Myers Briggs Types and Subliminal Effectiveness?

INFJ here.
I have had good results with my subliminal journey so far

INFP here. Since I lead with the Fi cognitive function, I tend to go with what feels right to me. Interestingly enough I’ve noticed the open ended nature of these subs allows me to integrate them much more easily than direct commands. Ive also noticed I can have highly irrational beliefs, but logically deconstructing them doesn’t help as it would INTPs because my core decision making process doesn’t utilize the logical framework.


Excellent point. Although, I’d further unpack that to say, ‘doesn’t utilize a rational-analytic framework’ which is what I think is often meant by ‘logical’. People with dominant “Feeling” function are still guided by logic (‘logic’ really just refers to some sort of internally coherent system of cause and effect perception, concepts, and ideas); but Feeling logic is based more on subjective engagement, direct contact with phenomena, and the perceptions that result from that direct contact. I usually describe it as ‘cooking by taste’(Feeling) in contrast to ‘cooking by recipe’(Thinking).


I just took the test and it got me Entrepreneur ESTP-A but not quite sure how it affects the subliminals

Also curious to see if using your subliminals will jump me to another category after 1-2-3 months