Occultists on the forum?

I recognise where you are, I’ve passed this place before.
A part of you many thousands of metres of granite below conscious thought or feeling has been engaged.


Your reply is pretty cryptic , what does that even mean - ‘…engaged’ into the dancing with the stars ?? :slight_smile:


Be great if you could elaborate a little on your rather cryptic reply ?

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I haven’t found anything to practice, but I’m very curious. Things like sacred geometry, subtle energies, a sourxe. There has got to be something beyond our normal perceptions. As a scientist, what would happen if you zoom in far enough, beyond the molecules, the atoms, the protons and electrons, all the way into the quantum layer? Would you find the stuff that connects everything, the stuff everything is made up of? You, me, the planet, the stars? Could your mind survive the experience?

One thing that seems both incredible and scary to me is a Kundalini awakening. All the stories say that over time, such a person becomes more and more abstract and normal society no longer makes sense to them, they even forget things because they are not important in the grand scheme of things. Imagine being completely enlightened, but unable to drive a car or manage one’s finances or career because those things are too mundane and no longer matter. Where would you go? What would you do? Sit on a mountain for an exceptionally long time? The company of others wouldn’t matter anymore, nor would reproduction. Yikes…


You’l be suprised but I, actually, had a Kundalini rising experience in 2008.
Hissing in the ears, full body energy circulating and inexpressible pleasure in the whole body, as I almost have an orgasm, snake dreams in different forms and scenarios. Mood was much higher than normal but I felt quite grounded, my concentration was excellent. The whole experience lasted for about 4 weeks then faded out. I really miss this state since. Seduction of girls was simple - they felt my state in their bodies and become aroused just in a moments.


From what I understand, once it wakes (breaks through), it doesn’t stop. It may go slow or fast, but it will keep going. The gates are open.

It would be a good target for a subliminal though.


Sexual transmutation and meditation are the keys to awakening kundalini. I’ve awakened mine on 4 different occasions already and had endogenous DMT experiences while it’s awakened. Anyone had any light activations/downloads? I had two within the past two weeks and it freaked me out since it was a first for me.


absolutely, every man and every woman is a star, and there are many species of star


I was just researching sexual transmutation earlier today! What are the best resources on this?


Thelemite here too! Im initiated in the Ordo Templi Orientis, and in a Kaula Tantra Order.


What is Tantra?


Tantra is one of the oldest eastern esoteric traditions. Its believed to have its origins in the Himalayan reguion (Nepal, India).
Its a philosophy, a magickal system and to some a religion.
It shares its root with Yoguic traditions, and its used in Hinduism and some forms of Budhism.
Tantra is to diverse to be explain simply, the kind I practice worship the goddes Shakti, and its purpose its to awaken Shakti (Kundalini) and rise it to meet Shiva (at the Sahasrara).
Not to be confused with western Neo-Tantra or sacred sex, new age methodologies.

Of course Im doing a huge over simplification, for in depth exploration I recommend reading “The Serpent Power” by Arthur Avalon.


I have been trying out some oils from Sphere and Sundry.

I feel like I get beneficial effects from the Mars Oil. I know it may sound a bit woo, but I have been using two of their Mars oils as I have Scorpio Rising in my astrology chart and it is often suggested that you will get the greatest benefit from an oil that corresponds to the rulership of your ascendant, which for me, is Mars.


Occultist here. :raising_hand_man:


Reading this:

Angels and Archangels: A Magician’s Guide https://www.amazon.com/dp/1683643267/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_HgIgFbSPD782Q


from my journal:

He has a Youtube channel now too. His tone there is consistent. He’s had some serious experiences and he has something to say.


I am listening to the Audible version of the book.

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