Money manifesting and the nature of money

This is true.

But that word ‘accept’ is pretty broad.

There are lots of different ways to approach it.

Por Ejemplo:

He deals the cards as a meditation
And those he plays never suspect
He doesn’t play for the money he wins
He don’t play for respect

He deals the cards to find the answer
The sacred geometry of chance
The hidden law of a probable outcome
The numbers lead a dance


Things can be perceived to have value / be valuable to people, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll trade their money for it.

I perceive this thread as having value (thanks for starting it @Fractal_Explorer), but I wouldn’t trade any money to read/participate in it.

I used to think along similar lines, which is why I didn’t get rich, lol.

You nailed it in that: money IS “made up” and it IS necessary in our society (unless you opt for the freedom of homelessness).

Seems we were born into a system of debt that’ll allow you to dig yourself a hole as deep as you like, stay as poor as you like, but also, become as rich as you can.

You say you don’t particularly like money, but don’t hate it either.

Well, this might sound brash, but here’s how I see it now:

Money dgaf about you. It has no feelings. It has no intentions. It isn’t bad or good to have or not have it.

It’s a medium for trade. It’s a tool. It’s an ingredient. That’s it.

Do you have all the resources and financial independence that you want?

If yes, then you won the money game. Continue kicking ass and enjoying Life.
If no, then half-hearted bucking against the system won’t get you there, you gotta play to win.

And you can “win” by first understanding the rules of the game then playing your game the way you want, keeping your integrity.

Here are the rules laid out succinctly:

I wish I’d figured that out sooner, lol.

It really does feel different than the other wealth titles. Sounds like you’re on the right track with working through your money mindset.


I say again, money is a symbol for Promises.

And promises are social phenomena.

Promises are about Relationships, Negotiation, and Commitments.


The power to keep one’s promises.

The power to enforce others’ promises.

A person with enough power does not even need to rely on the symbol of Money. Services, products, and information (the basic commodities of life) will simply be given to them wherever they go.

Actual currency is a crutch for those with less access to direct power. It symbolizes the power that they lack.

A lion does not need to carry a knife. It has 18 knives at the ends of its paws.

The truly socially powerful would not need money.

Those of us who are not lions prudently invest in the best blades that we can acquire.

But whether with claws or with knives, the ‘grounds’ we traverse and the ‘encounters’ with which we contend, are about the exchange of Commodity. Experiences, objects, services, information, and access. These are the commodities. And we wish to have the power to command those things from others.

Whether we use money or whether we use honeyed words; whether we use intimidation or even whether we use altruistic sharing; the inevitable foundation with which we must deal is the expression and the satisfaction of Our Needs and Our Wants and Preference. This is the foundation of the whole thing. It will always be a part of life.


The trade is the time investment to read it :grinning:


Ah time such a valuable asset, but consistently stolen from. I wonder if DRLD also guards against time theft from people. Ironically as I post this while working at my job lol.



Time is not Money…though it can be focused on making some.

Random thought: I’d bet there’s a strong inverse correlation between Time spent on here and Money in the bank, no way of knowing for sure though.

Controlling your Attention seems to be the key skill. Everything about our modern society seems to be geared to harvesting it.


Yardbird and Oldchap both “made it” and very rarely see them here anymore :joy:


Both began with Emperor if I recall correctly

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@SaintSovereign Can you please answer this for me?

I made this custom for money manifestation purposes. Is this sufficent?

Mind’s Eye Core

R.I.C.H. Core\ 100x100

Module #2

R.I.C.H. Core

Cashflow Catalyst\ 100x100

Module #3

Cashflow Catalyst

DEUS\ 100x100

Module #4


Debt Annihilator\ 100x100

Module #5

Debt Annihilator

Financial Success Reality Shifter\ 100x100

Module #6

Financial Success Reality Shifter

Job Seeker\ 100x100

Module #7

Job Seeker

Positive Being Attractor - Wealth\ 100x100

Module #8

Positive Being Attractor - Wealth

Fortune's Favorite\ 100x100

Module #9

Fortune’s Favorite

Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy\ 100x100

Module #10

Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy

Omnidimensional\ 100x100

Module #11


Mimisbrunnr\ 100x100

Module #12


Carpe Diem Ascended\ 100x100

Module #13

Carpe Diem Ascended

Divine Will\ 100x100

Module #14

Divine Will

Yggdrasil\ 100x100

Module #15


Dominion\ 100x100

Module #16


Jupiter\ 100x100

Module #17


Overdrive\ 100x100

Module #18


Tyrant\ 100x100

Module #19


Void of Creation\ 100x100

Module #20

Void of Creation

do you have any avenues of getting money?

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I’m starting a State job in 2 weeks, I’m a notary in my State and I have family business with rental properties

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Anyone who has any thoughts on money manifestation and recon would love to hear. The nature of manifestation and recon etc.

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money has manifested successfully for me through channels that provide money. In the form of promotions, better paying work, stuff like that.
RICH is a really good one I enjoy

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After sitting on this for a bit and also running DRLD I’m realizing my aversion to money is my relationship with money growing up. I’ve talked to my mom before and she hates money, absolutely hates it. I had to grow out of that belief over the years but it stuck around. It’s like being angry at a hammer that you once accidentally smashed your thumb with. That anger and hate will do absolutely nothing for you.

In addition to that it’s just basic self worth issues. I can barely even buy nice clothes for myself without feeling guilty and self-indulgent. So making a lot of money is probably the nicest thing you can do for yourself in terms of security and freedom, surprise surprise I’m deeply uncomfortable with that. So I wrap it all up in limiting beliefs and excuses as to why it’s so difficult, that effectively keeps it away from me and as a result avoids the huge cognitive dissonance that comes with having such an asset that would help my life.

Simple thought experiment. If someone without prompting handed me 1000 dollars for no reason as a gift or something, how would I feel? I’d think to myself I don’t deserve it. And that’s basically it in a nutshell. That’s the path I’ve been following for most of my life.


A further thought experiment:

Under what conditions would you feel utterly comfortable receiving $1000 or $10000 USD?

(It’s your thought experiment so you can start from ease.)


Lmao asking the real questions.

That’s a good one. I’ll have to meditate on it.

This goes for anything, not even money. I realize now I draw a lot of blanks for being receptive to good things in my life.

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The world teaches you backward thinking about money, but it’s all just a defense mechanism to cope with the reality that you don’t have money.

Money is great and solves so many problems. I’ll make love to it right now if it were a woman.


Insight follows achievement as often as it precedes achievement.

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