Oneironautics! (The Lucid Dreaming Thread)

Anyone running Dreams with DR to get to the bottom of their mind?

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I think the first step is to master lucid dreaming. Haven’t been running dreams for a while- should get back to it.

My dream last night was sort of symbolic.

Significant advancement in lucid dreaming.


Thanks for posting this dude!

I hope this one is effective. Was disappointed with the first version.


I actually can’t find the v2 version. am I missing something?

I found it right after the old one in the download section in subclub store.
Make sure you log in.

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ah found it. thanks. I don’t know what happend

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I’ve only run Dreams v2 once or twice but I’ve noticed intense dreams every night since the v2’s have come out.

For example last night I had a virtually instructional dream where someone was schooling me in how to interact better with women in the dream. That type of dream is usually rare for me. It also led to me carrying said dream woman up a hill (clearly representing the “strip mall” of my childhood which was on such an incline) in my arms, and halfway up the hill the dream fluidly morphs into us driving in a car.

This was also a food dream, with multiple takeaway places and cafes which don’t exist in reality including a juice bar selling peanut butter loaded cheeseburger flavour juice (juicing a cheeseburger? LOL) I only wish I had these levels of creativity available when working on my stories :laughing:


Looking forward to when I unlock “lucid dreaming every night by default.”


Believe it or not, there are people who are lucid each night whether they want to be or not. And they say it sucks! I’d love to be lucid every night, but I can see where not having the option would get tiring.

I’d love if every dream, I had the awareness of choice whether or not to be lucid.

Most of my lucid dreams as of late, there is no discernible trigger or cause for the lucidity. I just suddenly am like “Hey, I’m dreaming”. I like those the best. it’s like “Of COURSE this is a dream!”

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I have noticed this much more often too.

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how was ur experience… how long until it started working 4 u?

Well, since the scroll of resurrection was cast on this thread recently, I’ll just shamelessly do it again :smile: (Do we care about stuff like that here, btw?)

I’ve wanted to LD for the longest time, and I am quite the proficient Armchair Lucid Dreamer, if I may say so myself. God, have I spent a lot time trying to each my ADD-ridden brain the tricks and techniques, only to fall short. I managed to increase dream recall by having a somewhat regular dream journal. And then 2 semi-lucid dreams among about 100 journal entries…

Though the most curious thing happened after I saw this thread necroed back. I had a lucid dream. I had the in-dream realization and had enough clarity to decide what to do. Between some “fun time” and flying, I decided to practice my in-dream skills. Though with no clear intention more than “flying”, I fell down and the dream collapsed.

Now that’s curious. But what’s even more curious is that just a few days after I had another one. I mean, what the hell?

I recently switched from DR-ST1 to ST2, but I have no idea if that is relevant. Though I did run Dreams v2 a couple of spins while doing DR-ST1, so it might be related. People have said that DR can increase frequency and vividness of dreams…

My goal is to heal with DR and various money-related stuff, and then immerse deeply into LD and AP. How far does the rabbit hole go? Is that air we’re breathing? Is my delusions of grandeur, grand enough? A custom ride might be in order when the time comes. When Traversing the Crossroads, one must do so in style, no?

So, I figured I’d just drop in here and say Hi to all the dreamers, and to keep the dream thread alive! :v::smile:


@Athanaxos blanket permission to wake this thread up from its long sleep ( :wink: ) as it’s meant to be the central thread for lucid dreaming since it’s not discussed often enough on this forum.

I haven’t used dreams in a while. I may see how it goes once I’m all done with DR, though. I still want to unlock default lucid dreaming.


Awesome :smiley:

There seems to be a few of us aspiring and accomplished Lucid dreamers scattered around on this forum, so it’s really nice to have a place to discuss it - from a subliminal user perspective :wink:

Yeah I think it’s prudent to run the healing programs first, before seriously immersing in otherworldly travels. At least until after DRst3, for me anyway. Shit go haywire quickly when you freak out in those bad boys.


I also found this about Q:

So maybe an LD custom with Q cranked up to 11? @SaintSovereign Can we do this? :smiley:


@Athanaxos my gut feeling is that we won’t need to worry about power when Q+ and U+ arrive. Running dreams in U+ will probably give people lucid dreams much more quickly.

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Ooh, haven’t really payed attention to that. What would Q+ and U+ entail? Have we been given an ETA for those variants?:grin:

I was into LD years ago. Had 3 LDs using the WILD method. Very cool but also very difficult. Didn’t stick with it because it was so hard to do and when I’m going to sleep I just wanna sleep but it seems like such wasted time when the alternative is lucid dreaming