New Disc. Thread - Chosen From Within ZP Experimental

Haven’t started yet, unfortunately. A lot going on. But, soon.


Awesome, I absolutely love the Chosen line…

@SaintSovereign will the objectives of Chosen from Within change or remain somewhat the same?

I wish the Chosen line was a little bit more focused upon ambition, drive work ethic and business oriented. Like building an Empire or becoming a philanthropist for the greater good of Humanity.

With Chosen I always get inspired to build a business and it gives me a lot of creative ideas surrounding that but not how to monetise it.

I really love Chosen it’ll be the new Stark for me gonna squeeze absolutely everything out of this title and see what it can do for me :slight_smile:


Is Chosen from Within still in the standard program on the main shop?

So, for 35 I get Chosen and Chosen from Within in one file?

Speaking of monetizing I am planning to use Chosen + True Sell (and Love Bomb FH as the third title).
Is anybody using this combo?

You’ll still get CFW when you buy Chosen, but CFW is an experimental file right now and not the official version. Kind of like when the first Love Bomb came out I believe it was an experimental that came with Libertine until they built it properly as Love Bomb.

Hope this helps.


I do not know if it is only me but I can not see your avatar, like have some kind of darkness there :slight_smile: .

Changed it to black to represent the absolute darkness of healing I’m currently going through.


I was thinking about this or Chosen with Stark since Ascension only turns me into a destructive force that constantly feels angry


I don’t know why I feel compelled to do this also, but I think I am. Solidarity in finally healing all the deep stuff we didn’t even know was there.


Yes, CFW Experimental is still included with Chosen. It’s two separate downloads, though.


I see. Thank you!

It took me a couple takes to realise I didn’t write what you wrote because I was looking at the black avatar and thought it was my comment haha.

Honestly I know that there is transformation at the end of the tunnel and this is something I just have to deal with. The recon I’ve dealt with has problem come from LBfH and not CFW however.

I feel much better today than I did yesterday though, maybe this is due to using CFW last night for the first time since Feburary or so.

I’m going through a very healing time I believe, my focus is now coming onto me, which it should have been.

CFW + LBfH + Heartsong is a very healing stack, right? I believe I read somewhere that Heartsong has like 70% healing or something.


I’m starting to believe :sunglasses:

Now I just need to learn how to stop bullets. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


Hey guys, any of you tried an solution to receive the benefits of CFW and yet get produtivity?

Try LBfH Experimental. While it is not a sub for productivity but most of here do experiencing it.

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Did this happen yet?!


This did not get upgraded to the Experimental did it?

It didn’t yet, as I’m preparing to release the final version.


My friend is using and loving this a guy who’s been through some shit, I would love to tell him about the new version as his unlikely to even check for himself.

But cool I’m happy this new version is coming because Chosen From Within is truly a magnificent healing title as I can see it guiding him and reshaping his inner-life.

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Yeah, I use Limitless Excutive. It works like a charm.

I’m productive when I need to be, and not when I’m in healing mode


Then what is the Chosen from Within ZP v2 I downloaded yesterday???