My 2022 Lifestyle Journal


  • Morning routine (pranayama, neck mobility)
  • 7 minutes of swinging. I might have gone 1 or 2 more minutes but I didn’t need to. I notice the first few minutes are getting easier.
    Another 7 minutes in the evening. That makes 280 swings with a 24k bell in 2 sets. Not too shabby.
  • Did today’s Kassandra:
    15 min Wednesday Morning Yoga Twists - DAY 3 - YouTube
    I really like the affirmation: I am at peace with the flow of life.
  • Did my IQ test earlier in the evening, when the Force coffee was still strong in me. It’ll allow me to do some more traditional exercises and puzzles later.
    I do notice a gradual improvement. And sometimes even though I lose track of the sequence my intuition tells me when there’s a match.
    The tutorial is interesting today:
    Tutorial 9: Decision Making 1 | HighIQPro
  • Ate my nuts and for the main course some rice with beans and vegetables. I don’t miss meat as much as I thought I would. Some ice tea and yogurt drinks mixed in and I once again end around 2000 cals by the time the eating window closes. I suppose this means I should theoretically slowly lose weight.

A nice early start. Got my routine in, followed by a lot of productivity at work. Then came the meetings, which took up most of the day. Got my first set of swings in 2 hours late.

A couple of days back I didn’t want to cook so I took a bunch of stir fry vegetables and steamed them. I actually put them in a small electric 6-egg egg cooker and let it steam for a few minutes.

I’ve been thinking how I could get the maximum amount of nutrients with the least amount of effort. Between whey protein shakes and the mixed nuts, combined with a quality vitamin supplement or fruit juice I come a long way. The only thing missing were the vegetables. This method might actually work. Every evening take a cup of nuts, a whey shake with milk, a fruit juice and steamed vegetables. Quick and easy.

Went to bed at a decent time to sleep for about 7 hours.


Slept in a little, but was able to do the breathing and neck mobility between the morning meetings.

My phone is once again having fun at my expense, waking me up with a picture of salmon and just now showing me chocolate chip cookies.

My younger half-brother called me. I re-established contact with him when my father died late 2019.

He is pretty much my opposite. Super extrovert, prefers working with his hands over working with his mind, believes that if you don’t pay a bill long enough they’ll eventually forget about you, and women can’t get enough of him. I still remember when he was not even 15 I think, a 17 year old blonde, stunningly beautiful, wanted to spend time with him. So she showed up at the door and he told her he was busy playing computer games and to go away. She then climbed up the garbage container, the awning above the door and through his bedroom window just to be with him. If I ever experienced envy, that would have been the moment. That’s my younger brother for you. When he was a few years older his friends told him it was not fashionable to stay with his girlfriend for too long, so he gave her to one of his friends and she went along with it to make him happy.

Anyway, unlike me he doesn’t overthink things. Up to last November he was working in construction, when he figured he wanted to do something else. So he quit and tried something else. Just like that.

Turns out he didn’t like it after all, so now he wants to start his own construction company. He just said he would and got started, while I’ve been considering the pro’s and cons for years. Now he knows I want to do some renovating and he offered to help out if I created a website for him. Why is it that when people hear you’re in IT they always assume you know how to make professional websites?

I really wish I could help, also because he’d do free work for me (I’d help him either way though, he’s family after all). But although I do come up with genius ideas for logos or design every once in a while, I have not yet been able to summon the inspiration at will.

I might look at some WordPress courses, but at the speed he’s going he’ll need that site before I can say HTTPS.

It does make me feel a bit bad though. Partly because I probably can’t help him, mostly because he’s very social so he’ll keep calling and I don’t do small talk. Makes me very uncomfortable not knowing what to say in a phone call.

One thing he and I have in common is that we have very resilient bodies. He spent a day in a room with COVID infectees and tested clean. It’s probably the main reason I want my own children. This bloodline deserves to be propagated for the good of the species. :slight_smile:


A long time ago, the Russians discovered how using vibration plates on their astronauts could assist in maintaining their bone density. They love experimenting on their athletes and astronauts to get maximum performance (they also made EMS/TENS mainstream after using it on their Olympic athletes).

Then it became a bit of a hype, the lose-weight-without-exercise kind and gyms started stocking up on Powerplates. Then the TV home shopping networks latched on.

Basically it’s a surface you stand on (or do pushups on or many other stuff) while it shakes at a very high frequency.

