My 2022 Lifestyle Journal


  • Alarm @ 08:45, out of bed by 10
  • Pranayama (15 minutes) @ 13:00
  • Vibration plate 'n stretching (15 minutes) @ 13:30
  • Duolingo (20 minutes) @ 20:20
  • Meditation (20 minutes) @ 21:35
  • IQ exercises (20 minutes - N4.3) @ 23:10
  • Attention focus exercises (15 minutes - 96.75%) @ 23:30
  • About 2100 cals.

Getting to sleep was doable as long as I didn’t move, but getting out of bed in the morning was a project which took me about 45 minutes. Getting my morning tea was another 15 minutes. I woke up with the entire right shoulder blade area inflamed and it turns out that area is actually useful for getting around. Oh, joy!

I guess this is why regular yoga is such a good thing. It uses every muscle in the body, preventing such injuries (which as far as I know happen either with overuse or underuse).

I really felt like doing some shoulder and arm stretches before getting in the vibration plate. Felt good, for a moment I felt normal. Then I tilted my head to the right.

The medicine has made it possible to do almost everything right now, albeit with some pain and discomfort. Hopefully that’s an indication the muscles are releasing. My boss told me that without painkillers the muscles refuse to release and the pain sticks around. I suppose it’s possible, elicit too much pain from a muscle and it will defend itself by locking up. But if that’s also the case in a situation like mine, how would it ever heal when you’re in constant pain?

I tried a heavy visualization meditation with the purpose of figuring out if there’s an imbalance of one of the elements in the body. Unfortunately I pretty much fell asleep during it. Which was not that pleasant as that meant my chin dropped to my chest which my still painful muscle does not like. Either way, this is the graph.


I’ll have to do a baseline measurement of sorts during work hours when I’m answering emails and doing day to day stuff.

I got a bunch of cloud-related courses applicable to my job and also got some crowdfunded handstand aids which I think are probably way too expensive. I consider that work-life balance. :wink:

I’ve seen half of the crowdfunding campaigns I contributed hundred of bucks to the past years go dark with the pandemic. Too bad as there were some really nice ones. Really don’t get all those people blaming the crowdfunding platform. It is literally on the payment page that once your payment goes to the campaign owner there is nothing they can do to get it back.



Muscles were locked up again this morning. Pretty normal after sleeping. Still, it’s a bit worse than I thought it would be. My day started out with discomfort, went on to feel like the occasional sticking a needle in there and ended with a general burning sensation but full mobility. Hopefully I’m getting to the end.

I ended up working until 20:00 and am mentally worn out so I will not be productive today unfortunately. Making this a very short post. It happens, I suppose. My treat.



  • Out of bed @ 10:30
  • Pranayama @ 16:20
  • Vibration Plate @ 18:15
  • About 2100 cals.

I slept in this morning. Only half a day of work so I can afford it.

My muscle pain is back with a vengeance, the pain is probably worse than it has been since the start.

I was watching a documentary about sound and they talked about this:

It’s kind of cool, I can imagine affecting it by meditating with a plant. Focusing on the essence of the plant or sending Reiki into it. I teacher I had once said that when you observe a plant or tree its energy field reaches out to you. He sometimes felt a bit uncomfortable in forests when all the trees reached out to him at the same time.

But what if you can actually hear the sound change because you’re affecting the plant? I’d be curious about that.

They also spoke about the quiet zones around telescopes looking at space. An area where no radio signals are allowed. I’ve spent some time in a shielded room and the effect is definitely noticeable. It would be nice to live in a place like that. Or at least create a radio wave blocking meditation area and bed.

Did the vibration plate in the evening. Hopefully I won’t be punished for it in the morning.

Also did a little bit of Duolingo in between other things.

I tried some Jalapeno-flavored potato chips. Must have been a bad batch, I couldn’t taste anything anymore after the second chip. :slight_smile:

Other than that, I was mostly still dealing with the dull pain in my back. It’s getting a bit annoying by now, not being able to do much. I wonder if I’ll have gained weight this week.

By the way, this weekend should be my first retrospective. Won’t be too interesting, mostly a look back at the month, see where there’s room for improvement and some questions for you guys.


Monthly Retrospective: January

It’s the final weekend of the month and so I look back at the month to see what I did and did not do.


January was all about getting more structured in both life and work. I started exercising more often but pulled that muscle near the end so there goes the habit. I also did a lot of house-cleaning (mainly digital) to gain a clearer picture of things.


This month the greatest positive thing I did was to create that structure. If I can’t see where I am, I can’t see where I’m going.

  • I have diligently posted every day,
  • I created the convenient bullet-point lists,
  • I started mild calorie counting, and
  • I created the Trello boards.

The bullet point lists allow me to clearly see where I’m going wrong, the calorie counting may not mean much in the larger picture (diet composition and timing are much more important) but has been somewhat successful in stopping me from overeating.

Finally, the Trello might be the best thing I did. I have slightly changed the goals and will make them more SMART style or split them at a later moment. I also added a little note on each goal stating what I did or did not do towards this goal the past month. And I’ve created one board just for the retrospective.

I like how it works so far. I’m considering adding colored labels to them. Still need to consider whet those might represent though. Priority? Effort required?


What, if anything, did I find lacking? Where could I have done better?

In order of importance:

  • Sleep management
    Obviously I still can’t help myself from saying up too late and sleeping too little. The first week went well, but I quickly devolved to staying up late and oversleeping. I am going to need some strategy to deal with this and could use some advice. More on this in the Questions section.

  • Time management
    Separated from the above, our bodies and minds prefer routines. Performing the same actions at the same time every day. You can see that when exercising every morning. If you suddenly skip a day your body will actually still act like you’re exercising.
    In my case, in part due to oversleeping, my actions are all over the map. This in turn can also lead to a stressful sprint to the finish line which in turn leads to a late dinner and chill and an even later bedtime.
    So I will need to find some way to schedule my recurring activities. This may or may not be possible before the sleep management is fixed.

  • Diet management
    Even though overall I did reasonable, there is a lot of room for improvement. A strict diet would be harder to maintain if I have to cut out the cheat days (even though they are the cause for all the issues). It is the eventual goal though. For now, however, I will need to see if I can cut back on the “cheating” even more so there is nothing left of those foods during the weekdays.

As far as the last one goes, with my dentist having moved the appointment to March and the official IQ test also in March, combined with the back muscle recovery time, I am considering fasting throughout February. It might give me a quick boost back into ketosis, make it easier to go into a better diet afterwards and help with my annoyance with having more flexibility than movement range. Then again, it may just be an excuse to overeat this weekend…

Subliminals and Me

This is a hard part for me. I might be considered a hard gainer. Or at least a very subtle one.

A second consideration is that some of the results I’m getting might not actually be from subs I’m running but ones which I have run in the past. For example, the biggest changes I could attribute to Khan actually happened a year after I had completed running it, when I was already listening to something different entirely.

For these reasons I have given up on the constant focus on how the subs might be affecting me. Instead, I simply state that they do and make notes of anything which I would consider other than ordinary. I then consider the subs I’m running and the ones I was running before that.

So, where does that leave me?

I have experienced a massive drive to structure and clarify everything. The bullet-points, jouralling, Trello and a lot of de-cluttering have really made a difference and came as an unexpected surprise. I have been wanting to do things like that for years but never got around to them and now it came natural and effortless.

This of course is hard to put on Emperor Fitness or Spartan. But I was running EoG & AM before the start of the ZP tests and after the end of them. And I have little doubt that these are skills which greatly benefit financial success.

I have been more assertive at work, as if I am less afraid that people will respond negatively to me speaking my mind. This comes combined with apparently having more emotional connection with the people I work with. So who knows, Chosen ZP may also be at work here.

The sudden interest and drive concerning IQ may have been brought on by JCast bringing it up and me getting curious and seeing it as a game, it could also have been because I ran Limitless ZP at the time. Either way, it’ll stay strong at least until the end of March I expect, although the N-Backs are getting a bit boring.

As far as Spartan, eFit, GLM & Paragon go, I suppose I have not seen that much yet. If anything, maybe it’s easier to do certain things. Like eating healthy during weekdays or picking up a weight and exercising. I don’t get energized and enthused doing those things, but I don’t meet any internal resistance either. It’s more a feeling of not caring either way so I might as well go ahead and do it.

I also find myself thinking about how fast I was able to make progress on those swings. At first I kept getting annoyed that I almost never reached that 10 minute set. But then I realized how difficult Tabatas used to be and those are only 4 minutes long. So I’m already doing a great deal more than I thought I would.

In the end, there is only so much progress one can make in the health & fitness category at any given time. So I try to focus enough actions in that category to keep moving forward and fill the rest of my time with other areas of focus. I’m moderating myself a bit better though, in the past I’ve been so driven by exercise that I injured myself.

I’ll probably add a column in my retro board for things I can link to subs. Then in future reviews I might have more for you.


I notice that when I ask for help from the audience, you either don’t see it, don’t feel like helping, don’t think you can help, don’t think I’ll listen to you or one of many other reasons.

So, I’m giving it its own section here. Here goes.

  • What techniques do you use to get enough sleep?
    I’ve heard people say to set the alarm and wake up to it even if you only went to bed an hour earlier. Doing it often enough would force you to go to bed earlier from exhaustion. I’ve also heard people say to simply have the discipline to go to bed earlier.
    I personally have been playing with the idea of determining a time (midnight for example) when I go to bed. When that time arrives, I drop whatever it is I’m doing, brush my teeth and go to bed.
    This would mean I may leave a lot of things unfinished. But over time might lead to better patterns and actually increased productivity.

  • Do any of you actually plan your day in advance? If so, how do you get started with that and how do you deal with unexpected things?
    I recall Saint telling me he plans everything, he always knows exactly what he’s going to do on any given day. Would lead to crazy productivity I think.

For diet management I don’t really need answers. I know all I need to know for now, but am still challenged to apply it evenly. I tend to jump from one thing to the next.

And there you go, my first 2022 retrospective. Another one next month, a bigger one every quarter and another post from me tomorrow.


The most important for me is not using an alarm.

I have this annoying habit of not being able to sleep if I have to wake up at a pre-determined time in the morning. I keep waking up all the time to check the time.

I get a nice 8h sleeps on average every night.

Of course, I have the advantage of not having to care when I usually wake up. I usually go to the factory around 11am. And leave after 10pm. This past week I left a bit earlier just to get away from computer for a while.

I’m 100% undisciplined in this regard. I don’t use a calendar. I don’t plan my days. I hardly take notes.

If I don’t remember something, it wasn’t important :smiley:

I haven’t missed anything important with my “method”.

I learned all these bad habits in school. That’s what you get when there is no advanced class and the schooling system is most efficient in getting the bad students to a decent level. Too bad it killed all my motivation for any official education like university etc.

Then again, I hate working for other people anyway. Diplomas are only important if you want to get a job. Of course, that’s propably not true, but my stubborn belief.

You might find some ideas in the Sleeping hacks and aids and/or Supplements for sleep.? threads.

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I actually had to get out of bed early since we were doing some overtime work. After that was done I did/wrote the retrospective. Then I felt mentally tired so I lay down in bed while enjoying the sun shining through my bedroom window. I fell asleep for about 4 hours. Making this a not-so-productive day.

Had another weird dream. Sharing it for entertainment purposes.

I dreamed I was being affected by a Voodoo spell. Started seeing a specific sigil everywhere, but especially on a wall across the street from my house. There was also a strange man who gave me the creeps watching me often.

At some point I confronted him and he told me he saw I was in pain and only wanted to help heal me. When I asked him about the sigil he said it wasn’t his but it was meant as a blessing cast upon me, so somebody else wanted to help me as well.

So I spent the entire dream in fear and prejudice, only to find out it was all meant to help me. Curious.

Still not able to do any weighted exercise, so I’ll have to stick with mild movement. It’s kind of sad I wasn’t able to build the habit, even though I expect that wasn’t happening anyway as long as I kept exercising at different times of the day.

When it gets better I will start doing some of the exercises I found to strengthen and relax the neck. I wrote of them a bit back. I guess after years of having tightness in those muscles it finally came to a climax. Never again.

The day ended even less productive since my body figured I should sleep through the rest of the day as well, taking no food and no more pills.

I wish I knew why my body is driven to hibernate through weekends with some regularity. If it is a lack of sleep during the week, a need to heal and recover, maybe the one thing which keeps me from eating (although it is likely I’ll move my cheat days up to Sunday and Monday now).

Either way, not much to report. I may take a day off here and there to work on some personal goals like the finances and renovations.


I wish I didn’t have to care. I’ve always thought that when I start my own business or have an income stream which can support me I would try polyphasic sleeping.

But do you have a set bedtime? Or do you go to bed whenever it suits you?

When I set an alarm my body will wake up 99/100 times about 5 to 10 minutes before it goes off and then stay awake long enough to turn it off. But if I haven’t had enough sleep it will pull me back to that nice cozy bed to continue sleeping.

I tried putting the alarm on the other side of the room, which resulted in me sleepwalking over to turn it off and then going back to bed.

Now I use an alarm app which gives me mathematical questions to solve before it turns off. This forces my brain fog away and does usually keep me up. But if my body wants to sleep very badly after that, I am inclined to cooperate.

It is a breath of fresh air. All those productivity and time management studies talking about the secrets to being successful include getting up at 5 in the morning and using extensive ToDo and project management systems, and here you are to provide the contrast. Doing very well for yourself without constantly forcing yourself to go to unnatural length to pull out every drop of productivity.

More people should know that it is very possible.

I actually had the military training which teaches how to fall asleep fast and I seldom have a problem falling asleep even during a dance concert. It’s the getting enough sleep which is my challenge.

My issue is that I have these big plans for everything I want to do, but not enough time in my day. So I get up, go to work right away, try to do a few things during work breaks, then after work get the other daily returning stuff out of the way. Then I have to relax at least a little to come down, then I still have some things I want to do.

And before you know it, I am far past midnight. I accomplished some things, but I go to bed late, can’t set my alarm early so have to set it right before work and the whole thing starts over. So, basically I have more goals than time in the day.

During prolonged periods off it takes me about 2 weeks to get into a comfortable rhythm with enough sleep. All because work doesn’t consume such a large part of my day.

I will check out those threads, thank you. Always looking for little nuggets of gold. As far as sleep supplements go, I noticed a magnesium supplement helps. Also, passion flower (passifolra incarnata) tea. It helps to get to sleep and makes dreams slightly more vivid (useful when doing psychedelics).


I go to bed when I feel like it. Generally between 10pm and midnight. Most of the time before 11pm. But I don’t stress about it. I do tend to fall asleep easily.

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The pain is manageable. I suppose the sleep helped. I still don’t want to put loads on the muscles, but I feel like it will be gone in a day or two.

I’ve been catching up on a few things I was supposed to do yesterday, but not much beyond that.

When considering if I should go and get some cheat food, I figured what I got yesterday between my extensive “naps” would be enough for today and tomorrow. And after that I do think I’ll go and fast. My body composition has changed in the right direction this week but it’s going so very slow. I need a confidence booster.

In the end I did my pranayama and some Italian lessons, stayed up a bit late while mentally preparing for another week filled with presentations and meetings and then went to bed. Another weekend lost with hope that the next week will get better.

It is what it is, at least my shoulder is feeling better.



No times since I crammed everything in the evening.

  • Pranayama
  • Vibration Plate
  • Yoga (15 minutes)
  • IQ exercises (10 minutes)
  • Italian lessons (20 minutes)

Was dropped straight into 2 meetings, a server migration and a 3 hour long demonstration of the code environment and then some creative Kanban designing. By 18:30 I could finally take a break, which I first used to check this forum before “starting” my day.

I find the whole Kanban idea kind of fun to do. It feels good to know that everything that needs doing has been clarified and given its place in the queue. I wonder if that methodology can be easily applied to my private life.

In a cruel and ironic twist I sunk into a deep depression upon finding out that @James’s Dragon Reborn was ZP’d before my Emperor Fitness, resulting in me possibly needing Dragon Reborn to recover from said depression. :slight_smile:

Apart from not having my full range of neck mobility due to the muscles locking up I have no more pain. I was able to comfortably do the vibration plate followed by some yoga.

I did some traditional IQ exercises, getting a bit bored by the N-Backs. I will say, it definitely looks like my pattern recognition has improved quite a bit, I raced through some of those type of questions.

The past few days I’ve watched some documentaries about food, I simply felt interested in them (maybe that’s Stage 1 at work there). Today I found myself curious about milk and artificial sweeteners and how much of an improvement health-wise it would be if I went without them.

For now I still have some perishables left to finish, so I have food for today and tomorrow unless I go to bed really late (or early, depending on the point of view), so that extended fast I intend to do would start on the 2nd at the earliest. And if I do, I intend to continue doing light exercise in order to build the habit.

Completely off-topic: I was browsing cancelled TV shows and came across this:

A British police procedural series, this show was cancelled in the UK following allegations of sexual misconduct by 20 women against co-creator and star Noel Clarke.

Had to read that twice before it sunk in. Sexual misconduct by 20 women against 1 man. Was he born Eros, God of Love and Sex?!

All in all I was surprised I got the basics done after work. A decent start of the week, I’d say.



  • Alarm @ 08:45, out of bed @ 09:00
  • Pranayama (15 minutes) @ 09:10 (Yay!)
  • KB24 Tabata (4 minutes) @ 20:20
  • Yoga (15 minutes) @ 20:45
  • Italian (10 minutes) @ 21:10
  • IQ exercise (25 minutes) @ 21:20
  • Meditation (15 minutes) @ 22:00

Give thanks for small miracles, I managed my breathing before work (even if it was the only thing I managed before the evening rolled around). Tried some neck mobility but my neck was having none of it and warned me not to try its patience.

After that another absurd day at work, which I’ll stop mentioning until it actually changes.

Halfway through the day I noticed a message from Saint telling me his recon had passed. So I figured this statement should be tested using the scientific method:


So far, results are within expected behavioral parameters. Will have to increase external stimuli.

I will say that as frustrating it is to be a supposed “hard gainer” and having only subtle but usually continuous changes, that same thing also translates to other areas of my life (as well as recon). Things simply don’t affect me as much, they don’t change my positive outlook. Like today, when it was chaos at work and I even got an email saying I would be fired in a month because of an administrative error at HR, the first thought that popped into my head when Saint told me he was past his recon was “let’s find a picture of somebody poking a bear.”

Just now I was tagged by @James about a dream he’s been having. Not an unfamiliar one to me, I’ve been wondering where it went.

The reply I wrote to him reminded me of a dream which had been plaguing me a lot when I was young. It was me in a black void running as hard as I could while a 10-storey high boulder was rolling at me. Didn’t matter if I turned, the boulder would keep coming and the dream ended when it flattened me. The feeling of helplessness, knowing that there’s no escape in that endless void, night after night after night, it was horrible. To my credit though, I still kept trying, never gave up.

It kind of makes me a believer in dreams being a message. At some point I started taking responsibility and control over my life and my choices. I no longer felt like I was being lived but instead I was doing the living. And just like that I never had that dream again.

There, 'nuff sharing.

I had enough confidence to do some kettlebelling. Only a 4-minute Tabata, but those things are intense. It worked - without pain fortunately.

In case you like the idea of 4 minute HIIIT rounds proven to be very effective in training your cardiovascular system and increasing VO2 max, I use this YT channel often for some variety on music:

Props for the term “indoor musculation.”

The original Tabata formet is 20/10 for 4 minutes with 1 minute rest afterwards. That’s one Tabata round. Most people won’t make it past 4 of those 5-minute blocks.

