Money mindset and mental health?

So focus on skill acquisition while running EOG St 1 ?

Sounds like an elaborate way of saying " focus on the process and not the outcome " .
I read something recently that reminds is also similar
It’s not about the goal itself but who you become in the process

Thank you Palpatine. I’m struggling with LBFH presently, so I’m going to use that. Thank you.


It doesn’t matter if you were the greatest programmer in the world if you do not put your skills into real world use.

Practice is good, but real world experience is where you get your skills to the next level.

Besides, you do not get paid for practice and learning.


People around me hate on the rich and wealthy all the time but I would much rather be on that end than be where I am at currently.

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Same. I’ve done (currently doing) the lower end of the money spectrum. I’m ready to move up. That’s why I’m looking into boosting my skill with copywriting.


I knew a millionaire who used to say : “If you’re broke and you hate on the rich, I recommend that you become a millionaire and you live as one for one year. If you don’t like it, you can always go back to being broke.” :rofl:


That’s hilarious. I have never understood why people have so many issues with money and wealth but considering what I have been going through trying to resolve my own financial beliefs some of it makes sense. Not beneficial at all but I get it

It’s the same mentality that was demonstrated in the experiments with spraying monkeys when any of them tried climbing a ladder to get out of the cage they were in.

Eventually it got to the point where none of the monkeys in the experiment were from the original group, but they still reacted the same.

At the end of the day, mindset does NOT make money.

Yes, mindset is irrelevant. It only really helps with one small part of making money.

Your mindset sets your work ethic and determines what you focus on.

What you focus on and how hard you focus on it (aka your work ethic) determines what you practice and how much you practice it.

Practice makes you good at things, and what you practice determines what you’re good at.

What you’re good at and how good at it you are determines how much VALUE you can add to another company.

Then you’ll get paid a percentage of the value that you add to another company.

So, the real question here isn’t how do you fix your money mindset. The real question is simpler…

How do you get skillful enough at something so that people want to pay you?

And what do you want to get skillful at??

So, right off the bat, we can assess the money subliminals.

Emperor? Maybe. If it gets you obsessed over getting good at something relevant.

Mogul? Maybe, it’s a good base, but again, the action here is getting good at something.

RICH? No. RICH is for capitalizing on skill and getting paid more for the same skillset.

EOG ST1? Absolutely a good choice, but not enough on it’s own. EOGST1 is helpful for productivity, good for removing fear around money, good for helping you feel optimism and confidence around money. Etc.

HOM? No way. Too big. To this day, I still can’t run HOM as it’s too big for me. But, specifically, HOM is about once you have a lot of money, how do you use that money to lead people and leverage capital.

Ascended Mogul? Not really the right fit for you. Status + Money beliefs are great and all, but you’re trying to gain a skill, not start a business, and the amount of relevance on this title for skills is limited.


Just an example of what a helpful skill is… just being productive and organized and efficient itself is rare. People value that. Before focusing on the $100 an hour skills, how about just leveling up your life 50% as quickly as possible and get a full time job that pays your living expenses and gives you extra for savings. All you need for that is productivity, efficiency, organization, and people skills. So, one example of a title that might help you be more valuable to a company TODAY would be The Executive or Limitless Executive…

And that’s one of the titles that gives you massive recon…

So isn’t that interesting…? :slight_smile:

Looks like we found something that triggers deep recon in you because it’s something that you’re majorly lacking in, and we know you’re majorly lacking in it because one of the major symptoms of low efficiency is bad income-generating capabilities.

So, even right there, you could say that EOGST1 + The Executive could be helpful for you.

It’s not that I agree or disagree with this… it’s simply that ksub is in a different position.

He HAS that skill that people are willing to pay him for. Now he’s squandering them, so money beliefs are the limiting factor here.

I would just say, since Ksub’s limiting factor was that he wasn’t healed but did learn how to make money already, his priorities were in this order. For you, you should heal and learn how to make money simultaneously, which is taking action, so you need to do all three at the same time. The easiest way to heal something sometimes IS taking action that’s different than what you used to take.

Learning and healing are essential. That’s why EOGST1 and EOGST2 are ordered the way they are, too!

Very cool that I wrote this whole post out before seeing this. Skill is everything. How’s coding going?

Listening to the executive or something like Renessaince man will help dissolve those blocks to taking action.

I love mogul, mogul has become much more specific, in my experience. It’s really good at what it’s good at. I’d recommend it to everyone advanced in a career and ready to get even more serious, or ready to start a business on the side. It used to be the “all in one” solution, but now with ZP, mogul and other titles have become much more specific.

Had AMAZING experiences with it personally, as everyone knows.

Post this on your wall somewhere…

LBH and other subs that got released around that time (true sell, etc) got me so distracted that I had to take a 2 month break from subliminals because I was stack switching like crazy. I lost so much results, so much momentum, and went on an emotional rollercoaster.

Look at the new support article… stack switching has a negative effect even 3 weeks after, because of the bloom, so it’s not just how many subs you listen to in one cycle… you want to make sure even between cycles you’re not switching subs. That’s the mistake I made. I thought so long as I took a bit more washout time, I could listen to whatever subs I wanted. NO NO NO. ZP stays in you for a looong time. Switch Stacks carefully

What’s the quick win for you? How can you just increase your wage by 30% in the next 3-6 months? That’ll give you incremental progress. You should have the long term goal of coding or a big income generator, but at the same time, you should have access to a faster way to simply get a better job similar to what you’re doing now.


Massive value, living up to your name brother!

@James something completely random popped into my head as I was about to close this browser tab. Call it automatic writing or something like that. It could be complete gibberish, but it reads kind of fun to me so I’m throwing it out there.

So here it is, do with it what you will

What is money to you?

Take out a bill of currency and contemplate it. Feel the texture, turn it around. Really focus in on it.

Is it a piece of paper? Does it have value in and of itself? Is it merely a means of exchange? Is it good? Is it evil? Is it alive? Dead? Is it active or does it simply exist passively? Does money cause suffering? Happiness? Does it control things or people? When you think of just money itself, not the things you buy with it or do with it, not the way you procure it, but just the thing itself, what do you feel?

If you have limiting beliefs about money, it has to have some kind of hidden power, right? It has to be more than it appears to be, otherwise how could it affect you? It must be more than just a thing. That piece of paper, so fragile and helpless in your hands, holds all that power over you.

But does it, really? Or is there something else at work here and is whatever that is simply misdirecting you to make you think it’s all about the money, when in fact the money is just an illusion which keeps you trapped exactly where you are?

I wonder, if we do the exact opposite and focus on everything except the money, what will happen then? Will it still be there, right next to Schrodinger’s by now very hungry cat? What purpose would it serve if you’re not paying any attention to it at all? If you just acknowledge its existence like the sunrise and sunset, blue skies and green trees, but just like those things you don’t let it control you or change you. It just is.

Money is not the goal, it is one of the things the road taking you to your goal is made of. So what happens when you stop looking at your feet as you aimlessly walk that road in circles and instead start looking ahead towards the goal? That road is always going to be there, that’s a fact. It may take some crazy detours, but as long as you focus on the goal that road will be there to support you. If you keep moving closer to that goal, does it matter how long the road is or what it’s made out of? And eventually, as your confidence and skill builds you’ll pick up the pace and the road becomes easier and easier to walk.

Figure out your real goal. If you think it’s money, think again. Unless you’re Scrooge McDuck, money is extremely unlikely to be your end goal. It is but one of the many ways to get you there, and that is all it is. Nothing more. It is a tiny part of a very big plan and holds no real power over you. You use it, it does not use you.

As for something completely different, you could search for Mr. Money Mustache. Fun to read or watch when you have a bit of time left.


Lots of good advice here. I’m not going to add to it. It would take a long time to process most of what is already here.

Glad you’re talking to your therapist about this.

I think you already have great ideas and that you probably just need to keep reminding yourself to slow down enough to stay connected with your own wisdom. It’s easy to get worked-up and stressed out and to forget about the progress we’re making.

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How is this all NOT mindset???

If I learned one thing from starting about 12 different endeavours which all failed, then that for SOME people just “hustle hard” does not work. You (we) need purpose, IMPACT, MEANING in what we do. Otherwise I won’t put in the work.

Then hustlers come in “just discipline yourself.” F that, I just couldn’t be bothered to launch yet another shopify watch store, even if I could make tons of money with it.

I know very well, some people are SUPER happy with that route. I am not. And I noticed, other people aren’t as well.
In this is where mindset comes in. You first need to figure out WHO you are, what you like doing. Can you hustle hard and make money this way until you are free to do whatever?
Or are you like me, that you need to sit on the right thing from the beginning, which is slower, but at least you don’t hate yourself until you get there :wink:

Your business is like your wife. Doesn’t fit for everyone.


@James, I really think you need to follow this rabbit hole. Her Quantum Clearing Method will help take the charge out of some of the deep-seated emotional attachments you have around wealth. Renee Garcia Reality Transurfing trainer on YouTube.


Sry for late reply, do you have fb or discord? I will send you the resources that worked for me

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Sure! Check your messages.

Interesting. Did you use it for money?

I do use her Mo Money course. But I also use subs and do other energy work. I’ve received a couple checks of a few thousand that were unexpected. Got two raises last year and should get a good bonus and raise in March. And I own a gym with my spouse that’s really starting to turn around. It got decimated during the first year and a half of Covid. And so we were able to buy it during covid. But that first year was rough. Month to month comparison and revenues are up 35%.

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Nice!! Thanks so cool, i feel happy knowing that! Funny thing is, the moment i started to watch a video of her, you responded :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Definitely a sign

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Can you link the article?