Notorious Spartan Supersoldier

@Meng123 any proper sources on dominion results?

Dont think ive seen much for dominion actually.The result enhancer modules dont get reviewed that much.Dominion is a status and authority booster also,most people usually run it along with a status sub so would be hard to isolate it.

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Ive gone to the gym and done my chest side and front delt and tricep workout,

I AM CLEARLY seeing the difference in female attention towards me on wanted, make no mistake khan made people feel i was a juggernaut, but wanted made the front desk girl walked up to the cardio area with nobody there but me and like 20 machines and just strolled around in front of me, i could tell what she wanted and when she came infront of my machine in her “casual” stroll she shot her eyes at me, she was smitten

ive been in this gym over 3 years and this has NEVER HAPPENED, they dont even walk into the gym much, its rare sightings.

i noticed the attention from the moment i arrived outside my gym 4 minutes after leaving my home.

generally i feel a lot more happy with who i am as a person and less in a need to keep others in line, my internal value SHOULD make those with eyes that see, do their best to impress me, and i will do all this silently from now on

the work on my project has grown greatly, i wont talk of it much here apart from the things im doing but we are done with the pages and their contents and are now working on the intricacies.

the physical shifting in wanted is vital and superior when it comes to aesthetics than just hero modules as im seeing some clear improvements in my face and my posture and my body, my mewing has strengthened and i heard my jaw click all night which usually happens when i listen to a facial symmetry morphic field in the past, and the mewing strength is anchor for better facial morphing.

today is my off day of the custom so ill do beast within ultima


dominion is working wonders as i feel this has mostly to do with my natural progression as a human.
it became aligned almost instantly, i can already see myself being the leader of a huge and prosperous empire that is growing, and i dont feel the same type of imposter syndrome and fear i have felt over the last 6 months since taking my life more seriously, I have the cardio to do it.

I am extremely excited to start my khan stage 1 healing next week, and to really just sit down and throw away the shattered glass inside of me thats just there for no reason, renovate the insides with confidence and get rid of what i truly dont want

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i cant help but remember khan stage 1 in the beginning

the fact it was so brutal and every night i felt sheer sadness and hopelessness and helplessness

yet it was the most nostalgic and happy point of my journey, i think it was because it made things so much eeasier for me

i sat on it for a month and spent about a year 4 months on other khan stages, mostly 4

that is NOTHING to be proud of, lets clean this shit up boys i dont belong on the bottom

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okay so switching to wanted has been a superb idea for me.

through my journey with Khan i started to understand the complexity of life and subliminals as tools, I understand that everything is interconnected, you can use Dragon reborn to heal quickly or you can Khan for a year and the inevitable success with life in regards to men’s needs will heal, in another way, and the healing with alpha vibes will also cause some strong results in the social department, and the spiritual will rise due to the success of everything together.

its for this reason i love wanted, it’s delving deep into everything i built with Khan right where I left off with Khan

i understand that the sky is the limit right now and i felt a sudden and abrupt shift in my trajectory on wanted. I gained enough spiritual senses to have a compass of exactly where my ship is headed, while my binoculars dont show the islands that are days away, I am now fully aware of atleast the direction i am headed north south east west.

everything i built on khan is being bred from a different, and much needed, angle now. A new perspective, a deep dive into my emotions and what i want to do to make myself live a truly epic life. I understand that my loner days really did give me a strong sense of self, and with that I wouldnt mind leaving behind an epic story that any man wouldve loved to live in his wildest imagination, complete with blood sweat tears empire throne love sex and eventual death

my body has been lethargic and tired but im going to do my leg day today through hell or high water, the show must go on.

my interaction in love also shifted quickly, I opt to be a bit more present and enjoy the moment, the dominance i got on khan will never go away, i have always dreamt of being ultra dominant in my sexual escapades and the khan journey gave me some good solid training in that department

ive really been able to enjoy my 1v1 interactions a lot more these days after only 2 loops of wanted, I truly am swapping into another belief of “mildy conquer 100 women?” or “totally conquer 10 women”

i appreciate the deeper women in my life, the ones i am sure have a world of beauty in their mind and the khan journey did teach me that not all men AND women are born the same, some are truly as simple as you think they are and by a long shot extremely desired and hot women are usually not a good pick for me as we dont mesh, they usually have enough pretty privilege to lack the certain “depth” i require for a partner, theyre too far in the clouds and theyre boring for me. As wanted took over, i realized i have what it takes to find out if the women in my circle and the women i will meet later will have this depth, as i feel wanted will make me superb at expressing my true divine masculinity in a ground shattering way, whilst also seeing if the women i interact with can keep up with it.


