Niles; Coldly Conscious

Custom looks gas though, I could see ASBR and TS being elite.

Have you used Power Talk as a module? @Azriel has spoken pretty highly of it.

I have used Power Talk as well and itā€™s amazing.

Reason for not including it in this is Iā€™m focused on the Chase Hughes NLP/Body Language/Hypnosis side of things this year, thatā€™s why Eagle Eye/Entranced/Etcetcetc are in there - not my usual choices but itā€™s very specific to learning and applying that

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TBH yeah I think you could drop QL for LE and get EXACTLY the results youā€™re looking for. QL didnā€™t really improve my productivity. I donā€™t find it the best fit for sales in my limited experience - but thatā€™s comparing to LE.

LE is nice too because you can have your subliminal results at 100%, all the time, with way less recon, and reduce your overall density because the microloops hit faster, and you get less stack exposure overall.

That stack schedule that i mentioned in my journal is pretty deadly. microloops of Alpha Title + LE on sales days, full loops of titles on Mondays and Fridays

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Nice, will do! Since your going through that course, you should check out the book practical influence by teppo holmdvqist if you can find it. Basically the bible of sales hypnosis/influence. At the time I read it, it was pretty challenging to apply, but I feel like with the foundation and skills from that course it will be a really solid read. There might be a kindle version available on Amazon.

I like this, itā€™s similar to True Sell Black.

I donā€™t think you need the extra productivity modules with LE though. ,
Not even sure if you need them with RICH. I find RICH very motivating/productive under a clear pathway.

I never had those in my customs and definitely still amped results enormously. Might be worth tweaking and adding those. Getting rid of Fenrir and Last stand potentially. I think those help pull through overall and make the months work but canā€™t tell for sure.

I know you had an interesting experience with TS in the past, what are your thoughts on TS currently? I want to say your anti-TS lol but I know your not really. I see youā€™d go for the module too rather than the coreā€¦

I will add TS is a double edge sword. It helps SOO much with language and presentation, flow, knowing where to go, what to say, but it does nothing to little in my experience to mitigate ā€˜sales resistanceā€™ in fact thatā€™s the big missing of it, and I have to be conscious to slow down and relate more so as not to amplify this trigger.


From what I understand, Niles is in a setting role that requires him to make lots and lots of dials. Thatā€™s why I mentioned RICH and Pragya and Omni.

Pragya/Omni are specifically because, with all the LE customs Iā€™ve ever made, they hit deeper but less consistently than main store titles - part of that is because the results enhancers arenā€™t as developed in Cores. So, adding Pragya to make the sub hit faster (aka the same day or next day after you run it) solves that problem.

As for RICH opposed to true sell, I just think RICH will increase productivity and motivation more than True Sell - that seems to be what Niles is after with this kind of a custom. I can see microlooping RICH/LE to be an INSANE boost to the beginning of each work day. Extra hard working, extra lucky, and filled with the knowledge that you know youā€™ll get lucky so long as you work hard. True sell is excellent for sales and closing but thatā€™s what Niles is pretty good at already, and I think it should be paired next to an alpha title like Khan not a productivity title like LE.

Iā€™m definitely not anti-TS anymore. I basically copied True Sell Black and it was my main title until NR got released


Still getting very interesting dreams from Khan 1, last night involving some girls I went to HS with, as well as some from my past who I had negative experiences with that led me to have limited beliefs. I donā€™t remember the full details of the dream, but the main theme was just over-all being completely comfortable, and even chased by these girls that I used to be intimidated by, or even hurt by in the past.

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Been running wealth subs for consistently two year. Iā€™ve made some great progress, while it doesnā€™t seem major, Iā€™m probably making 5-6K/month more then I was when I started. Iā€™m now at a point where I donā€™t feel like wealth, is the main limiting factor in my life.

While I am still focused on raising my income, and Iā€™d like to be at the 20-30K/month range before Iā€™m truly comfortable and satisfied, I might take some time here and address that goal from a different angle. I really want to focus on the building the skills/traits/qualities that attract wealth, rather then addressing it head on. Thatā€™s part of the reason that I switched to Khan as my main core, as I felt to get to where I want to go, I need to focus on things like how I carry/present myself, status, power, ambition.

Iā€™ll be switching to LE as the main driver of wealth specifically the new cycle, and see how I do without any direct wealth/manifestation scripting. My position and income basically fully depend on how productive I am. Basically if I am hitting my leading indicators, I am hitting my income goal.

With that being said these are going to be the two drivers of my stack and want the bulk of my listening time to revolve around these, as two title stacks always give me more apparent and consistent results.


