neural activity from a sub takes energy and can be exhausting initially until ’ the paths are paved’ so to speak.

Honestly no dancing necessary lol, just great to see you track your results


And to add more to that, Pragya seems to be pumping up some juice to my brain as well

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hit legs today, and just wow…

I have no clue as to which module is responsible for this but my strength is off the roof, the same weight that i was struggling to do 8 reps with last week, I was able to lift for 12 reps with more juice left in the tank, which is just mind blowing, like last week I did 1 plate squats (20kg each side) and it was fine but was only able to do 3 sets of 10, 10 and 8 as I always do my squats at the end of my workout, but today I went for 4 sets of 12, 10, 10 and 10, with the first set being last week’s weight (20kg each side) while the sets of 10s were done with 10kg extra each side (30kg each side), so in total it was 80kg this week for 10 reps, while last week was 60kg, and if you did not get it by now, that’s an increase by 33.3% on my 10 reps sets.
which is insane to say the least


so I read this and decided to do something just to experiment :grin:

Behold my lockscreen, which I will use as a trigger for my subconscious to know what I personally see as aesthetic, and maybe that way I could guide all the modules to get me there :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


I do this too with physiques that I want, but I just look at them from the photos app.

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I feel like having it as your lockscreen wallpaper is a much better idea, because:

  • you will definitely see it every time you unlock your phone,

  • you will indirectly (subconsciously) see it when looking at notifications,

  • and because the picture will always remind you of what your end goal should be, this you stay motivated and disciplined for better action.

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Posting this here as a starting point for my arm as well, they’re kinda my weak spot, along with my chest, so let’s see how much I’ll gain by the end of month 1.

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Yeah. I also put it as every profile picture for websites I visit daily

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Can you send me that picture?

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Here you go

Fun fact: this is also the same pic as the one on the emperor album art :wink:


Yeah I was looking for it but I couldn’t find it. Thanks.

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Inspiring journal. You and @Azriel have got me planning a fitness custom. Playing around on Excel counting modules. Will post separately soon.


Oooo I’d love to see what you want to add, maybe I can help :grin:

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alright so I wanted to update earlier but got a bit busy eating my pre workout meal, currently listening to my loop and I wanted to note down some things:

  • I do not feel any soreness even though I’ve been lifting much much heavier weights.

  • I feel more growth happening even when I’m playing video games.

  • the GMX core is really showing a lot of progress in my gaming skills, but it has also somewhat made me lucky, like yesterday I was playing and my opponent went afk/offline :joy:

  • I feel the Lion IV module even more as time keeps passing, the nonchalance is much more of a dominant kind rather than the passive kind I felt on WANTED.

  • sent a snap to my girl around 4:30 am when I went to get something to eat (spent the night gaming haha), woke up to her texting me “how can someone looks so good at 4:30 am, after playing all night and lifting”, so there’s that :joy: Apollon intensifies


I found Invincible Presence

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Oooo that physique looks sick

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That Invincible Presence physique

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But isn’t invincible presence just aura?