finally, extremely horny in the dirtiest types of ways. sex and everything sexual went from a 2d animation to a 5 dimensional universe, theres so much more i can do that just “fuck her brains out” which beautifully lines up with the depth i require for sex, the mind can make sex so fun and i intend to use it

im being careful with my sex drive as i do not want to end up cooming all day, Im using my logic but also im pushing towards the edge sometimes, Im now open to being seduced more because i like the challenge and ive worked hard enough on my semen retention journey.


finally i have a good connection to my journal, not so overwhelming to type

yesterday I came to the realization that I had been under such a shadow of recon during my 5 months that i gained a lot of insight, for the last 2 days i have been utterly incapable of going to the gym despite feeling shit about it, yesterday I felt tired but also i felt like my excuses had run out, i didnt feel foggy and absolutely tired and weak.
i didnt want motivation tbh i wanted it to be hard, since i want to forge a stronger mind towards working out, i figure that if i want that mature iron clad statue strongdad muscle in 5 years, im going to need to make a habit of my gym sessions and their intensity and i knew this for months, been working on it due to spartan

i went to my leg day and oddly, I felt very good, I changed my breathing pattern and way of breathing, opting to keep a strong mew and breath in and out from my nose, breathing out when performing the exercise and in during the lowering down of the weight.

i found that my tank was a LOT stronger, its funny how i was able to also reach higher intensity with lesser effort, i had an AMAZING leg workout once again, about 20 sets or more total across glutes hamstrings quads and over 25 sets if we count the calves.

all of them were slow, logical, and devoid of emotion. I understand that focus is the main priority of lifting if i want to keep up this intense level of lifting, i dont use pre workout or anything of the sort, and about 3 weeks ago i quit taking my headphone for music with me to the gym, i just want to do my gym session like it’s my job, i dont require to feel any sort of “motivation”

today i got the thirstiest look ive ever gotten from a girl, so the wanted aura is clearly on full throttle as im getting the looks and attention and that forced closeness from girls but this one look from a girl walking with a guy into the gym as i walked out, his head turned fully to her talking enthusiastically but her face looked like she had looked at a god, this subtle smile and everything, it was beautiful

while i do feel whelmed from the wanted aura, its not overwhelming, VERY MUCH better than my first custom with earthshaker sexuality instant spark seducer’s gaze etc

its way better and sustainable and i think ill enjoy it, it really feels good knowing as an introvert that i can walk outside my house and enjoy adoring stares, makes me feel good

yes im enjoying this new perspective but my recon in terms of how angry i get is insane, ive wisened up to how recon works and i try my best to catch it these days as opposed to just accepting it before. I understand that if i am to be reconned every time i awaken it would just make things harder

pendulum between extreme anger and extreme horny, either way I want to edge and play with my little friend a lot less when reconned, whilst also stopping the angry thoughts

and im succeeding in it tiny baby step at a time

thanks for reading, also ive run beast within ultima consistently every single off day, including yesterday and it knocked me out in bed very quickly


another thing, there’s been quite a bit of necessary healing being done with wanted, i am nostalgic in a very morose and dreadful way, feeling mainly the lonliness i felt during the most trying and hard times of my early development, i used to before think of the “conquering” i did during these times, by nature…they are burnt deep into my memory as times that shaped my character, however…i am now seeing them from the lonelier side and i think i like it

i want to truly drill into my essence that being alone is okay, i love it, i have never felt so free.

the last thing i have to conquer is the anxiety that sometimes hits with it and i think the best way to do this is to work on the strength of my mind which ive been working on since spartan, it exists and it always will, i have to stand against it every time


feeling amazing, i love this stack and even tho i woke up with strong recon i am now euphoric.

i was thinking about the “contentment” and not to sleep too deep into it’s lovin grasp as to not get weak but i think quitting smoking is the next action ill take to make me fire under my ass

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speaking of the devil, i do feel very much less inclined to smoke weed, while i do hit the cigs more i know thts just step 1, as weed takes cigs further in that euphoric sedated feeling, but i am starting to dislike that feeling as i understand always it makes me loose and weak, its just being realized more by me. I plan to do something soon about it, i want to continue to be affected by the stronger module and questioning and inner planning towards doing it, i have a feeling itll manifest within 2 weeks max, every time i smoke i have a certain sort of regret and yesterday i outright turned off my joint while WANTING to finish it, because i am tired of being sedated

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okay another day another journal entry

I listened to my custom yesterday as per my stack

so it’s really looking like i have aligning to do with wanted, it has insane potential as it’s something i hold dear, being in touch with my inner depth, Ive come a very long way cuz of Khan that helped me now with wanted. I cant imagine being happy with my depth and past, before my self improvement journey i was very ashamed of my depth, thinking that the only way someone can become so jaded and contemplative about everything in the world would be to have been sad and alone for long extended periods of time, years. I held like a badge of shame that is now becoming my biggest badge of honor.