Tabatas work best with plyometric style exercises. Anything that uses enough muscles to get the heart pumping before you reach the halfway point. Which is why it is so popular with KB enthusiasts.

My KB intructor told me that if you start 3 days of your week off with KB swings in Tabata form for 4 minutes, you’ll see continuous improvement in body composition. Meaning I used to put my KB in the bedroom, until the female visitors started complaining about all those stubbed toes that is. So out of consideration for my guests, I now have to walk to my gym.

Did a New Moon meditation

Apparently we’re rid of Mercury now so we’re full of energy for new things again. Sure, why not. I’ll take more productivity.

Visualization tends to be Alpha dominant.

I wonder if there is a significance of one part of the brain being stronger in certain waves compared to other parts. Maybe if I do something like HemiSync it’ll be perfectly balanced.

I did more stuff today and it’s a nice full post again. I feel content. Time to relax for a few hours before bed.

Those few hours went a bit long as I had a bit more perishable food left than I thought. But it is all gone now and as long as I find the discipline I can go into an extended fast now.



  • Alarm @ 08:45 - Up @ 09:30
  • Pranayama (15 minutes) @ 18:05
  • Italian (5 minutes) @ 18:20
  • Vibration plate (15 minutes) @ 18:30
  • IQ exercises (30 minutes) @ 19:05

Went late yesterday so I allowed myself to sleep in a bit.

Also finished up a ludicrous amount of perishable calories yesterday, so a little tag to @SubliminalUser that unless something happens I’ll be fasting for the next 4.5 weeks. I’ll still do tea with sweeteners in the beginning though.

My mind has already opened with its first salvo by making me sad about not having any food to unwind with after work combined with persistent concerns about what to do with my free time when I don’t have any snacks to combine it with.

It found an ally in my phone which pulled zero punches and placed these on my lock screen:

I really don’t consider the onion rings the greatest concern here…

Worst thing is you can’t prepare for the lock screen. Screen comes on and BOOM! Deal with it, sucka!

Oh, well. This too shall pass.

Workday was better than before, even got some compliments. Still didn’t get around to doing my Dailies until afterwards though.

Tried doing some yoga from a course but the instructor just kept talking and talking and it annoyed me, so I quit before doing much beyond a warmup.

And finally, I succumbed to my desires when I found out there was still some chocolate milk at risk of going bad, so I drank that. You win the battle, phone. But I’ll win the war.


Why not change the lock screen?

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Boo! :angry:

In any case, I will be following this fasting story. @DarkPhilosopher are you going to make this journal feature fasting details? Personally I was going to separate a good deal of that out of my main journal, talking it about it in the main only in conjunction with the sub journey.

Day Before Yesterday

  • Pranayama + Neck mobility (15 minutes) @ 18:30
  • 4-mites KB24 Tabata @ 21:05
  • Yoga (15 minutes) @ 21:15
  • Meditation (20 minutes) @ 22:05
  • Italian (15 minutes) @ 23:45

Overslept a bit. I think the pressure at work is starting to get to me so my body’s taking more enforced rest. Enforced meaning it’ll sleep through alarms because it considers my well-being to be more important than my conscious desires. I gave it permission to disobey me if it is truly necessary a long time ago.

My neck is almost healed. Moving in certain angles feels like when you go a bit too deep into a stretch. Other than that I am able to do pretty much everything I was doing before.

Doing a strong yoga flow right after that Tabata was not helpful.

Did a visualization meditation, but dozed off almost right away so not much happened.

At least not that I could remember.


I really need to sleep I think.

As I build more experience with it at work, I’m getting more and more enthused by the idea of applying Agile Kanban methodology to all areas of my life.

I can imagine a family of mom, dad and 2 kids, each with their own Kanban board and one family board. Everybody puts their own goals in their own board and things they work together on (including chores) on the family board. Creating Epics for the big things, breaking everything down into manageable User Stories and Tasks. As a family you could get a Jira subscription (even the free one might be enough) or start with Trello and then collaborate on growing together.

Parents could include Epics and User Stories about their wishes for their children’s education, which the kids then refine and work on. In return, kids can put things on there like getting a driver’s license and car and the parent’s refine those to make it clear under which conditions that’s gonna happen (kids may then choose to go a different route and get it themselves). Periodically the family reviews together and sets priorities.

But even in our personal lives, anything which could fit under the umbrella of “project” would do. How about relationships? It may sound cold, but I would benefit by creating an Epic for relationships, sub-Epics for specific people in my life and then regularly add in Tasks and Stories to keep in touch or to do things together which I think could grow the relationship. It would force me to do even the less comfortable things because they’re on the board and aren’t going away, just glaring at me day in day out.

For a romantic relationship it could have some challenges though. As soon as one party puts the User Story for getting married onto the board, they’ll quickly find out if the other is prepared to think about that commitment, or if that Story is staying on the Backlog indefinitely. Relationships, the Agile way. :slight_smile:

And when we run subs, aren’t we also defining goals for ourselves and expected to take a reasonable amount of actions in support of those goals? Aren’t successful people undergoing a process of Continuous Development?

