My Visualization Mastery Journey

Decided that I should just focus on my custom visualization subliminal for the next 6 months.

I have to achieve at least this goal of mine…

i always have that when listening to quantum limitless, and I never thought about the concept of "imagining sound ", woow and while writing to you now i imagined different sounds that’s awesome. thanks for pointing at that :innocent:

I have good auditory imagery and can easily imagine sounds in my head. A song is always playing in my head and when I was younger, I could easily play the piano by ear.

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I noticed a few months ago when I was listening to ME that I had a very hard time visualizing anything during that time. The sub worked on other areas of visualization for me, but not in the areas that I was interested in developing. This doesn’t make sense to me, but that’s what happened. I do believe that ME is a powerful tool for visualization, it just may not happen in the way that we expect. I’m just saying this to help you not to be discouraged with this process.


Thank you for your kind words.

Everybody is different, so all I can do is just to be open to experiences and not have any fixed expectations on how things will turn out.

As it is said, God answers every prayer, just not in the way we expect it to be.


Besides ME, subs that I have noticed are powerful in the areas of imagery, visualization, and manifestation are R.I.C.H, UA, and R.M. Not that it’s not interesting now, but it’s going to get really interesting to read the forums now that they’re upgrading all of the subs with the same tech that’s in R.M.


Just ran one loop of Beyond Limitless Ultima v2. During that hour, I was focused on collecting material and thinking of ideas for an article I am supposed to write for another company.

In any case, my brain feels like it had a very full meal. I can imagine some mechanical parts in my brain shifting.

Managed to come up with a script for a 3-minute storyboard presentation in that one hour where I ran Mind’s Eye v2.

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Day 14
1 x BLU v2
1 x Mind’s Eye v2
1 x MA-I (19 days of MA-I so far)

Will go back to my Alchemist/Quantum Limitless Stack tomorrow.

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Day 15
1 x QL ST1
1 x Mind’s Eye v2
1 x MA-I (20 days of MA-I so far)

Subliminal Break Day.

Planning to upgrade my custom subliminal MA-I to Qv2 when Module Pack 5 is ready.

May also QLST2 with QLST4 so that I can free up some space for some other modules.

I lost a lot of things in my life, but I know that nothing can take away my power of imagination.

That’s the spirit mate!

It took awhile for me to notice how much better ME was making my visualization. Hang in there.

Day 15
1 x QL ST1 (16 days so far)
1 x Dragon Reborn ST3 Qv2
1 x MA-I (21 days of MA-I so far)

Trying out Dragon Reborn ST3 Qv2 in my visualization stack. Maybe I should continue my DR journey since I’ve only stopped at DR ST2 sometime in March 2021.

I did about 40 days of DR ST1 and 35 days of DR ST2. So perhaps 35 days of DR ST3 should benefit me. Hopefully DR ST3 doesn’t overpower the effects of the other subliminals I run.

Anyway, I will be soon be working on a small project from an old client. Not a lot of money, but it might be a sign that businesss is picking up.

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the copy or initial post mentioned it strengthens your natural visualization ability the most because everyone visualizes differently, and then supports in developing other visualization modalities your interested in. Perhaps the sub steered the focus on the former first before the later.

Also mind’s eye doesn’t support ‘imagination development’ the way Stark, UA, and RM might


Do you know anything else about how Stark, UA and RM support imagination development apart from what Saint Sovereign said?

Hey kind, would you say that your goals initially (short term memory/long term memory improvement, intelligence, visualization) has had a moderate increase?

What you can take away from that description is:

Mind’s Eye = technical, specific, surgical, ability-focused.

Stark, Renaissance Man, Ultimate Artist = Contextually-focused

Like the difference between a treadmill and a mountain.

Spend a summer walking and running on a treadmill and you’ll very specifically build the muscles related to walking and running, lung capacity will increase, and so on.

Spend a summer exploring a mountain. Eventually, you’ll want to know what’s at the peak. As you explore, your mind will be on mapping and exploration. Taking pictures of the wildlife. Finding edible roots and plants. And so on. But by the end of the summer, you’ll also have stronger lungs and legs. And due to the more varied activities involved in hiking and exploring, you’ll probably have some other surprising physical improvements as well.

The two can work together very well. Running on the treadmill can give you good conditioning for climbing the mountain. Exploring the mountain can give you goals and context that motivate you more when you’re running on the treadmill.


Thanks. I still plan to keep Alchemist, Mind’s Eye and Quantum Limitless in my visualization custom.

Perhaps I will make a separate contextually-focused custom that includes StarkQ/Renaissance Man.

Running both customs in a stack should be quite interesting.

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Not going to comment on this yet.:grinning:

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