More thoughts on Libertine Ultima

Yes, well said, this looks a great module, that has been overlooked so far.
I will include Power Awareness, Power Unleashed, and Potentiator in my next custom

and thank you for the detailed response.

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Limiting people remover and attachment destroyer (because it removes traumas related to people) may be good. Also “direct influencing aura” to be able to direct the aura as you thought @RVconsultant.


I like that idea of “direct influencing aura”! Thanks!


Its in my terminus custom-incredibly effective.

@Azriel what have you experienced?

It feels like whatever I intend with people they go along with or they relate to me in the way I would like. Even when people come to me upset, and I stay calm and put my attention on them, it’s like they have no will to be upset anymore. This is specifically with one difficult friend it’s happened a few times. I may write about it in more detail in the Q module section soon. It’s not mind control of course, but it just seems my intention and attention has an impact.that moves people more along the lines of the directions of my preferences, interests, and desires.


@Azriel it sounds like this has the potential to improve one’s ability to manifest for others as well, depending on that manifestation :-). This is definitely one to put in my next custom.

Do you use Auric Overdrive?

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maybe…what do you mean manifest for others? Like help them manifest things for themselves?
I really like what I perceive as it’s effects. As I said on Emperor X Terminus custom I have-the persuasion, attraction, and diplomatic dominance is next level.

I do not, it’s the only pure aura specific module I have, aside from temptation which I believe also has an aura as well. Emperor and Sex Mastery both have auras as cores as well of course.

Example would be manifesting someone ending their addiction to something.

Curious as to whether Khan Q ST4 Core has an aura. I plan on limiting # of aura modules (probably 1 or 2 at most)

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Less seems to be more with auras, unless your energetic development is insane.

oh lol-that would be useful, I don’t know if it lasts once they leave my presence. Maybe with remote seduction I can haha. It seems to influence in the moment, which could influence people long term, but I don’t believe it’s auric effects continue to engage from afar.

are you looking to support someone in ending an addiction?

Survival Instinct or the Oath may be better for that–coupled with Direct Influencing Aura-could be positive for supporting others in transforming their health.

I would imagine so, if it’s in Emperor and related to sex,
its probably in Khan x10

I’d say most men have traumas associated with women, honestly.


There’s nothing more alluring than a self-actualized individual that exudes a powerful aura of strength, confident and self-respect (from ascension). Sex Mastery containing ascension lite… More respect through sex than sexual aura (Preselection/Social Proof).

Khan ST3 and ST4
Add or enhance a polymorphic aura to enhance your results in ANY of our subliminals with AURA.

Aura (Sub) is part of Daredevil, Iron throne(?)… Social Sexual Aura.

2 cents.


Nearly all the men on this forum have some kind of trauma. If they did not then they would not be here. The trouble is many of these men are taking the easy path and want the aura to do everything. As I have said before auras are great tools but only tools like having a nice watch, jacket or nice pair of shoes.


I counter this,

I’ve approached well over 1000 women up until yet. And the one thing women seem to judge a man upon is his vibe/aura/state, whichever suits you.

But aura has more to do with the mind than with the energy. And hence no matter how good the supercharger is, until one haven’t done his homework, he’ll get no results.

It’s like a house without the foundation.


What you mean by homework …what sort if homework…
I think aura projects whats already there in you…
If u already have some limiting blocks and trauma or negative beliefs then aura will just project that…

@pacman i believe he means your style, fashion sense, your look, hygiene your core confidence, self esteem etc

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You forgot the most important thing - action!

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