New Support Article: List of Certified Subliminal Club Headsets and Earbuds for Maximum Results

We just purchased a pair of the NuraTrue earbuds for testing. Will update with results later.


How are these ?

Bro if you read just a bit higher in the posts youā€™d have seen that I use them and get results, I made a post especially about those ones

Feel free to check it out


The NuraTrue earbuds are now certified for use.


I apologize if this is obvious.

Are they certified for both Ultima and masked?

They are certified for Solace-based tracks. You can run an Ultima and get results, but we havenā€™t been able to deeply test the ā€œsocial modeā€ for the earbuds.


No worries. I only asked because i know someone else will.

Is It only for Solace?

My few coins:

AirPods 2
AirPods Pro - all modes, including Transparence and Noise Cancelling
JBL Live Bluetooth

Ultima, Solace, Masked.

All works fine for me.


How would you compare this to the standard or transparent mode?

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Same. No difference. I specially done some tests. Listening in three different modes. To me - no difference and Iā€™m quite sensitive.

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I have a pair of Audio Technicaā€™s Studio I purchased on Amazon that I will be using going forward.

Any opinions on the Anker Soundcore Life Q20, Q20+ and Q30 headphones? They look good and theyā€™re pretty reasonably priced compared to the other options I was like at (namely the Bose QC35 - Iā€™d prefer the QC25s but theyā€™re impossible to find).

For ZP, you donā€™t have to worry too much about headsets. Any decent one will do.

High quality flat response headsets were only recommended for Ultimas (but I got good results even with decent Samsung AKG wired in-ear headphones when running Ultimas with it).

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Good to know, how about Qv2?

I am also considering the use of an ultima, though I havenā€™t decided completely yet.

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Qv2 doesnā€™t require any special headphones either.

I bought this headphones. Was seeing if we could use the profile and this sounds like we canā€¦

How is it so far? Iā€™m planning to buy headphones/earphones to invest in my subliminal journey.

Best headphones I have ever owned

Thanks, what would you recommend for beginners to use when listening to ZPā€™s? Budget would be less than 99$.