New Support Article: Zero Point Listening Instructions

Man Saint just threw the term “booster” like it was nothing with something that is already reality bending ahahaha
Can’t possibly sit still, still going to bed ASAP but goddam :laughing:

I’m way more calm than I look in my messages so no worry man :wink:
I’m handling pretty good the wait actually, I just puke everything on here like that I’m able to sleep like a rock and not think about it


Maaaate, It’s 5pm at my place, I’ll stay awake until I run my loops of ZP, then go to sleep with sleeping pills :v:

I got my plan!

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Here 11PM so I should’ve already been sleeping
Imma correct that RN

See you tomorrow, dear friend of ZP

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7pm over here!!

424 Pm Central Time Minnesota

How about when you run 1 ZP title and decide to add another ZP title? What should one do with the 5 days off? Take days from both programs of only the one that reached the 21-day mark?

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Yes. Decide on your stack early on.


Can we take additional rest days if necessary or is that not suggested?

If you feel you need to, you can. It’s not required

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As a rule of thumb - more rest days you can allow yourself then better :slight_smile:

Something of interest to note:
If you decide to add a third title to your stack, you reduce your exposure of the first 2 by 50% in the same time frame.

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So Zero Point is an technologie update for both - Ultimas and Q2 Subs?

After this update is there still a difference between the old Ultimas and Q2 Subs or is it then all ZP? - the next generation of your subliminals…

Thanks. :slight_smile:

I’m not a Saint but:

Yes, Ultima and Q are being replaced by just ZP titles.

Good in one way as the first 2 subs get more processing time. Not so good because you miss out on more exposure time on the said 2 subs.

Depends what works better for each individual, as I image some would want more exposure, others would want more processing time.

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Zero Point is a brand-new innovation. We are witnessing it unfolding in real-time.

Stay Tuned to see what it becomes and how it evolves.


@Malkuth it’s actually crazy reading about everyone’s experience day to day! :ok_hand:


You and me both. I can’t point it to a particular sub but it seems I have gotten more practical and pragmatic without even trying


I still love analysing ideas hahaha


All of my problems would be solved if I could run 4 subs while on ZP, instead of 3.

I genuinely understand this. I wish I could add one more title too (Khan in my case).

But the recommendation of maximum 3 titles are given for a reason. Which is to allow your stack to work.

What I tell myself to help me in this regard is: focus on the goals of the 3 titles am running now. There will be time to focus on the goals of Khan later.