Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

That is an interesting question.

Truth is, I haven’t made enough customs to really have favorites, but …

When I was building my first custom, the enhancer I most wanted to include was Yggdrasil.


What are you considering building?

The purpose of my Naissance custom is to fortify, anchor, and integrate my inner core and to make it accessible by and harnessable for all of my external projects and targets.

What, specifically, do you really want in your life?

This is a result

On June 4, 2020, in the midst of the pandemic and motivated by health worries (fatigue, mysterious abdominal pains, etc.), I decided to go out once or twice a week for a walk of 10,000 steps. I choose a particular hill-walk and made my way along it. I was tired. But I managed it every few days.

On June 20-something, (24th?), my IMBUE Terminus custom arrived. Two of the modules in it: Emperor Fitness Stage 4 and Extreme Exercise Motivation. I decided that I would only ever play it while I was walking, so that the subliminal would be a reward for walking, and the walking would be a kind of reward for the subliminal.

In the months after, I found myself walking more and more days off the week and also, frankly, walking faster and faster. Not speed-walking or anything, but the progress felt clear and good.

By October, I’d only missed three days in the whole month.

And after November:

I didn’t miss one since.

Today was Day 216 in the unbroken streak…

It was quiet and non-dramatic (walking), but I think it was a major result and I’m grateful for it.


Awesome to hear, @Malkuth! Love the 10k walking progress. Excellent idea to integrate listening to subs when doing that too :+1:

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Have been thinking about fear and courage. What they are. The roles they’ve played in my life.

Then, interestingly, @NewLease posted this:

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Lets hope I was also correct lol

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Haha. Indeed.

I’m definitely in a periodic Doubt Phase right now. As I’ve mentioned they’re a feature.

So I am taking my own thoughts with a grain of salt.

A great Buddhist master was once asked by an eager student what special powers he had attained up on achieving enlightenment.

His reply: “The power to not believe in my own thoughts.“

For now I’ll take my cue from that guy.


To me, doubt is, primarily, the cognitive manifestation of a low energy state;

Optimism and the perception of possibility are, in turn, the cognitive/attitudinal correlates of states of high energy.

At this moment, I have poured and invested a considerable amount of my available energy into the thought forms of my desired realities and dreams, represented by subliminals, intentions, magical workings, and prayers.

Now, rather than pushing forward in desperation, it is time to trust the process, and also to allow the energy of my system to gradually gather and reaccumulate.

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Meditation is developing your ability to accommodate more reality.

expanding, extending, consolidating the capacity of attention and awareness

Monday was my first subliminal day for the week. And now Thursday is my second.

This will be the cycle.

Meditated a little while ago with NAISSANCE Terminus.

Now, I’m on my first loop of Naissance Standard Qv2.

Getting a bunch of messages.


  • Eschew goals in meditation practice, instead just appreciate the experience of Consciousness. Like standing next to the Grand Canyon.

  • When you experience doubt or low energy, be grateful. Your being is drawing energy away from the edges and back to the center in preparation for a new surge of growth.

  • Trust the process. Lust for Results can also express itself in the form of an obsession with (the thought of) action-taking.

  • Respect and love the mind. It is arranging things to develop beautifully.

There is a lot to be learned from trees.

You can see the cycle of Energy movement, of 氣.

Wherever energy is actively moving, you will see life. This is not because energy brings life, it’s because Energy is life.

If you live in a place with the ‘four’ seasons, watch the energy cycle of trees.

In the Summer, the trees energy is radiant and extended. You can see life extending from all of the branches.

In the Autumn, the energy begins to withdraw. If you are only watching the surface, it would seem to be dying. The growth on the branches dries up, loses its color, hardens, curls up, and falls to the ground. In fact, the energy of the tree is being reclaimed to the center, to the core.