This causes a constant unstable surface resulting in a massive amount of muscle contractions in a minimum amount of time. The body is constantly busy stabilizing. This will not grow muscles, but it will tone them.

There are some gotchas. First, quality matters. No need to get one of those Powerplates, I have a mid-range model for a few hundred bucks with resistance bands attached which works fine. I keep a bend at the knees to about where my knees are over my toes. Then I do alternating straight arm shoulder raises (front and lateral raises) with the resistance bands. Have not trying pushups, lunges or any other stuff on it yet.

Second, and this is very important, NEVER straighten the limbs resting on the plate. That causes the vibration to hit the joints instead of the muscles, which in 10 minutes is like running a barefoot marathon while landing on your heels with every step. Very very bad for you.

I do this on my recovery days for 10 minutes (not recommended to do it too often). It’s a bit of light exercise since it does indeed stimulate muscle contractions. But at the same time it also shakes a lot loose and stimulates blood flow and lymph drainage. Afterwards I follow up with a percussion massager on the quads, especially around the knee area.

It works for me, I don’t regret the purchase.

It reminds me of the Shakeweight which everybody loved to make masturbation jokes about. Which is unfortunate because it uses the same principle and does indeed help tone the arm muscles.

I joined in on a crowdfunding product which did something similar for the arms and upper body, but it was abandoned during COVID unfortunately. Too bad, really, it had an app and everythang.

So, exercise at home with a low resistance threshold (a term I use to indicate the point where my mind starts making up convincing excuses to not exercise).

On the kettlebell front, kettlebell swings are a bit much, since they hit the cardiovascular within minutes.

Turkish Getups would work nice, with no or little weight. Deadlifts or squats at your own pace would also work. Or farmer’s walks (walking around with something heavy, usually on one side).

Yoga is an option of course, depending on style. I like the 15 minute stuff from Abi Carver. I despise subscriptions but she still has courses on Udemy:

Or just the free stuff on Youtube. Kassandra is my regular go-to, but I have a few others.

15-20 minutes is doable and there’s not enough time to wear you out. Plus, yoga does hit every part of the body, which is good for mobility. Mobility is great and important if you haven’t exercised in a while. Keeps you from getting injured while exercising.

What I’ve often done to get back into it is to do one of those 100 pushups a day challenges. Having 24 hours allows me to do a few whenever I need a short break from the computer.

Or I do a few pullups every time I walk under the door opening. Never to exhaustion.

Not optimal results wise, but it’s very low key and I do definitely improve over time.

No need to remove it, unless you don’t want to share. I’m not above touching the topic myself. Should people get out their soap boxes I can find the delete button. My hope is that people here can display enough maturity to let sleeping COVID stories lie. If not, it’s a reflection on them.

What you can do in this case (since it’s going for this long) is to have one of those lung photo’s taken to see if there’s any indication of COVID damage. My neighbor still doesn’t believe it’s more than a flu, but he is still getting those photo’s made next week.

The pranayama I do also helps me breathe easier. Probably the Wim Hof breathing I do (don’t remember the Sanskrit name for it). A bit uncomfortable in the beginning though.

A variation on this principle:

The water first goes through a ceramic (think terracotta) barrier, then layers like in the picture, the last layer changes the pH to be more alkaline. The it drops into a reservoir with mineral stones impregnated with colloidal silver. Finally, when tapping it goes past a bunch of magnets to cause it to vortex/swirl.

And I added a bunch of energy stuff as well, like crystals, a copper pyramid and some other stuff. If they have an effect, great. If not, they’re not in the way.

On top of that, I got a large 0.1 micron filter, water softener and another one of those vortex pipes hooked into the water main. Got those in 2019 as a present to myself.

So, pretty much everything which I can do to have pure healthy water has been done. It’s quite beautiful when frozen. Now if only I actually liked the absence of taste in water…


I use ThriveThemes. We are doing 7 figures on it, been using it for years. Just use some decent hosting. We use SiteGround. Been really happy with their customer service.

We are looking to upgrade from WP, as we at some point do need something more scalable for ecom. But the options we are looking at start at 50k/ year.

Your brother has the right idea. Speed of implementation is the key.

I’m also a perfectionist. Plan, plan, plan and then plan some more.

Luckily the subs helped me over it. 80/20 rule just works.

