NewLease; Q Experience

Better dating and social life

Complete independence

Not being so scared all the time

Maybe loving myself as well

The day got rough after work today. I was hungry and everywhere was packed, no food at home and because of covid there was no delivery. I was willing to just make the best with what was in the fridge but food was already ordered which meant I had to pick it up and deal with traffic.

I was pissed off beyond reason. I was really annoying but I shouldnā€™t have been that mad. Itā€™s not anyoneā€™s fault that no one was delivering. But I was enraged.

I also realized how angry I am at my father. I was fantasizing about us screaming and yelling at each other and I would just get everything off my chest. It would get into a fight and I would viciously injure him. The thing is everything my father does he does for me and he always refers to me as his life. He is a short tempered human being and being around is always walking on eggshells. Yet heā€™s my father and my employer so Iā€™m mostly around him and I would be lying if I said I wasnā€™t dependent. Without both my parents I would be lost.

Thatā€™s it for now I guess.


The main problem that I need to fix is my social life. Daredevil helped with this but I made the mistake of stopping too soon. StarkQ can absolutely solve it but it works on so much at once. I want to fix this before anything else because all I can think about is how lonely I am. I canā€™t wait for the the end of July to solve this. I going to be using DaredevilQ until I feel I can step it up.

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Developing your independence from your father may be a more immediate goal for now, it might be interfering with social ability.


What do you suggest @Michel?

Work through the reconciliation and recognise when you want to give up a sub is the bit before the breakthrough.

StarkQ is the all in one solution.

Itā€™s up to you of course.


Thanks and you are right

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I will be right there with you stacking Daredevil with StarkQ. Look forward to hearing about your experience!

Sounds good bro :+1:

Hey @HappyHero I decided that Iā€™m sticking with StarkQ and just go through the process of letting the sub prioritise what needs fixing first.


Iā€™m feeling lethargic right now and the worst part is everything is weighing on my mind. My personal life doesnā€™t exist, I am not doing well at my job and it feels like a house of cards and I just feel aimless. The thought of Mogul or Ascended Mogul popped into my head and I realize it is reconciliation so not going to do anything except get through my day with hopefully no drama. Also I gave into the urge to watch porn and time just flew by which makes me feel more defeated.

Iā€™m feeling much better now. Was feeling really negative and down on myself but things are actually good especially since I finally sold my car for a really good price. Borrowing one of my Fatherā€™s Mercedes right now so I donā€™t have to worry about transport.


Felt fairly good yesterday and I hope it will be the same today. Going to take today and tomorrow off. Might start back stacking Daredevil to it. Also I have found myself waking up early before my alarm goes off.

It was my alarm clock that woke me up this time and it was a struggle to get up. Had some dreams which involved be at my fatherā€™s house while it was leaking. Went some place at night and ran into an old female friend. We watched a music video and danced a little. As we left we went in a large room were a video game tournament was happening.

This could be wishful thinking and I fully understand that but, I think my hair could be slightly filling back out from where itā€™s receding. Again could be in my head.


That is amazing, whether it actually is or just your perception of yourself is changing. I think the only sub where I have experienced seeing myself as more attractive was Primal. Not that it matters if chicks are coming around.

What is your listening schedule?

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No real schedule, I just have the ultrasonic playing on set and forget.

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Feeling lethargic and beta right now. Iā€™m feeling submissive and just trying not to get on anyoneā€™s badside. There is some anxiety as well.

Are u guys playing Q subs on set and forget method ?:hushed:

I am, not sure about anyone else.

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