In the cold of Winter, there is no life visible on the surface of the tree. Yet, if we visit the core, we will find potent energy flows, gestating within. The tree is wise and balanced with its energy. Winter is not the time for extension and radiation. It is the time for calm outward acquiescence and vigorous inward cultivation. The sun is farther away, and so its own energy reserves must be nursed and properly guided to support the inner foundations.

As the sun grows closer again with the coming of Spring, the tree begins to reach outward and allow the energy to extend again. Wherever that energy moves, we will see the evidence of life emerging. Leaves, new branches, flower buds.

And the cycle of radiating life-energy outward and drawing it inward to nourish the roots continues.

What better teacher could we ask for?

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experiential learning

phenomenological enquiry

phenomenological framing and process

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The apprehension of accurate knowledge is not a prerequisite for achieving wellbeing in life. If anything it’s at most a valid context for building wellbeing.

Most people in the history of people have probably been inaccurate about most of the things that we’ve taken to be the case. And yet, despite this likely fact, there appear to have been, throughout this whole human condition, people who were experiencing greater or lesser levels of wellbeing.

If gaining accurate conceptual knowledge (i.e., answering, objectively, the important questions) is not the prerequisite for contentment in life, then what is?

I would say it’s this:

Getting the ratios right (either on purpose or by accident) of comfort to discomfort. The naïve assume that more comfort equals more contentment. But we are creatures of habituation. If a particular, status, condition, or phenomenon lasts for long enough, we simply cease to register it. It gets filed into the mind’s ‘Not Special’ box and we begin to ignore it or, even, to be annoyed and irritated by it.

On the other hand, if the exact same condition or phenomenon changes periodically, goes away periodically, or transforms, we respond to it as somehow more ‘real’.

When the ratios happen to be in the sweet spot, whether by luck or by wise and deliberate intention, life looks and feels fresh and satisfying.

Too much discomfort and we become fearful and oppressed. Too much comfort and we become bored, arrogant, and depressed.


The Yi Jing is my OG.

Most of the time, when I consult the 周易, I receive a highly relevant response. Sometimes it’s almost humorously relevant. Every so often, there’ll be something that utterly (EDIT:) mystifies me.

Anyway, Heartsong is a program that is highly in line with my lifestyle and my nature, but I’m busy now and my priorities are solid. So, it’ll be in the queue for now.

I believe that one of the first and only programs I requested here on the forum may have basically been this.

After I read the description, I consulted the Yi Jing about buying it and starting to work with it. I tend to type or write my Yi Jing responses in a journal. Here’s the response:


The response that I got when I asked about waiting is . It is literally translated as WAITING.

haha. Amazing Yi Jing.

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@Malkuth how are your results with using multiple customs? I like my current custom but miss the fitness ones I was listening to. I’ve been toying with the idea of putting a 10 module fitness custom together, but don’t want to diminish the results from my Stark custom.

After the subliminal break you just had did you notice a boost in results?

Do you think adding in a fitness custom would lessen the results from my wealth custom?

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My fitness title is on hold now too.

I’ve still got Paragon Complete though. In the future I’ll integrate Paragon into a custom that has Fitness components.

It’s very early days for me, I think. I’m into my 2nd month of 2 Customs +2 Boosters.

Most of my action is around Naissance, my Inner Resources Custom. I can feel that and I’d say that half of the posts I’ve typed above are the result of Naissance.

My Wealth custom, I’m being patient with. I’ve got picky personal standards about money making, so it takes a bit more work to get it sorted out.

More titles equals slower results. You’ll still get results though. I’d say that if Fitness and wealth both feel like very integral parts of your lifestyle then it may be worth it to run them concurrently. In that case, you might not even notice or mind slightly slower results, because you’ll just be focused on living and enjoying your life. When you really like what’s coming to you, 2-3 additional months won’t seem like much.

But if you’re really focused on wealth and want to utterly maximize this period of time (maybe it’s an opportune time for action-taking) then run the Stark custom alone until your busy season passes. You can always use the Beast Ultima for a quick workout booster.

Forgive any typos, I’m just dashing this off.