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After reading your latest journal, for some odd reason or association, I have this question- back when you were younger, if there was a sub that could change you to be like your 14/15 years old brother, and got the same attractions and leverage he got, would you go for it?

Another broader related question that came to me is- which makes more sense to you, a person who utilize what they have even though they dislike what it or a person who go after what they like even though they ain’t cut out for it? If we take subs as an example, would it be better to use a sub that develops a passion for one’s own skills or use a sub that better one’s skill related to their passion?

For themes, you should check out websites such as ThemeForest. They have a huge range of items you could look at and sort out.

Domain name - Use NameCheap. This will allow you to get a cheap domain name instead of paying a higher cost than you would normally.

Hosting -Personal I use Bluehosting. It’s not bad, but I might choose a different one.

He’s not wrong. I planned everything before I started to develop my sites. Down to the posts. (I already had them written out on paper. It’s always a good idea to plan each phase. Use a methodology like the spiral model for help on how to plan each section (I might be getting too deep into this).

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There is planning, and then there is excessive planning. I never launced anything because there would always be something new I needed to add to my systems.

I started from zero. I created the marketing for the family business. Somehow struggled my way to 250k/year.

Now I’m on my second 7 figure year. Everything just started to click once I got over the perfectionism.

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I 100% know what you mean. I’ve had idea I would have loved to develop and launch but could never do it. I would always plan for stuff that might happen in the future. I’ve bought books on business start up and still haven’t tried to expand on it.

That’s amazing! How long did it take you to reach 6 figures then 7? If you dont mind my asking.

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The family business was at something like 145k/ year, pre online marketing. Then I finally got something done and we got to 250k pretty fast. Then I struggled at that for a 2 years, I think. Then there was a hop to 500k and then to 1 million. These last two hops took total of maybe 1,5 years as the growth happened at the last third of the 500k year.

I credit EoG and Emperor for this. It was all mindset changes that allowed this to happen.

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It’s pretty cool to see how impactful subs are business-wise, not just personally.

EoG, I might stack this with Khan. Hopefully, it will aid in the advancement of my concept. Would it be alright at some point to ask questions about stuff I might be stuck on business wise?

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Sure. As long as it doesn’t feel like work for me, I enjoy talking about business.

I hate working :wink:

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:rofl: Who does! But we got to do it for FREEDOM!

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I see. Thank you for sharing.

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  • Morning ritual. At some point I want to get up a bit earlier and do this before anything else. I’m also considering adding things to it.
    For example, there’s a DVD program called APY60 (American Power Yoga 60). It introduces the idea of starting the day off with a few minutes of mobility exercises. At some point the goal is to just pick a few at random every day and do those. I like that idea.
    Another great thing would be to add a meditation/visualization in.
  • Vibration plate followed by Kassandra’s yoga:
    15 min Thursday Morning Yoga for Balance - DAY 4 - YouTube
    I also always do some stretching after the vibration plate, give those muscles a break.
  • IQ training went well (see below). For focus training I remain at the same level, have been hovering there since day 1. It’s about 97% so I guess there’s not much room for improvement.
  • Didn’t feel like cooking so I ended up getting a second cup of nuts (making a whopping 1300 cals of nuts) and some vegetable soup, resulting yet again in about 2000 cals.

My phone is keeping it up. Salmon, chocolate chip cookies and mussels, all before noon. And a recommendation for 3 breakfast places to satisfy my morning hunger. I think he has it out for me.

Although I was off to a good start, I quickly got whelmed (neither over- nor under- just whelmed :slight_smile: ) by work. Vibration plate moved up until after work and my work-life balance was nowhere to find with 0 computer breaks in 8 hours.

After writing everything in the Q&A below it’s almost 10 in the evening and I don’t feel like doing anything (including eating). I still have to do my language exercises and the IQ exercises, but I wish I had been more productive today.

I actually hit N5 in the IQ training today! Holy crap!


There really is improvement. Might even be better if I did them earlier in the day (I do them a few hours after eating on purpose). A few more days like this and I’ll switch to the next level of difficulty. Emotional N-Back, which forces the brain to memorize and recognize different facial expressions. Supposedly trains EQ as well.

I can’t help but wonder how different this would be if I had been running (Quantum) Limitless.

The tutorial has something which clicked with me:
Effective problem solvers put more effort into the problem solving process than do poor problem solvers. They try to provide themselves with a clearer picture of what is going on during the process.

Made me think how many people out there want to press a button and get a result without caring how that result came to be. Or watch a movie instead of reading a book. So many people simply stopped caring. They became lazy, complacent. Sometimes I think the future depicted in the movie Idiocracy is not as fictional as we’d like to think.

Chatted with some online friends about the Twilight movies. The thing which truly makes me cringe and run the other way is how needy and emotionally broken her character is. And even if a man could fall in love with her, the fact that she begs and begs and begs to be turned and completely ignores how much it hurts Edward to do so, that’s ridiculous. How can you claim to love somebody when you force them to do the one thing which would break their heart completely? And how can any self-respecting man still want to be with her afterwards? I’d rather have the Vampire Diaries, at least Elena has grown up.

Anyways, let’s talk about something less controversial. I hear there’s a flu going 'round, it’s all the rage. :slight_smile:

In other news, almost forgot to run my Paragons today. Makes me glad ZP is only 15 minutes.

Finally, for whatever reason when I said I didn’t feel like doing anything that included going to bed, so I went to be very late.


Woke up alert enough but really wanting to go back into bed. As a result I didn’t feel motivated and am running behind. But I’ll get the basics done.

Most of last year I had the habit of fasting on Friday. As it is, I’m not hungry much and can easily do that. But I don’t know if I should, considering Friday is also a training day. It’s a bit annoying. Comes back to the question I asked you guys before. If I were to eat only every other day, should my eating day be on a training day or a recovery day?

Anyways, I guess I’ll be back tomorrow.


I think there’s a lot of risk-taking involved. Responsible risks are good. And I have been doing that more in different areas of my life since I started my first sub.

This is a really good question and one which regularly occupies my mind.

Very Long Answer

One of the most important things about the human condition and human existence is interpersonal connections. My brother has no formal education, rarely plans for the future, has a tendency for chaos in his life and would be a bit the local equivalent of a stereotypical redneck.

But he has everything he wants in life. He has lots of friends, a family, a little place he calls his own, he lives in the moment and follows his passion. In the end, he’s likely in the perfect spot to manifest anything he wants. He’s a “natural”.

Me on the other hand, I don’t have many of those things most of the time. And when I do I have to put constant effort into maintaining them.

But I can, if I want.

It reminds me of a dating coach who said there’s the Naturals and the rest of us. To the Naturals, seduction comes easy. They don’t think about it. Which is also their downside. Because they don’t think about it or put any effort in, they won’t ever change in that department. They are in a good spot.

The rest of us, we can learn how to do what the Natural does. It takes effort, time and energy, but we can learn. And then, we can learn how to do it even better. Because we have studied the process, we have put all that time, effort and energy into it. And that gives us wisdom as well as skill.

If I truly had the choice to be like my brother, I probably would. He is happy with his life. He doesn’t worry, he sees no challenges he can’t overcome with ease, he has love. He has everything a human being aspires to have. Even if from the outside looking in his life could use some serious improvement, he is exactly where he wants to be and has exactly what he wants to have from life. He knows fulfillment.

If given the choice today I likely would be him. Unless I get too scared to do it.

Which I think, is not the answer most people would expect.

That said, I am aware that I can achieve all he has and much, much more, if I get the right direction and find the right opportunities to get there. I can set my goals much higher. But it will always take effort. It will never be truly natural to me, even if to the world it seems effortless.

Maybe if I were 10-20 years younger chronologically, my answer would have been different. I would have been more than happy to put in 10 to 15 years of effort to achieve what he has.

After all this typing, I realize you asked if I would take it back then. The answer then would have been a definite yes.

I grew up with dear old mom, whose psychological torture I had to escape by running away from home and living on the street. A woman who destroyed people’s lives and happiness and was so scary that even when I was near death and needed to be taken to the hospital, my teenage self was too scared to call her, fearing she’d be angry. Which caused me to end up losing the sight in one eye. An upbringing so awful I never learned social skills on the way.

My brother grew up in a mansion near the beach with multi-millionaire dad who gave him everything he asked for and spoiled him senseless (part of where his confidence comes from I think, nobody ever said “no” to him so he assumes nobody ever will). He and his friends owned the beach and everybody wanted to be (near) him.

Up to my early 20’s, I would have given almost anything for my dad to have won the custody battle for me, for me to be like my brother, to have his life, his opportunities.

