Notes ZP Stark + Khan St1 + Wanted & Libertine

Hey guys this is an experiment.
I finished my Stark + Wanted + Libertine Cycle and now I will run:

Stark + Khan + Wanted

Plus I will run Libertine as a refresher once a week along with wanted.

Today was my first run of Stark + Khan St1 (in that order since -i read Invictus saying that Stark + emperor gave emperor a much more relaxed social vibe so I expect to work the same with Khan)

So here are my first day experiences

  • Woke up early, since running emperor 2 cycles ago and reinforced with stark I get up at the time I propse. I do set an alarm clock, but I am usually awake a few minutes before it goes off.

  • I am usually a friendly guy, always talking to people and joking around. Usually light and fun, today I felt “heavy” like my jokes were blunt, not that funny and people laughed just because. Like if I was a jerk boss making not so funny jokes that people just laugh because he is the boss.

  • I had a meeting, and one of the guys didn’t agree with me and I gave my point of view he gave his, and we just finished the meeting. But here is the interesting part, he called me later in the afternoon, and said “I’m calling you to ask you about a file, but first I want you to know, my comments were trying to construct, I apologize if I made you angry, it was not my intent.”
    I was really suprised I did not get angry, a little exasperated maybe but not angry.
    I told him I don’t know why he got that impression and that I was not angry at all. I don’t think he believed me but said “ok, so we are cool right?” then went to ask me some work related questions and that was it.

-Felt kind of tired through the day.

  • Not much else to notice.

tomorrow is off day and then comes Wanted + Libertine. I was actually thinking about changing Libertine for Love Bomb, but I think will stick to Libertine.

Wish me luck


Reminds me of something weird. This guy was acting all deferential when pointing I’d been driving the wrong way in a school parking lot. Totally weird experience for me

Yeah it was weird, I guess I’ll see if this is something that repeats itself. I will keep reporting

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Ok before I forget, weird nightmares.
Dream 1: Me with some friends in some kind of park, there was a carpet upside down on the grass a huge carpet. When I removed it to turn it over all kind of bugs came out. Spiders, scorpions, worms etc.
One specially called my attention it was the only red spider/scorpion hybrid. It ran and stung a baby cat which died. (I love animals and have cats so this was very sad to me).
I have found 2 or 3 spiders in my home lately so it could have been related, but the symbolism at least to me is clear. There are a lot of ugly things under the carpet. Funny this happens with Khan St 1 which is a healing sub.

Dream 2: for some reason my dad joined the company where I work, and I was ashamed of him. It was not a scary dream but it was not a nice dream either. People made fun of him because he had no idea what he was doing, and I felt ashamed.

Dream 3 I was dating this girl and she was somewhere else, I started watching a porn movie, when she came over, and I quickly tried to hide it. But instead of hiding it I paused it in full screen in a scene which was not clear it was porn. She asked “what movie is that” I said “oh just a movie”, “maybe we can watch it later”. But it was not a sexy let’s watch porn, it was like she was angry at me, she knew it was porn and I was trying to hide it. When she was leaving angry I tried to stop her, and woke up.

Dream 2 and 3 might not have much in common but the feeling was shame.

So cleaning up and ugly things coming out and shame were the topics of my dreams.
Worth to mention I haven’t been remembering my dreams lately.

Then later today I felt kind of stressed all day long. nothing much to report.

BTW I’m using @Luther24 method, or at least trying to.


Ok so, at the gym I am usually a friendly guy, I talk and joke around mostly with guys.
I consciously never look at women no matter how hot. (ok so I’m a guy, so sometimes I do glance but it is obvious I do not look at them)
For example, when walking I always look towards the weights or excercise I’m going to do. If there is a hot girl and I’m talking to someone I look at the person I’m talking too (this might sound obvious but it’s not look at guys at the gym talking and looking at a girl excercising)

Is it because I’m ashamed or something, no. If I’m not gonna approach her why look at her, must be very uncomfortable. Plus I’m never the creepy guy and when I talk to women, it I’m never “the guy who was staring is now trying to make conversation”.

Plus gym game is different (unless you are Brad Pitt or George Clooney then all game is the same :rofl:) when I say game it is not techniques, etc. It is being socially aware, it is not the same approaching a girl on the street, in a bar, than when she is squating.

Ok why do I tell you this, because for a couple of months there is this girl I have been trying to talk to, I casually make comments and/or jokes. For example she is short, so when trying a to change the bar, she jumped 3 or 4 times to reach it. So when we crossed paths I just said, you need to work on your jumping, and physically imitated, she smiled and said something like “I know”, we just left.

Interactions like that, 15 seconds no more, she never started them, and I never tried to make them longer, just left it at that.

So she hasn’t been going to the gym for 2 weeks, and today she showed up, when we saw each other she waved hello, and as soon as I started walking towards her she walked towards me. I said hello, teased her on how she must be doing one of those magazine routines of coming to the gym once every full moon. She laughed explained she has been going to another gym but she is coming back.
I asked her name, said mine and left.

Was it a seduction cool interaction, no. But it will def be the start of talking to each other. I’m not interested in her, but it never hurts to have more female acquaintances.


So I haven’t noticed much, I do feel stress by work. I have noticed I feel I look more attractive. I’m following my skincare routine started with my first cycle of wanted.

I hurt my arm in the gym, and it’s been painful,

I feel angry at myself for wasting time, and weekends.

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So I don’t know what it is but I have been getting hurt a lot. Smashed finger, hurt shoulder, hurt foot, pain in my thumb.

don’t know if it is sub related or not.

I’m feeling like I’m giving an “I don’t give a fuck vibe” but at the same time I do care what others are thinking.

So nothing much, got a haircut, can’t train because of hurt arm. Getting physical therapy for it.

I’ve been finding it easier to spend money (a lot)
I’ve been flirting a lot via whatsapp, nothing serious just fun

Had a girl text me, “I’m feeling sad, came to the party and saw you are not here” then i texted back flirty and funny

Another girl (boyfriend) we keep “flirting” and being funny. Flirting I don’t mean being sexual or anything just teasing, saying I don’t like her, she has a facebook profile of her and her boyfriend, and she sent me a sticker with an orangutan in it, and I said “wow, you do look preety in that picture, I think you should make it your fb profile pic, I’d like it much better”

She replied with something along the lines of “Can’t, everybody would fall in love with me”,
me: “I definetly don’t want that” “Still at the office, gotta go. Have a fun wknd”

So, yeah I’be been flirty, but I usually am. Maybe I’m feeling more overtly flirty maybe a bit shameless at times. One girl we were talking about elephants for some reason, I can’t recall. I’m not fat, I’m muscular but nor ripped, and I do have a bit of beer belly. So the said teasing “man you are fat, you are an elephant” while she moved her hand to rub my belly. I pulled back and said, “caereful, are you trying to pet the elphants trunk?” She looked at me and bursted out laughing.

So to temper my shamelessness, instead of running only Libertine as refresher. I will alternate Libertine and Love Bomb, so since las week was Libertine, today will be Love Bomb.

Let’s see how that works


Good luck with your recovery.

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Thanks bro

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Ok so I haven’t seen much, but today I went to one of my companies locations that I haven’t been in about 3 months, and I got noticed.

One woman, pulled me aside and told me, “dude, you look really handsome”. I was wearing a cap and face mask lol.

Other girl who is my friend, told me “man you have lost weight you look good, stay like that”

since I changed computers I had to call someone to setup the wifi password, it was a girl from IT I had never seen, when she left, I got texted by my friend, “ok, you can add another one to your fan club”

Then later on she showed me a message from a gay guy with an emoticon of a drooling smiley face, that wrote “take a picture of his package please” she bursted out laughing

so, this is working better with people who haven’t seen me in a while, it is not working that much with people I see every day,


So today was time to decide if I changed stack, but this seems to be working so, I am starting Khan St2 + Wanted (same day), the other day was going to be PS but seeing how today went I am not going to run it.

Thanks to @Invictus for the advice to swith up the order of listening to subs, now I will run Khan ST2 + Wanted on the same day.

So this is what happened today. Man was I sexual today, way too much. Inappropiately so :grinning: No complaints, in fact this one girl followed along with double entendre comments in front of ther people. when I left for home I was like: “whoa what’s wrong with me that was totally inappropiate to the situation”

This is why I will not run PS, I don’t want to push it too far and get into an uncomfortable situation
So I need to decide: keep stark, or even run emperor hoping to balance that sexuality and horniness.

Thaks guys, any recommendations will be welcomed. will keep LB & libertine as refreshers (listening once a week and alternating weeks among them, will start with LB since right now I felt too sexual)


What about Khan (Seduction) + Stark (Charisma / Social) + Libertine (Aura)

And Stark ZP and Khan ZP both have physical shifting if I’m not wrong

Yeah I think I’m gonna keep stark.

so today this horniness is making me feel needy, I want to keep girls interested, talk to them, message them etc.

I need to control it.

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Well today I ran Stark + Love Bomb and horniness was down, neediness was also down from Wanted+Khan st2 day

Was driving all day so didn’t have much contact with people.

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So I find horniness has gone down. Still not gona get PS into my stack gona keep stack as is for this loop, I’m playing with the refresher loop once a week see how that works out.


So I haven’t updated, I’m now in Khan ST3+Wanted+PS. I am still rotating Libertine/LB once a week.
This time I’m feeling really tired but I’m still going, job has been really stressful, but I’m managing.

I don’t notice much, I’m a bit more flirty, and I’m getting good reactions. I met a girl who is married and we flirt a lot via messages, not making plans or anything just flirting. Met a girl at the gym and we talk a lot.

TBH this is not strange for me I’m always flirting, but I have seen I am taking it up a notch, even implying I like them instead of playing it cool.
For example this girl texted me “I didn’t see you at the office, did you miss me?” Usually I would have played it cool and say something like “really? I didn’t notice ;), but I can see you missed me” or some “cool” line.

This time a said “too much” she just wrote back “yayyy, me too”

Or the other girl said she was leaving on a trip with her boyfriend, and I would usually play it like cool I don’t care. This time it went something like:

  • “I don’t like you anymore”
  • “why?”
  • Cause you are going on a trip and not taking me, but this time I’ll make an exception and let him borrow you for a few weeks , if you bring me something nice.
  • What do you want.
  • Surprise me…

I’m flirting way more direct, not really interested in any of them, but flirting is fun. I do think PS might get you into trouble, I’m sometimes way too forward.

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So Khan st 3 + wanted + PS + Libertine refresh is goign well. I decided to experiment with @Irw 3 minutes of ME after stack. Today I feel very tired.

I am thinking of rerunning st3 because of great resutls, but don’t know really want to jump to st4.

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So I’m in washout, honestly khan st3 + wanted + PS + libertine refresher has been weird.

I’m alienating some girls which previously flirted with me, but at the same time I’m more sexual with girls I’m more interested in. I’m even being “friendzoned” while still being pretty sexual.

Today was weird, extremely weird dreams, I had like 5 dreams. Woke up, closed my eyes had another dream.

I’ll be keeping PS + wanted + 3mins of ME + Libertine once a week with Khan stage 4, see how that one goes.