New Here : Open Marriage, Swinging ,Entrepreneur

Hello everyone,

I’m new here. I’ve been in an open marriage and swinging with my wife for 12 years, and it’s been great. Recently, my wife has decided she doesn’t want to play anymore herself, but has given me a hall pass to do whatever I like. She even verifies for women or couples that might initially think I’m lying about our status.

I’m also an Entrepreneur and work in tech. I’ve had many opportunities but have yet to secure the big deals.

My goal with Subclub is to make more money and find suitable partners with which to have swinger or FWB opportunities.

I currently have Wanted Man Black, Stark Black, RICH, Sex Mastery, Primal Nights, and Diamond.

I do have a few questions and a mini-report. I’ve been running Stark Black, Primal Nights, and Rich; however, my question is, say I ran my current stack today, but I have a potential FWB meeting the next day. Is running PN, sex mastery and Diamond before my meeting okay, even though I just ran my stack the day before?

Sexual experiences are random and, most times, last-minute pop-ups, so I want to be able to work on my money and business but also be ready at the drop of a hat to please a woman out of this world.

Speaking of pleasing a woman out of this world, yesterday I met a woman who told me she is insatiable and can hang with the best of sexually experienced men. I listened to PS and Diamond 2 hours before our meeting. I didn’t feel my most confident or in the best of moods, but when we hooked up, she was over the moon with pleasure and screaming, orgasming, and constantly looking at me and asking what it was I was doing to her because she never felt this kind of pleasure before. I’ve been with many women, and it almost seemed over the top or fake, but the bedsheets didn’t lie. This was the moment I became a believer in these Subs.

Oh, I also received a $10K check after my second listen of Rich and Wanted Man, as that was my first tried stack. Nothing crazy like that happened to me out of the blue and so fast. The products here are second to none.

No other money events have happened since, but the first event of receiving that amount of money truly out of the blue also made me believe in these products.

So, to land the plane, I’m looking for FWB in the swing lifestyle or just in general and looking for help with my businesses. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and happy to be part of this growing community.


Welcome. Seems like there are quite a few people here that are in open relationship situations. Not me personally though. Good luck with your goals



Best option is not to, or running small microloops.

For best impact in the moment, you want to have processed the subliminal input and for your subconscious mind to be ready to execute. If you overload the subconscious queue, you’ll be processing when you should be executing.

Nothing wrong with that and can be helpful for long-term change (you’re giving your subconscious more information to work with), but if you want results right there and then and to excel in your performance, then no input or small microloops.

It’s also best not to run too many in your stack. I’d stick to just small-microloops of Primal Nights as that is already in your stack. Can be done (adding Diamond/Sex Mastery), but best left for when you have more experience.


Thank you @Fire! I will definitely heed your advice.


Be sure to take a break every 21 days to let it fall into place and give the mind a breather. Stay hydrated too as it actually helps

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Based on your goals, Stark Black should probably be a lock in and will pretty much cover everything you need for your work in tech and entrepreneurship. anted or Wanted Black as the next title if you have romance/sexual goals as well, as I find that it is the most stackable romance title for entrepreneurs or corporate workers. Adding in hyper alpha/masculine titles like Khan or Primal has had a tendency to cause conflicts in the work place.

As your 3rd title, decide on a goal that is most important to. you for the next month, romance, fitness, wealth, etc. Pick a smaller title like Primal Nights, or Rich to compliment your two majors (Stark Black, Wanted) and then simply follow the standard listening instructions, or the listening pattern a lot of people are finding optimal now which is:

Monday: Stark Black, Wanted (15 minutes each)
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: 3rd title that supports one of your short-term goals (3-15 minutes depending on how your feeling and if you have recon symptoms, then lower the listening time)
Thursday: Off
Friday: Wanted, Stark Black (15 minutes each)
Saturday/Sunday: Off,

On the off days, you can add a 30-60 second micro loop of your 3rd title if you want a short term boost, but this is not mandatory, or all that important.

The next cycle, you can either keep, or cycle out the 3rd title if your short term goals change.

Your two main titles (Stark Black/Wanted) should be ran for 3-6 months to see deeper results/longer term change, because they cover quite a bit more in terms of the objectives, and in turn take longer to integrate/see results, typically.

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Thank you! I have been drinking more water lately and it does indeed help!

I’m currently on my washout, so I will start my Wanted Black and Stark Black stack on Monday. I didn’t begin with Stark Black and Wanted Black because I read the two could conflict due to Stark Black’s Fame and outgoing social part, and Wanted Black reserved sit back and let it come to you. Those two jumped out at me to stack initially, but I’m a newbie, so I wanted to yield to those with more experience than me. I’m getting ready for a trip to Vietnam; their culture is reserved when it comes to women and especially open marriages… I hoped to get a GF there as I often visit for work. I know Wanted Black wouldn’t work so much there as you would have to pursue…most wouldn’t dare approach you…but I know Stark Black would help with being social and the fame factor. I do have some notoriety there due to some of the projects I’m working on, but I don’t know how it will all fit together. I also ordered Auraental pheromone to use while there. I will update for sure!

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I’m probably going to create a journal but the pre-manifesting of Stark Black and Wanted Black is happening. All the woman I have wanted in a harem are starting to assemble and come on the team. I had 3 sexual encounters this week, and the one I haven’t had sex with yet is taking me to the airport for my trip so I can see her and she can kiss me and hug me before I go. My wife is more affectionate as well and we are in a great place. I begin the stack tomorrow from my washout. I’m loving these subs!


I thought bro was manifesting but bro already has the harem hahahaha :japanese_ogre:


To be fair, I’ve been in the lifestyle for 20 years. So I’m around women who are open to it, however, in the last few years things have been dry and the quality of women that I wanted weren’t interested. It seems now the kind of women I want are coming to the fold. I also did do Wanted Black when I first started with Sub club some months back. So maybe Wanted Black starting to do it’s thing? I’m going to Vietnam so will be very interested to see how this works. The women there tend to be very conservative. However, seeing the power of these subs, I’m going with optimism for sure!


You might find @Sub.Zero s journals quite interesting. He’s polish (I think), living in Vietnam leading an open relationship.


I will definitely check @Sub.Zero journal out. Vietnamese women are very peculiar compared to western women but that’s also their charm. I have one that is a family friend and when I visit VN she is very possessive and gets jealous when I talk to other women, so can use some advice and help. :slight_smile: