My contribution to you all

As a long time reader of the forum, I decided I needed to join on this, Semen Retention is not working. A lot believe it is the solution of everything, and I tried it and was feeling more energy in my body it is true. That just because our body doesn’t need to produce so much stuff if our balls are full.

But if you check a lot of successful people in the world, they are just pervert that love women, really. Most of the monk who are doing semen retention, are not sexy at all, after 10 years of semen retentions you can bring them to a party they will just be creepy AF, lets be real here.

Men should use their sexual energy to be better. Most of the successful men want more money to get more women, want to be more fit physically to impress the women, are more creative because they have this woman who inspire them.

I like to have sex, and chase more women, so I need to have more money to do crazy wild stuff around the world, be fit t o be sure I can have sex all night, be strong and confident because it is how you get them. By refusing your wild instinct, you refuse to be real man anymore, and you attract what you feel and what you are, that mean less women, if you refuse to feel like an horny man. And trust me after 60 or 70yo you will have all the time in the world to experience what it feel to do semen retention, you will be horny once a year maybe, and I never saw any grannies checking out those old men like they want to eat them.

I watched on youtube interview on Dan Bilzerian, he is not the type of guy who do semen retention at all man, he is having sex with the most beautiful women in the world, and what drives him to be better, is his lust for women.

Watch all the men who are doing long time semen retention on Youtube, most of them looks creepy AF, if you want to become like them, it is a good exercise !

So you need to feel this sexual excitement, and redirect this feeling in this way “Omg I want to have more sex, I need to go to gym or do more sub, or earn more money…”


Do keep in mind it’s not all about energy but also about triggering natural processes.

First, creating semen takes a LOT from the body. Mostly proteins (which we often get too few of) and lots of supporting stuff. Not entirely unsurprising that there are still those that say it may actually be good for the skin or to… ahem… swallow. :slight_smile:

Anyway, freuqnet ejaculation therefor causes a constant strain on the body.

As far as the energy component, one of the biggest names in the male multiple orgasm front (I forgot who it was, but he has an oriental name I believe) only ejaculated like three or four times in his life. Each time it was a guaranteed pregnancy in one shot. That’s energy for you.

The male multiple orgasm is of course another benefit. Ejaculation drains all the energy away from the area, completely relaxing you (which is the true purpose of the so called “happy ending” in massages). If you don’t ejaculate, you can circulate the energy in the body and keep the erection.

Next, there’s the biological triggers. It is believed that certain well-known alpha males and leaders practiced “edging” by bringing themselves to the point right before ejaculation and then stopping. This supposedly triggers a massive amount of drive, since the body wants that release. It makes them more assertive in life and more driven to seek out sexual partners. In all likelihood this means it triggers production of hormones like Testosterone.

Keep in mind this does not work indefinitely. Blue balls is real. Do edging often enough of go on for hours without ejaculation and at some point they become quite painful.

So is it the best thing since sliced bread? Maybe, maybe not. But it has some practical benefits that can improve your professional and sexual life.


Well, it’s been a whole month clean. You still get way aroused, but have a strong, strong willpower that stops ya in your tracks.

Also, there is a intense, commanding thought that reaffirms that I’m cleaned of that shit, and reminding me that I no longer depend & no longer need that stuff.

It may sound simple, but that’s my experience so far. In other words, you just no longer depend on it, neither want it, strong beliefs say you you’re better than that.


That might your opinion, but it’s not a fact. Not everyone is driven to be successful just for the women. And the reason why it didn’t work out for you is because you most likely didn’t transmute the excess energy you had, you got too horny and let it sit in your junk instead of doing something with that excess energy.

That sounds awesome, so no negative effect on sex drive, or attraction in areal life?

After this description, I’m considering adding it.

I go through periods of months with with no PMO but it tends to creep back in at times.

Thank you for reposting detailed description


I think once you have the capacity to do semen retention
then you can tune into your body to what’s best, what it needs.
Semen retention or semen retention except occasionally during sex, is certainly not the cure for everything but I find it greatly enhances my energy, experience of life, and relationships with woman.

Also yall never met a sexy monk? The monk’s I’ve met are some of the most bad ass socially adept people I know, when they come out to do work to promote their causes, I’ve even met some at parties, and they are the least creepy people in the room. Their super present, alive, full of love, have no need for validation whatsoever and are just giving.


You thinking of Mantak Chia?

I would suggest in adding it in your next build. Considering it’s price and effects on the long run, it’s worth a shot and instead of having rough moments when you fall again on it, looks like finally one can free truly. However, it’s your choice.

Now, in the past I could HARDLY go for two weeks of abstinence, plus a lot of “unnecessary” thoughts.
It’s been a month now, and I can focus on other aspects.

Regarding sex drive, it ramps up after 3 weeks. But no negative experiences really, just more arousal and desire in meeting women. It’s hard to describe, but last week I felt some aura in myself. It’s like a intense feeling of lust, but it’s like raw, natural and wholesome. Like pure, real lust without the influences of pornography.

Cheers man!


Yup, I think that’s the one.

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I came across this, please remove it if it’s against forum rules:

That sounds awesome, 6 months + free of that-never done that
I’ll have to make room for it somewhere

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