New Pheromone Discussion Thread

They call them “Self effects.”

I didn’t know either. I thought pheromones were likely bs but I trust Saint and since S&S, he’d mention them and then again more with Wanted Black…

So, I tried one last week on my neck to little external effect but realized gosh I feel pretty confident now. Like a boost out of nowhere. Then I searched and read.

They really do parallel subs… and people have learned about “reputable” pheromones (like me) from this subliminal forum and Vice Versa at Pheromone forums.

And they talk very freely about subject matters pertinent to seduction…


So are they only good for people with low confidence? Like a magic confidence pill? Lol.

Ha. Maybe help. I get self conscious in large gatherings… They can chill a person out. I’ve read that. Not a pill.

Often like subs create an AURA.
Great for status.

I already smell different/ better just running Khan… this is just another possible avenue for fun.


That’s pretty awesome, lol.

If you use it for status, does it go away after the effects wear off?

Like for example, say someone is invisible and they use the pheromone. Boom, now they have a sense of status.

When the pheromones wear off, do they go back to being invisible?

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Haha there does seem to be the possibility of changed baselines like with subs as the synthetic pheromones are interacting with your natural pheromone signature (One Scent.) -I’ll definitely add that to future customs.

I haven’t used them enough myself. I have celebrity status ones coming tomorrow or so… not my goal but a “feature” and they were well recommended. But the fact that a single spray changed my state is enough for me to believe they can effect others.

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That’s crazy. Apologies for derailing the thread a little with the super noob questions, hahaha. Thanks for answering.

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It’s cool. Engagement. I am a voracious reader and am a noob myself.

And they can be unscented (throw your own fragrance on top – “ultrasonic”)
or scented – “masked!” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I don’t have these yet but Apex’s M3X or Pheromone Treasures’ Hook Up.
You could try the newest AD formulas though… L2K v1, v2 or AM.

The aforementioned are just currently more popular and still made by trusted companies. There are others. Too many.

I saw a sc member or two on pherotruth forum also.
And one was banned here and there too :rofl:

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I have been down this rabbit hole and I don’t think it actually does change the baseline. Lots of people on the pheromone forum there who have good results with pheromones still have to use pheromones 10 years down the road. So there is that. But it gives a good boost.

Yet the reputable ones work. I tried the Bad Wolf and Aqua Vitae. They are very obvious. Bad Wolf gives me agressive confidence, and you appear very sexual, you get lots of respects/fear from people. Aqua Vitae gives a star effect and makes me feel like an asshole, i.e. I disrespect and tease a lot.
There is something to do with congruence because with Aqua Vitae for example, you exude a hollywood star pheromone signature but if you are not congruent with it it nullifies.

I put them for a month then stopped because I find out I cannot really steer them in my direction, and you dont get real growth your baseline. But that’s just me they are good fun.

There is, they advise to not put it daily or washout after a while.

Which one?SOB?


Yes. SOB spray.

Good information you shared. Thanks.
I do think sub & mone use could in theory help one an other.

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I will read about it. what are the effects? Have you check bad wolf?

I got mine on eBay. Sadly, it was too much hassle through the official channels.
I would’ve bought Bad Wolf if I could have gotten it so fast.

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aromafero, they have the whole market now.

I see that! They dropped AD from the brands they carry: L2K…

This is exactly the confirmation I wanted to see.
I own 80+ fragrances… people already know me that way.

Layering the the scents with mones will be interesting.

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I just stick to LAL and PheromoneXS tbh. They are the reputable brands. Any other brand would be going to deep in this hobby :slight_smile:

LMFAO :joy: :rofl: I have like 3 :sweat_smile:

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I’m lazy. I wear mostly Creed. They are at arms’ reach.
They smell clean & sophisticated,’ garner compliments.
They do fleet on my skin however.

Yes. Both PheromoneXS & Liquid Alchemy Labs.
(for those reading)

I just wish Garry made ordering simpler.

PheromoneXS is an incredible company.

They suffered a devastating storm this summer
and still are getting orders out…
albeit from a severely depleted stock.

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There is also another possibility. Concurrently, I’m running a custom with WB/Khan & SS…

I never ran SS (coincidentally the original pheromone script sub also) and it has that state change technology…

“shifting of your energy to a more masculine , sexual state”

I think it was SOB… idk

What is SOB?

edit: nevermind, I didn’t scroll lol

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Would’ve been great if you wrote:
Which SOB?
Or who you calling SOB?!

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