Need Help WIth Embarrassing Phobia

hello everyone,

i have been lurking here for a long time but finally decided to join to hopefully get help.

I have musophobia which is a phobia of mice.

I experience extreme fear, panic and anxiety whenever i encounter a mouse.

This is big problem for me as for years now we have had a problem with mice in the house.

It’s very embarrassing for me as the oldest man in the house to completely freakout whenever i encounter a mice.

is there a subliminalclub title that can help me with this?


Was there anything in your past that lead you to developing this phobia or did you notice that you had this your whole life?

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i have had it my whole life from the first time we started having mice problem in the house more then 10 years ago.

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I think a “healing” sub is the best bet. The only other options I could think of would be those for “toughening up” but that really isn’t effective with phobias anyway.

Regeneration could help. That’s the one that comes to mind.

For subs anyway. I honestly think you’d be better off getting help with someone versed in the NLP “Fast Phobia Cure” as it is indeed way faster than any subliminal. Because phobias are the literal use case for that technique.


I will suggest starting out with :heartbeat: Love Bomb for Humanity as it is free, gently heals you with love and it overall feels good to run. Don’t underestimate it because it’s free. After that, consider adding :adhesive_bandage: Regeneration with :chains: Limit Destroyer to more consciously target your phobia.

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never heard of this. i will start looking into it. thanks.

i actually own regeneration which i bought several months ago for a different problem.

i have thought about limit destroyer but reading here i saw it needs to be combined with something else to work.

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It does not need to be combined with something else to work, it can work standalone quite fine actually.


@Beowulf @Palpatine

since you guys are here right now.

do you know of any title that can kind of shut down that fight/flight reaction that causes me to full panic and freakout when i see a mouse.

is there a title that could block that reaction i currently get?

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Then I will suggest you to run:-

:heartbeat: Love Bomb for Humanity
:adhesive_bandage: Regeneration
:chains: Limit Destroyer
:bow_and_arrow: Ascension Chamber (weekly)

Consciously target your phobia of mice and eventually, within a few months or so it will likely go away.

I believe any healing title would eventually make you lose that fear in the first place. “Blocking” that kind of reaction sounds like resisting, which isn’t healthy. That fight/flight reaction needs to disappear, not blocked/shut down.

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I wouldn’t say that any can “block” it. As a hypnotist and NLPer, I’d never recommend anything of the sort, anyway.

One of the tenets/presuppositions of NLP is that all processes should lead to wholeness.
Blocking a reaction of that magnitude without addressing it is just inviting trouble down the road.


sorry if this sounds like dumb question what does healing mean in this situation?

when i think of healing i think of someone who has for example an infection and takes medication to heal the infection.

i do not understand what healing means in a situation where someone is terrified and has a panic attack when he encounters a mouse.

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Emotional healing (to me) means to resolve a reaction, feeling and behaviour towards an issue either subconsciously and/or consciously. So if you have a phobia towards mice, emotional healing could involve healing the incident in your past that has lead to it, the unconscious processes going inside your brain that resulted in your fear of mice and so on. There are many different ways to heal emotionally, which is why there’s a lot of emotional healing titles here.

Basically if you don’t know why you have that phobia, it doesn’t matter as the healing titles here will either clear them out by their own subconsciously and/or you will be consciously be made aware of why this occurs so you can resolve them consciously.

Thinking of it like taking medication is not bad but the way I think about it is that it’s closer to having muscular imbalance and pain due to bad posture. Eventually, you need to stretch out your body to relieve tension, stress and pain in that area of the body. Then your posture will be back to normal. That’s what (most) healing titles are for. Building muscle to achieve a better physique is like running a status/social/romantic title.

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Saint spoke of childhood trauma, and this seems similar. So your choice of regeneration seems the best. I would run this solo for a few cycles and see if it makes a difference.
The results of regeneration may be diluted by adding more subs.


there are actually no childhood issues with mice

and there was never a time where i was not scared of mice.

from the first time i saw them in the house 12 years ago, i was just as scared that first time as i am today.

i have also noticed that most people have a fear of mice, it;s just that my hear is super high to the point of terror and full panic.


Regardless of what the actual issue is (since as you’ve stated, it’s been there for as far back as you can remember), running :adhesive_bandage: Regeneration would help. In fact @FireDragon is right, running just Regeneration would be better as it’s more focused. Just consciously make the intention that it’s for healing your phobia and it will get resolved.


do you mean consciously tell myself before playing the title…

“Ii’m running regeneration to stop being scared of mice”

is that good enough?

or should i write it down or something like that?

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I’m afraid of spiders and I don’t know why. Once they get over a certain size, it’s over.

I think the best thing would be confrontation therapy, if regeneration or other subs don’t work. Until the time when you find them cute and can pet them. Like I could with a tarantula. The emphasis being on “could”. So far I have not had any therapy for spiders and it is extremely rare that I see a big spider :slight_smile:

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something as simple as “I’m running this to address my current reaction to mice” is good.
Just setting the conscious intent internally as to why you’re running it.