Rise to Stardom

Maybe he has feelings for you? :joy::kissing_heart:

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That’s what my boyfriend thinks too. He said he’s been non-stop talking about me (like how he cares for me), my body, and all this kinds of stuff. Which I found a little strange.

However the guy has just broken up with his girlfriend like a week ago and is adamant that he’s straight.

I hope whatever it is gets found out quick because the energy…I can’t explain it.

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Seems like a lot of sexual tension you two are building :smirk::smirk:

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He has helped me out with the fetish I wrote about in the past, like 5-6 months ago. He keeps saying he wants to do it because he feels bad that I’ve been so nice and helped him out (non-sexually) and he knows the fetish is a relief for me.

But in the past there was two guys that I fell for that helped me out and I thought they were also both gay/bi and that didn’t end out great and left me feeling sucidial and all sorts. That’s why I don’t went to jump to conclusions this time.

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You are definitely a wanted man, let me tell you this. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@Lion has run it. :slight_smile:



We shall see my friend. I’ll definitely keep you updated now haha.

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Thanks dude!

I’ll tag him in the post.

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As stated, that is definitely PCC…follow your intuition, nudges about people in general, but especially while on it.

He could also be ashamed or trying to impress, or likes you but has an std lol…there are lots of things that will ding your ‘off’ radar about people. You have to trust yourself and be discerning.

Recon on PCC at times I remember- also has me not trusting anyone


I’m still working on it with PCC. There was such a weird energy and I had no idea what it is or was.

I definitely think he’s trying to be impressive. He’s a guy who does martial arts so dance is completely new for him. He’s used to be perfect and I believe he looks up to me. He’s a very nice guy. He’s helping me out sexually with my fetish even though he’s straight. My fetish doesn’t take a lot so it’s not like he could be branded gay/bi for doing it if people knew what it was.

However I’m still trying to figure out if he’s really straight but he’s adamant that he is, and he just broke up with his girlfriend.

PCC is definitely giving me nudges towards people though but figuring what the nudges are are confusing.

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Last week I bought a course by TheChadFam.

It’s about becoming more attractive and using certain tools to appear more attractive.

They talk about nutrition, hair, fitness, teeth, jaw line etc.
One of the recommended things is using a jaw exerciser (I’m aware this is potentially known as bad so please let me just say the experience).

I’ve been using the Jaw exerciser since around Wednesday/Thursday last week and I feel like I’m seeing a difference.

I’ve always struggled with eating real food like steaks and stuff that I have to actually chew, going for junk food normally, so I was intrigued by the use of it. Like I said, I feel like I see a difference and I feel like a majority of that is also using WANTED.

I’m eager to be more attractive. I’ve never been the ‘it’ guy that people fancy or wanted and that sucks. I want to be that person. I may be wrong but that’s how I’ve felt in the past. A lot of the stuff on the site you guys will probably know about already like IF and macros etc but its good for me to have the stuff all in one place.

I’m working on the stuff mentioned:

  1. The jaw exerciser.
  2. Started working out again today after not doing so since my knee injury (I’ve been dancing but didn’t do any workouts - did T25 by Shaun T today).
  3. Working on my nutrition and trying IF. I had Huel today, 600 calories so far and 60g protein.
  4. I’m looking up stuff on skin care and whitening my teeth

I feel like WANTED is helping direct me to the things that will help me become more attractive and shift. Something I felt I wasn’t. I’m grateful for this :pray:

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How did you decide to get this course?

What do you mean?

It came up as an ad on Facebook. I made it out to be a WANTED manifestation and bought the course. It’s had some good stuff in it so fsr.

Thank you for clarifying.

Of course! I hadn’t been looking for anything related to the course so I didn’t understand why I hot it but it was good timing.

This makes sense. Thank you.

The irony of this, I was gonna read this but haven’t gotten around to it. But I figured I’d share it with you here. Procrastinating sucks, but it sucks even more when you beat yourself up over it. Maybe this will be useful in some way

Thanks for this, gonna check it out. Just read some.

Turns out I’m right.
That guy I was speaking about is a liar.
I’m so over people lying to me, even if it’s small things.

Cutting myself away from this now.

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Wash out time.
May have definitely over processed this week.

I did x3 loops of MorningStarQv2 on Monday.
Tuesday was x2 of Solace R.I.C.H
Thursday was 2x of WANTED
Friday was one loop of Limit Destroyer

I wanted to try one day of each sub but I guess that was too much.

Should I take one or two weeks out?