K1 has been interesting so far. Have noticed a lot of subtle shiftā€™s in the way I conduct myself, much more opinionated , even polarizing in my interactions. This has led me to getting into a lot more arguments, but I also feel I am getting more respect for holding to my beliefs and carrying a stronger frame. Really noticed this frame difference on a sales call yesterday when I had a couple prospects try and challenge me, instead of backing down I really dished it back, took control of the frame, and by the end of the call they were acting like we were best friends, spilling out their life story, etc. Itā€™s a really interesting effect, itā€™s like Iā€™m getting shit test more socially, but when you pass the test people give you complete authority to lead.

Also This morning I felt a pretty strong surge of sexual energy as well. Itā€™s been pretty non-existent throughout stage 1, but really felt it coursing through my body, similar to KB1 today; in a much better mood, energy feels higher, etc. The sexual energy though feels completely different then the old versions of Khan, which I would describe as just horniess, this felt much more like whatā€™s experienced on KB.



Subbing our QL for LE was just what I needed. Still not where I want to be in terms of my productivity, but overall much more on task today, still leading all setters, and Iā€™m out of the recon fog and clear headed for my goals which is really all I need to set appointments.

The reason I say Iā€™m not where Iā€™d like to be productivity wise is that I still feel a bit low energy/sluggish for the last couple weeks, which could be some recon catching up as I didnā€™t do much of a washout last cycle. Iā€™ve also been more social, going out a little bit more as well. I havenā€™t gotten carried away, but Iā€™ve been making more of an effort to go out and grab a beer with my girlfriend which has been good for the relationship, but even moderate drinking tends to effect my energy levels, sleep, and just leads me to not be perfect with my other habits like diet which can effect my mental clarity and energy as well. Going to do a little dopamine detox this month, just cutting out TV/social media/Youtube mainly, always seems to reset my productivity pretty quick.

Last few days of my first cycle of Khan TB as well. The recon was not nearly as bad as I was expecting, I definitely had some challenging moments, and there was a few unnessicary arguments in my relationship, but overall the dynamic feels a lot healthier. While I didnā€™t notice much going on throughout the cycle, I think there was some pretty big internal shifts happening. I just feel f****** confident man. Confidence has never been an issue for me, Iā€™ve always been real social, likeable, etc, but this past year as I really dove into focus on work, and cut out a lot of social activities, I felt like my self esteem was just way down, like I lost a little bit of the swagger in my step. Nearing the end of this cycle, I just feel a lot more self assured, and itā€™s showing in my interactions as well. On sales calls, there is a new level of authority and prize frame, in my personal life, I feel like Iā€™m just getting more respect, and if Iā€™m not, I make sure they know how I demand to be treated lol.


Man I kind of miss Primal, but donā€™t believe it fits well in this current stack. I just feel like life has gotten so routine/boring these days. This is something Iā€™ve struggled with for a long time, as Iā€™m someone who needs routine and simplicity to thrive in career, as I have a tendency to get carried away partying, but after years of that high-octane life style, it can be challenging to be content living a normal/simplistic life.

Iā€™m in such a routine right now of waking up, walking my dog, working, gym, more work, and a hour or two of Netflix with my girlfriend after Dinnerā€¦ While I donā€™t hate my job by any means, I am entirely bored of it, and I just feel like my life is missing purpose/passion. I used to wonder how people function in the 9-5 life, and now I feel like Iā€™m stuck in the wheel of it. Itā€™s a really odd feeling, like Iā€™ve spent the last 4-5 years working towards getting exactly where I am right now, but now that Iā€™m here Iā€™m almost certain that this is not the life that I want, working at a computer all day, looking forward to Netflix and the weekends, my 20 year old self would be ashamed lol. I just feel like something is missing right now, like Iā€™m way off of my purpose. Some of this may be total breakdown, but Iā€™m just not super excited to get out of bed in the morning. Iā€™m not depressed by any means, more so just bored. May feel better about all of that when the end of the month comes and I have a fat check come in though lol.

I think when I start this next cycle Iā€™m going to be adding in my third spot something that adds a little flavor to my life, gives me energy, and overall just makes me feel more alive. I would go the Genesis route, but I donā€™t have many manifestation pathways open the way my lifestyle is set up. I think having some type of hobby on the weekdays would be beneficial, maybe getting back into Muay Thai and running Spartan or something. Especially working from home, I need something that gets me out of the house other then going to the gym on the weekdays.


Finally getting into that LE groove. Last day of my cycle, and ran a 3 minute loop to start the day. Morning started pretty unproductive and was struggling and procrastinating to getting around to my calls, and then really just sat down and decided to grind them out and the last 4 hours just flew by and ended up continuing a great start to the week. 13 appointments set to start the week and still winning the leaderboards.

Havenā€™t given LE too much time to flourish in my stack so excited to see how it plays out as a long term fixture and longer loops a couple times per week.

