New Custom: Andrew Tate

I like Tristan Tate and Andrew Tate and I like @TheBoxingScientist.

We can agree and disagree on different points but at the end we both respect each other and try to help each other. Some words to live by:)


The debate about the Tates stops here. This forum doesn’t exist to debate people, even if your reason might be noble.


What color is your buggati


It’s blue

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@RVconsultant i personally think its not good to worship someone just because they get lots of likes on youtube and they are a millionare surrounded by women. This is very typical in todays society where young males can be very tunnel vision in their approach to life. Nevertheless I will stop debating this topic.

Hey @Niles , how’s your custom working out for you? In case you didn’t know, Tate moved over to Rumble

If any of you guys are into stocks, I highly recommend investing in Rumble when it goes public, the censorship is insane now.


@Yazooneh - tagging you because I remember you asking for investing suggestions in the crypto.topic


@aaa @Yazooneh

Honestly, the biggest thing I’ve learned with stocks (funny thing, Emperor: HoM manifested this for me) is that you invest in something you truly believe in. I could be wrong about Rumble, though I have a really strong feeling that platform is going to explode, someday, due to everything that’s going on. Might as well be prepared :man_shrugging:t4: