Nomad: Master of Inexhaustible Synergy

Where do I start? Well to be honest this isn’t even a journal more so a way for people and @SaintSovereign and @Fire to delve into the mysterious realm of results from my life.

Why journal about it, when I can show you what my life has been these past few months? In summary, it’s been travel, career success, romance and much more:


Am I living the life I’ve always dream of? Yesir but that’s not all in a snapshot of what my life has been:

  • Stark Black has allowed me to fully succeed in my dream job
  • I’ve been able to built multiple 7 figure connections with Stark Black
  • My persuasion skills are next level.
  • I’ve been constantly traveling over the world. In the last 6 months, I’ve traveled to 6 different countries.
  • The first time I arrived at a new country when starting Stark Black. I went from meeting a girl who was a stranger to me to then let’s just say romantic things happening in the club.
  • A two days after I used Primal Nights, I had the most romance results I’ve ever had my whole entire life. I met up with a girl who looked exactly like my school crush and let’s just say it was a fruitful night at the club
  • I’ve been surrounded with groups of girls almost every day that I go out. A results I solely contribute to Stark Black + Primal Nights and a combination of amazing connections who have introduced me to them. Don’t believe me? Ask @Demian @Extraordinaire @Jouissance and @Wealth they’ve seen my life go from zero to hero from day one.
  • I got lean. Seriously a combination of LoTs + SPS: Fat Burn is the magic weight loss pill that everyone has dreamt of. I’m still shocked when I look myself in the mirror shirtless.
  • Attention, attention, fame and attention - Stark Black change my view on what fame is. One night I’m work all day then I go out and I’m surrounded by close successful friends who excel in life. Combine that with the huge group of girls we’re with and it’s the closest thing to a real life Tony Stark lifestyle.

What’s my secret? Some may say luck, other may say experience but honestly travel. Every single time I’ve traveled in my life it was provided me with success that I’ve always dreamt of. Dubai helped me get my dream career, South America has helped me finally unlock my full potential with romance results and has allowed me to experience true happiness.

I know I say this all the time @SaintSovereign and @Fire but seriously thank you so much for changing my life. Going from a depress bullied high school kid to someone that I’m Tully proud to be. This wouldn’t be possible without the truly life changing innovation products you guys made.

Oh yeah, how can I forget. You may be wondering, well Vesper what are you running to make this happen. Voila:

Stark Black Revolution

Stark Black Core

Index Gate: Ultimate Programmer Core

Legacy of Spartan Core

Transcendental Connection

Power Talk

IQ Booster

Lifeblood Fable

Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy

Financial Success Reality Shifter

Direct Influencing Aura

Value Proposition

Reading Mastery

Job Seeker

King Radiance

Sacred Words

Machine: Action

Dopaminergic Revival

Epigenetics & DNA Modulator


Destiny Directive

Manifesto QTKS

Minds Eye Core


Fortune’s Favourite

Void of Creation





The Merger of Worlds

Submodel Alpha

The Architect

Current Invoker

Carpe Diem Ascended



Information Releaser


Subconscious Flow


Energetic Development XI

Genesis Game

Genesis Mogul

Primal Nights

Instant Spark

Gorgeous Manifestor

Long-Range Seduction

Seducer’s Gaze

Sexual Manifestation

Emperor’s Voice

Khronos Key

Natural Winner


Treasure Finder

Story Teller


SPS: Fat Burn

The Academic

Eyes of Zenith





Going from this Vesper to current Vesper. Really show the power of continuous action with subs.


Amazing results :raised_hands:t6:
So you drop wanted wanted black and original stark, all the romance results come from stark black and primal night? Do you need the Genesis custom with the stark black?

Where do you live or work now? I read you were from Canada.

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I dropped WB months ago and dropped OG Stark for SB. Genesis custom is recent so most of the results come from SB custom, Mind’s Eye QTKS and Primal Nights.

Everywhere. Literally lol. I’ve been in a different country every month or two so far.


lol dream life
What is your job? You work in tech ai sales from what I read?
Happy for you

Maybe because it make you feel like you are in holiday most of the time and you feel freer.