Anyways, I’m ranting. Like I said, enthused about the idea. It would work well for me I think. I won’t bring it up again until I’ve tested it for a while.

I think I should probably rename my journal to DarkPhilosopher’s 2022 Lifestyle Journal. That way people interested in my storytelling style can find it. I’m reluctant to put the subs in there though, people expecting me to talk all about subs and magical fitness results might be disappointed.


Aaand… once again my body felt it was necessary to sleep through an entire day.

Neck is feeling much better though. And I could swear I have some more hair up top. :slight_smile:

I’m also guessing my body’s getting aware of the no-food policy by now.


I got a Xiaomi, which has an app called the Wallpaper Carousel. This puts a new wallpaper on the phone’s lock screen every time I activate it. Didn’t feel like using it at first, but it started nagging me by preventing me from unlocking the phone until I had acknowledged the feature existed and confirmed I didn’t want to use it.

So I gave in and turned it on. Apart from an unhealthy appetite for foodstuff it’s actually nice enough. Today it’s been showing me different islands.

Never mind, it just told me about Pancake Day 2022.

It’s just until the end of the week or so, in order to continue tasting something with flavor before going bland for weeks. Already reduce to a single dose. Helps me adjust to cold turkey 0 calories instead of having to move into the fast more gradually. I should be all strict starting Monday, nothing but home-made mineral water for weeks. Rejoice! :slight_smile:

I usually switch to Stevia coming up to a fast. Too expensive for general use, but since it’s the healthiest sweetener (I think) I use it while preparing for a fast.

Very curious what I should do about exercise, I do want to put eFitness to some use (“Gettin’ Fit in the Fast Lane” - oh wait, “Let’s Get Physical… Fast!”). Maybe I should get my weighted vest which weighs about 1/3 to 1/2 of my own weight and take a walk around the park every day. Yikes!

Some people actually do that regularly to keep tricking the bones into remaining dense, thinking they need to carry more weight around. I have no idea if that’s actually how it works but it makes sense when you consider astronauts in low gravity get brittle bones over time. Weighing more could have the opposite effect.

I’m probably going light on the fasting details and simply trust the process. I’ll indicate things about weight loss though, and maybe comment on how exercise is working in combination with the fasting. Notes on sleep and hunger as well. But no detailed measurements this time. If people found those of interest they can say so and I might do all that again on the annual fast in Spring.


Huh. Thank you for elaborating.

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  • Vibration Plate (10 minutes)
  • Italian lesson (10 minutes)

After catching up on 24 hours of sleep on Friday… I woke up to find my Internet was borked and took the opportunity to do a complete maintenance cycle on my main PC. Lasted about 7 hours I think. It’s easy to say that’s far too long, but considering my particular brand of maintenance has kept my Windows 10 operating as smooth as when it was installed many years ago and across multiple motherboards, CPU’s and GPU’s, it puts things in perspective.

Still gathering the courage to switch to Windows 11 though. I’m still not using uEFI boot, so it’s not an easy switch.

Out of curiosity I used a keto urine-stick I had and it told me my glucose was below the norm and ketones were about medium. Meaning that even with all my weekend indulgences I didn’t have a large glucose reserve.

I know those sticks aren’t very accurate, but they do fine when you’re at the start of a fast, before the body adapts to the ketones.

Surprisingly I actually managed to gain weight. Supposedly I lost a little bit of fat though, so I’m okay with it.

My brain is constantly telling me to eat something, that it’s perfectly fine to eat every other day and I don’t need to go full-scale fasting. I keep replying that every time I tried that during the last month it kept telling me to eat anyway.

It’s curious how easy it is to fast for a day by accident, but as soon as you do it on purpose the internal dialogue starts objecting.

I did the vibration plate today plus a walk to the store. Officially it’s the rest day but since I hadn’t done anything on Friday I figured I could do a little bit. No other physical activities.

The lack of digestive efforts are reminding me why I don’t fast during the cold months. I’m so getting some nice warm tea…

…only to have my head go superheated. My ears and forehead feel like they are burning up. Unfortunately I don’t have my thermometer handy.

I gave myself a little distraction. Since I started a new job last month I needed to sort out my retirement funds. Never bothered with it since it always seemed so far away, but in the interest of getting my financials in order I sorted it all out as best I could yesterday. I set some things in motion to consolidate and estimate its value. Looks like I won’t be spending my later years in luxury unless I do something.

And thus concludes another day.



  • Pranayama (15 minutes)
  • KB24 Tabata (4 minutes)
  • Yoga (15 minutes)
  • Neck mobility (3 minutes)
  • Meditation (20 minutes)
  • IQ exercises (10 minutes)

At some point my weekends will be as productive or more so than my weekdays. This totally relies on getting my sleep in order I think.

I started my day with a message that the postal delivery of my new wireless keyboard and mouse failed because I wasn’t there (still asleep), which really bugs me since I was looking forward to trying the absurdly priced LED fueled wireless gaming keyboard and mouse (and it wasn’t even a mechanical keyboard). Now it’ll be tomorrow during work when I can’t really set them up properly.