Your strengths are often your biggest weaknesses, but your weaknesses can BECOME your strengths

i am also having a way better time on this custom than i did on my last 2 heavy customs, i am able to tackle issues as they rise as the alignment process isnt overwhelming, im realizing how little i care about things that normal people will flame you for not caring about

“i dont care about the state and politics of the world” is something that would make everyone call you ignorant without much thought or forethought, its wired into us.

but realistically, the universe is chaos and so is our situation, it takes intense maze running and complex problem solving to unravel what we truly want in life, rather than the narrative of “being born into something” and im aware that my new exploration of my past and depth is going to give me a much needed toolkit in solving the problems i need to solve in order to obtain the life i want.

things i must look out for now that i have a bit more freedom on this custom is recon, ignoring it. Being truly independent and not expecting anything from those around me and the world apart from favors they give me due to their own heart, and finally LOTS OF MENTAL WORK, my visualization progress on mind’s eye is reaching a boiling point, i need to contain my mind and make it a clean canvas whilst learning to correct my thoughts, more on this lator

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with the point to the chaos of the world, I understand now that risk taking is virtually impossible to ever avoid. If you try too hard to avoid risks then you’ve taken the risk of stunting your own growth.

there is no way around it, the universe has it’s rules and its less of avoiding the breaking of the rules and more into finding loopholes or mathmatical equations that somehow modifies the rules, but even in loopholes and other methods, risk must be taken and blood must be payed one way or another, thankfully we pump blood every single second throughout our body

life and training to me is something im seeing more and more as a slow chess game without time restrictions, sometimes its good to sit and think about the next move, its always smart to take the maximum amount of time given to you, and thinking too long cuz ruin your focus and flow.

mind is everything and i have to refine it rather than just constantly wondering why i dont win championships

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Loving your journal bro @Yazooneh glad to see you’re keeping up with it.

Would love to check out the blog once it’s up an running


thank you brother, im glad youre following me and im glad i feel comfortable writing for myself.

Evening of 10/19

same day as above posts and not a new day, I forced myself to go to the gym and do my back workout, this is my longest workout of the week which is back bicep traps and rear delts

i dont know why working out hard makes me so emotional right after, ive been listening to stoic quotes and seeing the error in my ways, i have to be a lot wittier and i have to outsmart the devil if i want to get out with the things that i want, the things THAT MATTER.

I honestly want to be happy with nothing, its such a heavy weight constantly thinking that attaining something is going to be eternal happiness. I don’t want to imagine a life in which I forget my first duty as a man which is to give back to this world through blood sweat and tears, i feel like I’ve let myself down and i feel like ive let the ones i love down around me too.

I have power, i am responsible for the fate of those around me, i need to use my power better than I am using it… To play the game smart, not to try to just bathe in glory but to come out untouched.

Even as an ultimate conquerer like Khan, there was still a type of man that dreaded me and i knew my inner battle with him would be very difficult, it was the intelligent man that used his wit

My chess game is against the devil, its inside…I have to turn inside of me and start applying myself towards my sexuality, which is insanely out of control, its such a strong beast that I know I have to tame it… A very useful sword I no longer want used against me.


okay so its starting to work and align, action is becoming easier and im able to see which actions are right for what i want.

not much else to say, working hard on my 2 passions lately and ill come here when i want to spill some heart or have something to say

I have to log this but I’m feeling the weirdest and most random sensations all over my body and face which I felt a few days ago before my jaw suddenly gained

Fascinating journal for me. It seems we’re on the same path for the past years :smiley:
I am a long(read years) KHAN user, and I switched to Wanted because - like you - I wanted action. I love Khan, but Wanted gives me the same peace of mind, while still feeling grateful to be alive.

I’m currently running Wanted-Sage-Spartan, but considering to drop Sage since I don’t really feel more from it and add EF. Did you run the previous EF stages, or did you just add ST4 to your custom.

Good luck with your journey man!

Mate my two programs when I first found subclub one year and a half ago were khan ef that I ran as a stack close to a year all stages one by one so I did go through the stages

I have been following your journal. Thank you for posting.