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Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing this with the forum and congrats with your results brother.


Those results are crazy good, Vesper.

Am still wondering how your customs which are a bit unfocused are getting you results.

But then if you are focused on your actions, that would bring one great reward.

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Super proud of you bro :heart:

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It’s not the customs. It’s not the titles. @Plutus said it himself, it’s continuous action.

@Martin your message leads me to believe you think that all of a sudden, now that he switched OG Stark for Stark Black, the results magically just flooded in, as if he didn’t work his ass off on Stark for literally YEARS, to literally become the embodiment of the entire sub, before “dropping it” (moving on when he had learned all Stark had to teach) to Stark Black.

@Lion you make it sound like those customs are a random mishmash of modules when in reality, I’m sure literally every single one of them has been battle tested in other customs first of all. But more importantly, they all have a common theme - @Plutus DEEPLY cares about getting the results promised from each module in his life, and he’s fighting like hell to get those results, with and without subs. To him, they’re not “unfocused.” He just has an uncanny ability to take action on multiple areas of life with more discipline and grit than most people can even apply to one area, so it’s okay that he has a custom focused on wealth, and women, and fitness, and manifesting, because he takes HUGE action on wealth/health/relationships so that he can manifest his dream life. Knowing what I know about him, it doesn’t even seem like an unfocused set of customs, it seems tailor made to Vesper’s existing and ideal personality

Hope all that makes sense and that V agrees.

This is beautiful to see brother congratulations!

And the whole forum is going to be reflecting on this post for a while, lol, some will compare themselves, some will judge, some will be angry, some will be proud, some will be envious, some will introspect, but you’ll be on everyone’s mind and I know you’ll love that :joy:


masha allah bro im happy for you


Not at all what I meant.
I think you’re projecting.

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That’s a secret.

Thank you Lion.

If only you know how many mistakes and actions I had to make to get to the custom I’ve built now. Trust me every single module there is focused has been tested to create the perfect custom. Actually SB custom that I made is the best custom I’ve ever created that is congruent with the truest me.

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I’ve ran Stark for years now to the point I know exactly how it work for me and how to make the most of it which is what I’ve done.,

Fun fact SB custom was years and thousands of dollars spent in making different custom to make the perfect SB custom. I’ve been running the exact modules from this one for months now. Only thing changed is I switched Stark for SB when the core came out.

Also my manifesting power is so strong that quite literally I was thinking the thought of meeting a new girl last morning by the time the night happened a new one appeared and we met up and then rest is a secret for now haha @Demian knows what I’m talking about.

Gracias senior. I guess that’s part of the SB effect.


This. I will accept no acknowledgment for what @Plutus or any of you have done through your own hard work. We sold you a hammer, and you built a mansion with it.

One day, we’re going to open source Zero Point a bit, and you will see for yourself at its simplicity, yet complexity and understand why we are adamant about pointing out this distinction.


For the record, I don’t see his customs as unfocused. I can see what he trying to achieve with them. The areas that don’t make sense to me are the result of me not knowing his unique circumstances.

EDIT: There were lots of autocorrects that messed up this post, rofl


Luxury hammer; auto guiding, self charging, made of pure diamonds, has a 3D printing section attached to the hammer, hammer comes with 24/7 support and guidance on how to use the hammer plus a community of other hammer users who have successfully built their dream lives with it.

It’s a dang good hammer, lol. But it still takes a craftsman to weild, even if you he work is made way easier with it


Even so, that hammer was created from the feedback of those who endured lots of hard work, recon and the such. It began as a very crude hammer, but through refinement of fire, was made strong.

You all were the forge. Hence why, despite my ego wanting to grow big, I have a moral obligation to acknowledge the contributions of everyone.


Awesome results.

To me, the most amazing thing is that @Plutus has just only started his journey. It will be awesome to see where he will be in a decade or two, when he is at his prime.


@Plutus is all prime, all the time

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