I had a really nice sunset just now. The sky is really cloudy so the sun is behind the clouds, but as it was right above the rooftops on one side of my house, the light was reflected into the other side of my house by the windows across the street, so my whole house had this warm glow.

Afterwards I went for a stroll and that’s when the rain storm came out of the clouds. Few things beat a chilly rain storm to clear the sinuses.

With the stroll as a warm up I went into a kettlebell Tabata. It was nice, like I could feel there was no bad foodstuff stuck in the digestive tract to occupy my body. Still, I don’t know how many more days I can do this before the energy just isn’t there anymore.

It brings me to a little talk about fat burning and exercise (for those interested)

Often when I fast I stop exercising. My body just doesn’t like it anymore. When I do exercise non-yoga, I prefer HIIT.

I heard @SubliminalUser talk about LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) and had to look it up. The idea is to exercise with low intensity but high enough to stay in the coveted “fat burning zone.”

When I was hanging out with hardcore fitness nuts I often heard them laugh about the fat burning zone, saying it doesn’t exist. That’s not entirely true, it’s more complicated than that.

Basically the human body can process sugars and fats at different rates, with sugar/glucose processing being the fastest and fat/lipids the slowest. It constantly chooses what to process based on 2 factors (in order of importance): the amount of glucose present in the blood and reserves and the energy requirement of the body.

So, as long as there’s ready-to-process glucose available, it’ll take that. But once glucose levels go below a certain level it starts to consider the energy requirements of the body.

Doing something like HIIT or other forms of cardio require energy to be delivered to the muscles at a high rate. The process of turning fat into energy simply can’t deliver at that rate (if you’ve seen the molecular/chemical process to go from one state into the other you’d understand why). So the body has no choice but to reach into its glucose reserves or even starts gluconeogenesis (the creation of glucose when it’s not available).

On the other hand, lying in bed doing absolutely nothing will demand very little energy, and as a result the body can tap into its stored fat to deliver that energy. As long as the glucose levels are not too high (usually caused by frequent over-eating), it will happily do so.

So in theory, sitting on the couch watching Netflix for an hour will cause the body to burn a far higher percentage of fat than glucose when compared to going for an hour long run. That is, if you’re not consuming any snacks while watching Netflix.

This is likely the main reason why changing your diet is the largest contributor to weight loss. Why even couch potatoes can lose weight without exercise as long as they eat less and more responsibly.

This is also where the fat burning zone comes in.

Imagine the body’s energy source selection like this:

With the horizontal axis being maximum effort to minimum effort and the vertical axis being the amount of fat being burned.

When we do high cardio, the amount of fat used is minimal and the amount of glucose is at its maximum (low left).

When we lie asleep in bed, the amount of fat used is at its peak and glucose is only used for parts of the body unable to use ketones (top right).

The fat burning zone is the idea of finding that magic spot slightly to the right of the center where the fat-to-glucose ratio is most favorable.

Seems like a perfectly sound science and in fact it works.

So why do the fitness experts laugh at the idea?

Simple. Because if we do HIIT for an arbitrary amount of 1000 calories and we burn only 300 of those calories from fat, it might still be more efficient compared to doing only 250 calories during low intensity exercise for the same amount of time of which only 200 calories come from fat. Even though more calories came from fat burning, doing high cardio ended up being more efficient (and generally force the cardiovascular system to evolve faster due to stress).

It’s a really simple example, but that’s why they don’t like the idea of the fat burning zone.

That said, when fasting or when in recovery or lower conditioning, doing high intensity cardio is often a bad idea. Just look at those people trying bootcamps or Crossfit thinking that if they just keep at it they’ll adapt. They either quit right away because its too hard or push through it and end up in a hospital.

So personally, when I can get away with HIIT I will, but more often that not I try to walk just fast enough or flow just fast enough through my yoga flows to stay comfortably in that zone. It’s still so much better and healthier than sitting on the couch doing nothing. Consider me a fan.

Having learned my lesson from last time I meditated after the Tabata and before the yoga. I picked a session meant to achieve the Awakened Mind state (primarily Alpha + Theta, basically being in a meditative state while awake and alert also) using binaurals and the like.

Interesting results:


I like how the waves are almost completely synchronized with each other. Theta never really made it past Beta though.

If you’re wondering what that jump is, I think that’s when my Samsung washing machine was done and its 30 second ringtone went off, which make me smile at how completely pointless it is to put a 30-second ringtone on a washing machine, followed by thinking how I was going to write that in this journal and how to format it and so on and on. Basically I lost the calm.

I like hiding the graphs. Not everybody is interested in them so this way you get to choose. I will continue trying different things and see how they change the graphs though, so it might be fun to see the differences even if you’re not really interested.

I found this to be very interesting by the way:

Anyways, did a few yoga flows, timed my shower to when the clothes came out of the dryer and now I can finally relax. The only sad thing is that I missed the Duolingo deadline meaning I once again dropped in the leagues.