With work done for the day, itā€™s time to run my last loop of Khan 1 this cycle, doing my first full 15 minutes of TB, so will see how this goes. From there itā€™s a washout until Sunday, havenā€™t taken one in a couple months so actually excited for it, and then Iā€™ll need to decided if Iā€™ll be doing another cycle of TB, or moving to stage 2ā€¦


I think a lot of this is TB, but Iā€™m very curious about this. I feel like there is some element of who you really are your either not bringing to work or is not able to brought to your work. So of course life feels boring without a part of you.

I found ā€˜boredomā€™ to be something missing in terms of challenge, meaning and engagement.

There was this guy named Dr. Paul who used to work with Eban Pagan/David Deangelo for those who know his programs. He was a psychologist and he talked about boredom on the spectrum of anger.

Anger comes from lack of well being, itā€™s the anger we feel when we have not had our needs met. And well being or nurturing energy is the feeling we have when we have our needs met.

When your angry you can be assertive or aggressive to get your needs met.

Assertive is when you create win/win situations to get your needs met and aggressive is when your create win/lose situations to get your needs met.

Always be assertive unless the situation requires you to lose and someone else to win and then be aggressive to meet a need.

If 1-10 scale is rage to high well being. 1 was rage, 5 was neutrality, and 10 was complete well being and satisfactionā€¦ boredom would be a 4/10. Itā€™s a minor form of anger.

Anyway I find this stuff interesting and it may help to look at boredom as a form of what need of yours isnā€™t being met.


I think this for sure. I originally got started in the bartending world, and while Iā€™ve been in and out of the sales game throughout that time (6-7 years), I do miss some elements of just having fun, being able to fully express myself and be a bit outrageous at times, and the social elements with my co workers.

I think one of the biggest challenges right now is that Iā€™m an extremely social person, love to go out a lot, but Iā€™m working fully remote so really donā€™t get to have that aspect anymore, and even when Iā€™m off/weekends I donā€™t go out much because Iā€™m so focused on selling well. Itā€™s not nessicarily a bad thing though, like I donā€™t think I could keep up that lifestyle anymore, but the problem right now is basically all of my friends in my town were pretty much industry workers/party-ers with out much responsibility, and I cut contact with most of them so end up just hanging with my girlfriend, staying in going out to eat, etc. Just at the weird in between/lonely stage on grinding on your goals where you cut out your old friends, but havenā€™t really ā€œmade itā€ yet.


Definitely feeling this, but in the past I would have made these drastic moves/changes back towards my old life style of adventuring, partying, etc, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s the right answer anymore. I think sometimes itā€™s better to make smaller tweaks in your life, especially if Iā€™m not totally unhappy right now, just overall bored. I think just some type of after work hobby to get out of the house more after working on a computer all day that has a bit of a social aspect to it is whatā€™s needed right now. I live in Colorado so thereā€™s a ton of outdoor activities/clubs that fit the bill, or potentially getting back into Muay Thai.

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Reading through the sales page of Spartan, might be a great option to round off my stack. I had ran spartan initially when it came out, as well as the enhancer/superchargers for it, and itā€™s a big reason why I have the physique I do now. Lifting and training are also such a large part of my life, I havenā€™t missed going to the gym at least two to three times per week in nearly 15 years. Most of what I have down now is just maintaing because it takes so much extra effort to hit that last 20% of gains/strength. Would be interesting to really start pushing the envelope again, and honestly Iā€™m not terribly far off from being able to probably pull off a succesful fitness page. Would need to really niche down as that industry is becoming saturated as hell, but honestly would only need 5-10 clients to totally replace my income, and outside of that I know that business inside and out and could confidently deliver fitness results. Just a thought lol. There is also the discipline, mindset/competitive benefits to it, and on top of that I think it would really help increase my energy which is much needed right now. The one thing I need to be careful with Spartan is that I have a tendancy to really start going all in on something, and I donā€™t want to take away too much of my focus away from selling.

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Thatā€™s the thing is Spartan makes you laser focused on fitness and never have any excuses for skipping a workout. Whole point of adding LE was to be more focused on work.

If youā€™re looking for a purpose, I liked your original idea of Genesis, or RoM/RoS.

I was in this same boat and running RoS for 5 loops, then Stark Black ongoing, then RM for 5 loops, really got me re-connected to purpose. Stark Black helps push social media as the point of the purpose - RoS gets you connected to it and loving it - RM helped me get started on the actual tasks of creation

And the beautiful thing about purpose subs is that I felt like they took what I was already doing now and made the first order of priority making me love it more. I loved sales even more, which started getting me thinking about being more involved in the sales industry, which gave me short term and long term reasons to grind.

Itā€™ll be a different path for you but itā€™ll tie everything together instead of making you feel like you have competing interests.

On pace to hit my set PR this week with 30 for the week šŸ«”. Was pretty hesitant about taking out wealth subs from my stack completely, but its been nearly 3 weeks since my last loop of GM, and the productivity and Status scripting seem to be doing the job just fine, Iā€™ll have to monitor at how they are showing/closing though.


Same here

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