It isn’t until I managed to create a life for myself with its own accomplishments that I began to question if maybe I had the potential to overcome my challenges, to achieve more than he ever could. When I realized that the hardships I had been through made me so strong and resilient, gave me an unshakeable sense of identity, with a sense of honor and integrity which belong to a medieval fantasy knight and not in today’s day and age. Somebody I can be proud of.

The kind of person you would want to have your back when the zombie apocalypse comes. :slight_smile:

I just wish I could get a few decades back so I could have utilized them better.

There, oversharing complete.

That’s one of the big questions, isn’t it? Finding your life’s purpose, doing that which you were meant to do.

Medium Length Answer

I am great in my field of IT. I can design complex networks or program code in my mind’s eye, simply visualize them in front of me and have them run to see if there’s any bugs. I have an almost photographic memory which assists me in recalling the interconnectedness between everything I work with.

But if the lottery came to its senses, finally realizing I should have won years ago, and gives me my prize money with interest, I would likely go to college and study psychology and communication. I don’t like what society has become, and I know it is unlikely I can change it, but I am filled with joy whenever I help somebody achieve their passion and overcome their challenges. Ironically, as unlikely as I am to be around people, my passion would be to guide and help people to be the best version of themselves.

And in all the work I’ve done to overcome my own social challenges and unique mind, I’ve become able to predict human behavior through observation. And I can lead and even stealth hypnotize people during a conversation to guide them towards a certain path. Combined with that honor and integrity mentioned before, I can be extremely manipulative, but whenever I do it, it is to help people overcome their own barriers, the limitations they have placed on themselves. I can see what they desire and/or need even when they don’t and help them get out of their own way.

It is obvious why I ended up on a forum for a subliminal company and why I really wish Saint & Fire would let me into the inner inner circle. I have absolute confidence I can help design subliminal magic. All it takes is for them to get me on the path. And because it isn’t about the money for me, I’d likely never want to compete with them either. All I’d want is to have to opportunity to make subliminal magic. If not for SubClub, then just for myself, to make me better.

So to answer your question, I think it’s better to have a sub which helps a person discover what gives them fulfillment and pursue it, even if this is completely different from what they have done so far. Because I really don’t need to get that lottery money to follow my heart, I could simply do it rather than be afraid to take the chance and dive into the uncertain. Take the leap of faith. Like my brother does every day of his life.

And so we come full circle. Phew!

Let’s move on to something lighter.

DarkPhilosopher’s plan for amazing success:

Step 1: Have a family business already established to launch my success story from.


It seemed like such a good idea at the time. Back to the planning-cave, Batman.

I will look at those recommendations by the way. Thanks, guys!


Well, I also developed the products, but that was pre 2010. I’ve been working in the business since I was a child in the 90’s (thumbs up for child labor :P). Since 2001 I have been programming the machines for production. So I’m no overnight success.

Oh, I also did all that when having all kinds of shitty jobs for my main income, because the family business couldn’t pay me a salary.

The key to fast growth was when I finally managed to get my own shit under control. If I just wasn’t so “lost” in my 20s…


  • Morning routine, in the afternoon.
  • 1st set of swings, the full 10 minutes, 200 swings. Milestone achieved. Can barely use my arms to type right now (I do my swings with a little bend in the arms so they work the biceps as well).
    This set was quite intense and a little past my comfort zone. My left hand almost let go of the bell and afterwards my heart was in my ears and I needed to lean up against a wall. However, recovery was within 10 minutes. Cardiovascular that is, still can’t lift my left arm and my quads are wobbly.
    Did a second set for 5 minutes but didn’t feel right so I stopped there.
  • Kassandra’s sessions:
    Day 5 - Friday Yoga & Meditation - YouTube
    Some nice stretching.
  • The IQ training was a mess today. Could not consciously keep track of the sequences and acted almost entirely on instinct. Surprisingly, my average was higher than it was yesterday and I once again hit N5.
    Somewhat ironically, I had an improvement on the focus-exercises.
  • Forced myself to eat balanced and clocked in at about 1900 cals.

Slow start, possibly due to the lack of sleep last night. But I got my routines in later during the day and doing so gave me a bit of a boost.

I eventually went to bed, turned off my alarm and slept until around noon. Guess I needed it.


