My Experience with Alchemist Explorer

Long story I just dont like to share for various reasons tbh. But yes.

Programs or books I’ve read (to understand more about my experiences) come from a combination of Robert Bruce’s books and Ryan Cropper videos (on YouTube). also this mediation track is great. Its the one I listened to when I had 1st kundalini awakening. I still listen to it occasionally to this day.

I can’t answer the low blood pressure question because I don’t know. I’ve been seen a lot as a “chill” kinda guy so maybe that helps.

Regarding the kundalini experience, Yes. Ever since then, I can easily astral project if I want to (I usually don’t deliberately astral project that often tho). My first kundalini awakening really changed my entire paradigm of how I see the world. There is so much more that just this physical reality. This is a basic fact to me, but for some people it’s hard to grasp.
I think astral projection is related to balancing the chakras. Because any time I work on balancing my chakras, a vivid ap happens that night. Also the astral project X subliminal helped. I listen to that once and easily got out of my body. Although, I don’t think the astral project X sub has enough protection scripts in it (that’s just my experience)

for electrical or magnetic abnormalities, sometimes during or after mediation, I’ll have very small twitches in my had or leg. its very rare tho. I think its the kundalini moving around. I’ve also felt my merkaba spinning (which is both electric and magnetic (masculine and feminine) in nature).


I’m developing a working hypothesis that will take several weeks to test. Other than that document I linked in the private forum, I’ve been looking at the work of Francis Lefubure which seems in my opinion to shed new light on some of the experiences Pierre Luigi Ighina experienced while developing his theories. Lefebures work is a little difficult to get your hands on but its out there if you search for it. He was the inventor of a process known as phosphenism and made some very bold assertions nevertheless backed by observation that through some very simple processes working with phosphenes and rhythmic sways and other techniques to make the thoughts rhythmical that you could awaken the kundalini, as well as begin to experience clairvoyant perceptions, other supernatural abilities and even astral projection. He took a very non religious approach to the subject, bridging science and spiritual thought, which fascinates me.


So a little update,
I’ve basically read all of Drunvalo’s work (flower of life books, living in the heart, journey into the heart, serpent of light, Earth sky heart workshop, flower of life workshops, Q&A videos). All of which are very interesting. My current goal is to enter the tiny space of the heart (which I think I did successfully). But there is a LOT of stuff to explore there.
I also had an intuition to stop doing the merkaba mediation (which was hard but I trusted my intuition). I was told that after dec 25 I could do anything after that. I also had an intuition to stop subliminals until dec 25.

Dec 24th rolls around and I had the most vivid experience of feeling and seeing my merkaba around my body (and it was spinning FAST). this was great news bec now I know that I actually entered the tiny space (which = permanent merkaba field for eternity) oppose for doing the merkaba mediation everyday for 2 years (which also = permanent merkaba field for eternity).

interestingly enough, dec 25 I was just chillin with my family and watching some tv. I was bored and thought I would listen to alchemist st4. I got this new bluetooth headband/headphone set so the vol/play pause were right on my forehead. shortly after I started to play st4, my sister’s dog came over to me on the couch and kept jumping at me and he hit the pause button on my headphones! I think it was a sign that I wasn’t supposed to be listening to st4.


I always act on signs like this.


Thanks, dog :dog2:.


this literally just happened,
we are at this little air bnb and we grabbed the wrong key so we were basically locked out of the house. but there was a little 4 digit code box with an extra key in it.

I had an intuition of what the code was. then she called the home owner and I was only off on the last digit.


Did you feel sensations in your throat with the voices?

no just listening

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