Oh, and I switched to stage 2 of Emperor Fitness today. Still hoping to get it on ZP sooner rather than later. I may stay on stage 2 for 2 months, reading the descriptions it seems like a good stage to run a bit longer. I mean, it’s fat burning yo. :slight_smile:



  • Pranayama (15 minutes)
  • Vibration plate (10 minutes)
  • Yoga (15 minutes)
  • Meditation (30 minutes)
  • Neck mobility (3 minutes)
  • Italian (15 minutes)

Could not sleep at all last night, lay in bed until 5 in the morning, then I got up, played a computer game and started work. Very annoying.

I’m starting to think fasting right now is not such a good plan. Work is still so… dynamic that there was a moment today when I might have either screamed at the top of my lungs or collapsed into a heap on the floor. Came very close. I just didn’t have the capacity to keep up. Might have been the lack of sleep, I don’t know.

Vibration plate was quite something today. I was doing a zombie shuffle afterwards. Fortunately the yoga was a sitting sequence. I think I fell asleep on the mat at the end. Guess I got some sleep.

Tempting fate, I listened to a Theta-track which starts with music and ends with a bit a spacey melody. I “lost time” there but didn’t feel like I was asleep. My mind was quite clear and I disconnected from my body, as in I could no longer feel what my skin was feeling. No cold, heat, pressure. Just consciousness. The kind of meditative experience which makes me feel like my body slept peacefully while I was awake.

The graph:


Really not gettin’ rid of that Alpha, am I? :slight_smile:

Really happy with this one, it’s been a while since I did this well. Really feels like all the stress of the day is gone now.

Plus, my new wireless mouse also figured 10 hours was long enough to reach a full charge. :slight_smile:

Crappy work day, but I did manage to get my stuff done, so that’s a god thing.



  • Pranayama (15 minutes)
  • KB24 Tabata (4 minutes)
  • Italian (10 minutes)
  • Yoga (15 minutes)
  • Meditation (30 minutes)
  • Neck mobility (6 minutes)

Didn’t sleep long but it was nice and deep. Honestly, I envy SubliminalUser if he can maintain that sleep schedule of his. I used to be able to, but only when my life is calm. When it’s dynamic like now my fasting sleep is completely messed up.

I was able to do my breathing exercises before noon and a set of swings right after. It might be possible that my YouTube was still on double speed when doing the Tabata but I think I would have noticed doing 80 swings in 2 minutes. My arms would have popped out of the sockets.

Today feels better, more in control. Except for that new mouse, which is flying all over the place. Who came up with the idea of 11 speed settings anyway?

I just noticed I made a typo in the previous post, ending with “it’s a god thing.” Now this is something I sometimes tell people when my behavior confuses them: “eh, it’s a god thing, you wouldn’t understand.” But in this case it was unintentional. :slight_smile:

Also hooked up the new keyboard, the LED lighting is so awesome.

It made me think. I think one of the reasons why I’m generally quite upbeat is because I can find the joy in small blessings as a teacher once called it. He told me that some people only get happy with large miracles and achievements, completely ignoring the 1001 good things happening all around us. He said we should smile when we see a butterfly, remind ourselves how amazing it is for that creature to exist and be flapping around here. Let the small things make you happy and you’ll always feel content with life.

It does appear to work. It’s nice to know that even during the bleakest of times I can still look around and see all the tiny things in life which are positive. Add a dash of childlike curiosity and your life is filled with amazed wonderment. It’s not the world which disappoints me, just humanity. :wink:

What was I talking about? Oh, right. The keyboard.

Surprisingly I’m making very few typos even though it feels completely alien to the board I have been using for what must be over a decade. And that LED lighting. Right now it lights up every key I type so I see a trail of lights on the keyboard as I’m typing this post. I can also set it to do outward ripples as I type but that gets very distracting as all the colors start pulsing across the board.

I’ll have to make a dust cover for it. At least it is wireless so I can put it aside when not needed.

After work it was time for some yoga. A standing sequence meant to travel but quite intense still.

Today’s meditation was an attempt at the very first track of the Gateway Experience by HemiSync/Monroe. Unfortunately this time I did find my chin resting on my chest regularly so I can only conclude I dozed off quite a few times.

The graph is also not that special:


Although I found it interesting that my brainwaves were actually “louder” during the meditation as compared to before it.

I will have to do this session again when I’m not in sleep debt.

My neck is now feeling like “normal” which is tightened as if I’ve spent far too much time behind a computer and exercising my upper body and far too little time working on stretching and relaxing those muscles. I really should get a very painful massage some time.

I did the full 6 minutes of neck mobility in one go, afterwards my neck actually felt warm from the exercise. I guess tomorrow will tell me if I’ve overdone it.

Don’t hold me to this (read: nobody tell Saint) but I think moving my body is starting to become… likeable? Like I have a desire to see myself get better. Like I feel more accomplished when doing it. After exercise part of me goes “so, what’s for the next set?” Emperor Fitness doing its job?