Since I’m starting around noon I might be less productive. Still I’ll do my best to get my Dailies in. Kassandra is going to be difficult, I’m not used to making much of an effort to exercise in the weekend and now I need to do those sessions Saturday and Sunday.

I haven’t done a whole lot of work on my house and environment, but digitally I’ve been busy clearing and sorting backups, finding ways to do some things more efficiently and optimizing my workstations. Finally got the Windows 11 where I want it, after installing some apps to put back in the Windows 10 features. Still need to update my router and change my domain structure before I can finish up and also install my gaming PC.

Once again I’ll see if I can use this weekend to get that Trello going. I’ll also see if I can make some progress on those customs I wanted to make.

Finally, I am wondering if I should do a second month of Emperor Fitness Stage 1 or if I should move on to Stage 2. I would ask you guys, but although you comment on my observations, you don’t brainstorm with me on my questions. :slight_smile:

Today is my weighing day. Curious to see if last week’s trend continued and my body composition has changed.


First thought in my head:
Coincidentally, that is quite literally also the key to growth for newborn children.

I don’t mean to belittle your accomplishments. I respect what you have done to get where you are, a jet-setting sauna aficionado.

I am however reminded of the idea that it is easier to make money with money than with no money. All the opportunities I need are out there for me to find, but I still have to go look. When you are part of something already established you don’t have to go as far to look for them. In the end, herd work is part of both scenarios.

When I came back into my father’s life in my 20’s he had 3 businesses. One of them would have been the ultimate place to learn about that mystical creature called the human female and it would have given me the ultimate Khan lifestyle.

I often find myself thinking what I could have achieved if I had the skills and abilities I have now. Would I have been able to take over those businesses? Would he have simply put me in charge of one? There were so many possibilities but at the time, being fresh off life on the streets and still socially challenged, I failed to see and take advantage of those possibilities.

And so it was all gone by the time my dad passed in 2019.

Perhaps if I had the subs then, my story might have been similar to yours.

Still, there’s no challenge which can not be overcome. And I consider myself financially above average and comfortable enough to be able to focus on other areas of my life. And now that my eyes are open, I might just take advantage of an opportunity when I notice it.


Focus Training? Is that included in the highiqpro app?

I didn’t take it as belittling.

I thought that this was a good place to give some more context to other people.

Even if somebody has been failing on some level for decades, it’s possible to turn the situation around. Pretty fast even. The SC products can help a lot.

Definitely true. EoG worked so well for me because I had already something for it to work on. Even a struggling tiny business is a good enough vessel for it.

Haha. For the record, every single sauna I have seen outside of Finland just sucks. Not worth it.


  • Got the morning routine in after waking up.
  • Vibration plate and Kassandra after getting the groceries and before my first meal of the day.
    15 min Saturday Morning Yoga for Core Strength - DAY 6 - YouTube
  • I did an initial Trello setup for my goals (see below).
  • Thanks to some sweet custard I went way overboard with my calories and ended up over 3000. Although there are some theories that say if you constantly eat below your needs you should go over at least once a week, I will still have to compensate this week. Should be easy enough.

I should really clean the kitchen more often than just the weekends. The new filters for my water filter have arrived, I’ll throw some of the parts in the dishwasher and build everything up tomorrow. For now, I put the mineral stones in water after giving them a good rinse.

I do like how they look.

Also need to give these a good cleansing.

Full moon is on Tuesday, I suppose I can wait until then or use another method.

I did an initial setup of my Trello. Came up with these domains:

Each of them gets 4 columns. This is the Health & Fitness one:

All goals start out in Desires. Building means I’ve started taking action but I have either not reached any milestones or the discipline to keep it up. Habitual means it’s a daily habit and is easy to maintain. Finally, Done is for one-time goals which I’ve completed.

I will continue refining each goal, improving the descriptions and adding steps I’ve taken towards them. The idea is to review them regularly, but at least briefly every weekend and more extensively every 3 months.

It will be important I don’t start using it as a ToDo list. The goals should be short, medium or long “projects” and take multiple steps to complete.

I should also be on the lookout for matching backgrounds. Something which helps my mind focus on the goal.

I went to bed late again, like I do often on the weekends. I’ll have to change that.


And woke up late as well. So I’ll quickly get some water in me and do my morning exercise. I’ll try and do better tomorrow and another shot to do right next weekend.


