New Listening Schedule - What do you think?

Day 1 : QL & The Executive
Day 2 : Break
Day 3 : Khan & The Executive
Day 4 : Break
Day 5 : Repeat

  • The Usual 5 Day Washout

What do you think?

I really love the effects of The Executive and around 2 days in, the effect is very less, another loop could boost it for me on the days of Khan.

I tried similar thing before…it caused overload for me….I dont know this can work for you or not…just be safe use the microloop … :wink:


I’ve been running this kind of schedule for months now, it works. if it’s too heavy, use a third instead of half


In my previous cycle I did:
Day 1: Sanguine 7m Wanted Black 15m
Day 2: rest
Day 3: Sanguine 7m 3rd Love Bomb 15m
Day 4: rest

Everything went smoothly, I only had mild
recon near the end of 6 days washout
(cycle was a bit longer than recommended,
23 days).
Anyway, I returned to only 2 subs in stack,
I will do that for a while (WB + KB),
I felt results from 2 sub stack are much
faster and stronger.


When you did this, did you play Sanguine from where you left off (for the second 7 Minutes) or did you start it from first?

I always start from beginning of audio file next time.

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I’m following the instructions with microloops and all but still struggling to grasp how less is more. @SaintSovereign said he’s never run more than thirty second loops of Khan Black. That blew my mind. I didn’t ask about any increase because I figured that thirty seconds is probably his sweet spot


I’ve been listening for the full 15 minutes, any ideas on the Micro Loops? How effective, how to hit the sweet spot?

If less allows you to work towards your goals better, then less is more. That’s why i also use microloops and a lot of rest days. They allow me to focus more on my goals while still getting the benefits of subs

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