It’s 2 apps in a row. The first one is Dual N-Back which is in the HighIQPro app. The second one is attention focus training, included in the same software suite with the name gFocus. According to the PDF learning plan I need to do both.

It’s a very simple concept. There’s two layers of pictures overlapping. One is an indoor or outdoor scene, the second a male or female. Every session the app picks one of those 4 at random and I have to press the space bar whenever that one appears. The focus part comes in because it appears 95% of the time, so my body goes on autopilot and keeps pressing space unless I stop myself from doing so on the other 5%. Each picture only appears for a second or so, meaning my fingers are already on their way to the space bar by the time my conscious brain registers the picture.

Don’t know exactly how to describe the result. Focus becomes more pin-pointed, able to eliminate surrounding distractions? I become more alert because I need to prevent myself from going into auto-pilot?

Either way, it’s a nice cool-down from the effort in the N-Back app.

I know. I just haven’t been able to convince them to do so, they tend to stop at “a little”. :slight_smile:

Finland, where mothers teach their children to never talk with strangers, unless you’re naked in the sauna with them. Where COVID rules of maintaining proper distance from each other do not apply to saunas, since COVID doesn’t like saunas or doesn’t fit because there’s too many people taking up space.

I’m sure there’s some likeable saunas. Although they may lack the snow.

When I wrote that part I was thinking of the book Massage for Dummies. The writer actually went around the world to try out massages in every country and listed the best massage in every country in the back of the book with contact information so you could book your own.

When I read that, it became an indicator of financial freedom for me. The ability to just go around the world, finding the best of something in every country.

And that became you being a jet-setting sauna aficionado.



  • Morning routine, I keep forgetting the neck mobility lately even though my neck keeps hurting.
  • IQ exercises right after the breathing to see if all the oxygenated blood helps.
  • Kassandra is next, last session.
    15 min Sunday Morning Full Body Yin Yoga - DAY 7 - YouTube
  • Once again over 3000 cals. Diet-wise this weekend was a fail. May have to discipline myself by fasting next weekend.

Off to a really late start, this weekend is not as productive as last one was I guess.

The IQ exercises have been difficult for me the last few days, I feel like I was barely holding on to my N3. But I managed to stay above a 3 average for 5 days in a row, so I’m starting the next level tomorrow.
Technically the app wants me to complete 40 sessions, but the learning plan which accompanies it doesn’t. After the IQ test in March I’ll go back and do it the way the app wants. At that point I have time.

The tutorial was about productivity and it gave me what Hoppa already mentioned:

“20% of your actions or inputs, products or services… will create 80% of what you want”
– Tim Ferriss

Thanks for the reminder that I must be doing something wrong, Timmy.

Last day of the yoga challenge. Only 7 days, certainly easier compared to the earlier 30-day morning and evening ones. I think I will start doing the Abi Carver 15-minute ones which I mentioned earlier I miss her telling me to “stand at the top of your mat” in perfect English every day. :slight_smile:

I could start more intensive yoga stuff, but my flexibility and mobility outperforms my body fat, making it very uncomfortable to do some of the poses.

Went to bed late-ish.


Woke up, not looking forward to 5 hours of non-stop meetings.

Managed to get the morning routine in between meetings, I’m hoping to do some audio books or documentaries later today, so I can get them out of my queue.

Also got 4 cups of tea in me, good start in the water department.

I have always wondered about the difference between drinking lots of water in one go and little bits of water throughout the day. If we drink a lot in a single sitting, will it just go through us without being utilized? Meaning we would still need to drink more throughout the day?


Just wanted to come back to this. Next time, don’t just look at them. :wink:

You would have to search for a good wood-burning sauna, which I believe is closest to the traditional Finnish style.

But for variety you could try the Turkish style steam rooms. Harder for the respiratory system but generally better for the skin due to the very high moisture levels.

One thing I still wish to experience one day is one of those traditional native American sweat lodge ceremonies. Going in there when already quite spiritual could blow my mind wide open. I might just put that on my goals list.

My local gym actually had a nice sauna right in the locker room next to the showers. You could exercise, go to the locker room, sit in the sauna, take a breather in the beach chairs right next to it, then take a shower, ending it cold and finally get dressed.

Having it right there next to the showers and the lockers was a real luxury. And those wooden lounge chairs next to it was a nice touch.

I can only imagine the possibilities if they had combined the men’s and ladies’ locker rooms. But that’s where gender equality suddenly draws a line.

Come to think of it, gyms are probably one of the most gender-discriminating environments out there. There’s lots of women’s only gyms, but I haven’t seen a men’s only gym around because that’s not allowed. Whatever, I’ll stop reaching for that soap-box now. We were talking about saunas.


Come visit me in Qatar then :rofl:
I go to an all men’s gym here and we have plenty, it’s much better and less distracting :rofl:


  • Pranayama around 10:45
  • KB Swings (8 minutes before losing form) around 12:00
  • Neck mobility (3 minutes) around 13:00
  • KB Swings (2 minutes only) around 18:00
  • Abi Carver yoga session (15 minutes) around 19:00
  • Meditation (15 minutes) around 19:30
  • IQ exercises around 20:00
  • About 2100 cals between 20:00 and 00:00, but a coffee around 18:00
  • 15 minutes of hamstring stretches around 00:15
  • Bedtime around 00:30

I’m trying to figure out a better form for the list above. Since I expect they’ll get repetitive I think I should keep them short. Also, since I want to work more on time management where it comes to many of the daily rituals, I will include the time.

This way, you can skip over them to my observations if you’re interested.

No full swing-set today. I lost form around 8 minutes. I did notice it was relatively easy to recover my breath afterwards, only took a few minutes.

I think I’ll be able to reach 2 full sets by the end of the month if I keep it up. If so, I’ll switch to single-handed swings with the same weight. Once those are manageable as well, it’s time to move up a weight class.

Once I can swing a 32k around with one hand twice a day, I’ll switch to a single set and start the Getups with a 16k bell for the second set. Great for functional movement.

I’m also considering adding some ayurvedic practices back into my day. I’m thinking for the time being some oil pulling would be enough (ayurveda LOVES its oils), combined with replacing my tongue scraper with a new copper one.

Finally, after mentioning my desire for a sweat lodge yesterday I’ve been looking into those. Living in the big city, most of them take half a day to get to, but I did find some which are manageable. I also found some shamanistic courses in one of the city’s suburbs. One has a course for making one’s own drum. That’s kind of cool and something I’ve been wanting to do, but getting the materials is not that easy (they don’t have ye olde shaman supply store around the corner). I’ll keep those in mind for later.

Not long after work I did some more swings but just wasn’t feeling it. I also felt a little pinch in my lower back and that is rarely a good thing. It’s interesting that it could be an indication of diet. I ate badly this weekend, so can’t perform as well.

Obviously once conditioning is advanced enough it takes more than 10 minutes to feel the effects of a bad diet, but I still think this is an indicator.

As I’m working on these goals and writing this journal I’m beginning to see the Scrum & Kanban influences. My life is becoming this Continuous Delivery & Integration cycle. I’m taking a page out of Bruce Lee’s book by using bits of Scrum, Kanban and GTD and forming a system which works for me. Just today I started thinking about my periodical reviews as Retrospectives.

This might actually be something I can maintain.

I saw a course about neck and shoulder issues where the coach explains that many issues arise because the neck and shoulders are weak and under-used. It might explain why it always feels better when I exercise regularly. The course has a lot of mobility but also strength exercises for the neck.

Maybe I should pull a tractor tire with a band around my forehead. :slight_smile:

I did an Abi Carver yoga session (she’s so cute). Wanted to do 2 but still wasn’t feeling it. Afterwards I meditated for about 20 minutes with my Muse on. Forgot to record unfortunately. I would like to try different styles of meditation and see how they affect me according to the Muse.

The emotional dual n-back is nasty! Basically it shows a facial expression in a location and a colored emotion-eliciting word in the center. The matches are on location and color, so ignoring the faces and words themselves. Location is easy enough, but memorizing the sequence of colors, that one is tough.

With that, I can finally relax now, all the things I needed to do today have been done.

Did some stretches and went to bed at a (for me) reasonable time.


Good point.

Yes, certain cultures do lend themselves a bit better to it. Out here in the West we are all judged by the court of public opinion. And its laws are written by whomever has the most camera time or keeps the most people from going to work.

Not saying that it’s all bad. It isn’t. But I find it sad that instead of finding a balance when it comes to some of these matters, I notice we’ve gone past the center and slowly head towards the other extreme.

Anyways, it is what it is. I’m all for open discussions on this forum, but some things are best left for Reddit. :slight_smile: