BillionsZP (Wealth + anything needed to become a billionaire)

Another RICH manifestation…

A friend of mine that’s also an entrepreneur called me today and offered me a partnership where he’ll give all my clients a free trial to his software. His software is a texting platform that automatically texts 100’s of leads and sends them a survey, a google review option, or a feedback form, depending on whether they responded positively or negatively.

This is perfect because the intro package I’ve been selling is taking 100’s of leads and manually calling all of them. It synergizes with my initial offering perfectly.

No idea if this’ll pan out to be anything or not, but RICH has already made me feel like money is flowing in a bit more abundance.


Okay now its starting to be a lot when I add that in. Two low-ticket clients closed plus two clients reactivated after just one loop of rich… wow.

I wanted to share a mindset revelation later but i’ll make time to do it now.

One reason I was hesitant to run RICH all this time is I didn’t believe RICH could work. I was skeptical, despite getting relatively easy and obvious results with other subs.

Once I realized that, I decided to run RICH, because at the very least, if it can make me believe money falling into my lap is possible, its going to be of benefit to me.


Still feeling awesome about the wealth manifestations that seem to be coming. Big things are coming. Not yet! But they’re on their way.


Sleep is still important. If I dont sleep early, I dont wake up easily. If I dont wake up easily, i start my day with anxiety. If i start my day with anxiety, i am less productive all day and work less hours total.

Yesterday i had a great night out and got home around 1030, but I wake uo at 630, so I didnt get enough sleep and ended up falling back asleep until 9am, 2 minutes before a sales call.

Language I unconsciously said to myself:

“God i hate myself.”

I think mogul is helping with the self talk because i was anxious for a shorter period of time than normal after waking up late


Mogul has helped my work-anxiety.

This morning, I woke up late, normally that makes me anxious and unproductive all day.

This morning, I woke up anxious, but it was gone pretty much instantly. Just told myself “oh well, time to get to work” and have had a great day!


I realize how important money is in my relationship. Without money, I can’t tell you whether or not my relationship is right for me.

  1. When money is a stress, that puts stress on people

  2. When you can attract anyone you want, will you still want the same person

  3. If I was living on my own, how many people would I consider inviting over.

So pretty much until I live on my own and have some money to have fun with my life and not work literally 24/7, my girlfriend is perfect for me.

And after that, when I’m at the point that I have time, money, independence, confidence, and some curiosity, I can look at my relationship again and figure out how good it is for me. Right now I’m in a relationship that supports me while I’m building my empire

For the time being, it’s the perfect relationship and I’m extremely happy with it.

Realizing this has helped me be more present with my gf at the moment and not worry too much about the future.



I just booked a sales call with someone that seems to be a titan in the industry. And from the messages I’ve traded with him back and forth, I already have ammunition to sell him and understand a bit of what he needs. He’s being open with me.

As a wise man once said…

^ In case anyone needs context.

My crazy Mogul/RICH manifestation is that I just booked a sales call with a guy that collabs with Ryan Serhant, is formally endorsed and has two commercials endorsing him filmed by one of the Judges from Shark Tank, and has been the #1 team in his city for 12 years running… I could keep going.
Long story short he’s sold a BILLION dollars of Real Estate in the last 15 years.


That’s my kinda number.

Will I close him?



The manifestation is simply the sales call at the moment, but let’s see what this leads into!


Wooo glad to hear this.

Mogul and RICH extremely synergistic.

I had my intro call with the famous guy and booked a demo call with him.

I attribute Mogul to helping me talk to him, generating an aura, some manifestation, and the level of responsibility I took in preparing for this call. My willpower was on poiint.

I atreibute RICH for the belief that it was possible, that selling him was possible, and for the pure luck of it all.


Listened to MOGUL this morning, will listen to RICH tonight.

Didn’t feel any euphoria when listening to mogul or after.

But I’ve been working since 7am and it’s 6pm now and I have no urge to stop whatsoever. It still has had a good effect even though I didn’t feel it right away. In the future, I’ll listen to both Mogul and RICH at night.

Mogul has helped me spend all day working without ever feeling fatigued or upset about work. I am also now taking way more sales calls, which is the part of my job I love the most, so Mogul and RICH have helped me make my work work that I love.


My biz partner has commented on how he can tell how focused I am these days.


It’s midnight. I’ve been working since 7am. No interest in stopping.


Awesome. Like my boss. Much success to you.

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A big challenge on mogul is being EFFECTIVE instead of just PRODUCTIVE.

It has nothing to do with Mogul, and everything to do with myself not knowing how to be effective.

Now that im working so well, i see how effficiency could make me work better.

So mogul has slowly been helping me be more efficient instead of just work longer hours.

Today i worked hard AND smart and feel I got some truly important tasks done


Recon this morning.

Had a few drinks last night and slept at 1230. Phone died at night so I woke up at 930.

I listened to Chosen last night before going to see my friends, it was supposed to be a rest day, and Chosen is not in my stack anymore.

I sometimes get cravings for listening to subs almost as if I need them. I worried last night I would be awkward and felt like I needed Chosen to have fun.

I had fun but now the effects of Mogul and Rich are significantly less and I don’t feel that same fire that I did since running Mogul.

Today will be a rest day, tomorrow will be a listening day, and then i will take a 7 day washout and resume listening on day 8.


My man, it could be the hangover.

It was me and @Ice who sensed that something about ZP feels like it slows down or intensifies hangovers, I mean think about it, you’re basically hindering the processing of the subs by getting intoxicated.

Once in a while would be fine, but the amount can set you back a bit (I only feel like my aura fades when I overdose on my “drug”)


Just had a sales call today. I didn’t close the guy. But I’m so impressed at myself. I’m going to re-watch the recording to figure out how to emulate and re-do what I did right, and how to improve what I did wrong.

Even though the guy didn’t close, I think that the problem was more so the way the appointment was set. Improper expectations were laid out. Not a problem with the sales call itself.

Mogul has made me better at sales and at developing full sales processes. I’m deeply thinking about how to go from a cold introduction to an initial conversation to an intro call to a sales call to a closed deal. Every step of the system feels clearer to me. I feel smarter. I feel like a better sales person.

The problem with the guy and why he didn’t close was because we offered him a “free” trial, which isn’t true. It’s a “free” trial but he still pays the hourly wage of the person using our system. He seems SUPER eager, which is why I think the sales call is worth studying… throughout the call he was telling us about all the projects we can help him with, how our system would fit perfectly with a project he’ll have coming up in January, how he has a database of 3000 people he wants us to start managing, all of this stuff, and he booked another call for the beginning of the new year with me to discuss this more.

So I think it’s a good call. Mogul and RICH are amazing.


I think that’s definitely a portion of it. I’m feeling a lot better now that I hit the gym and started working.

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I don’t know why, but something tells me that your ideal stack would be StarkZP with RICH ZP :thinking:
And maybe PCC ZP

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On Sunday I resume my washout, but after the washout is over I’m considering adding Regeneration to my stack, maybe 1-2x a week instead of 3x.

My stack could look something like this:

Mon: Mogul, RICH.
Wed: Mogul, RICH
Fri: Mogul, Regen… (not sure if I would prioritize mogul or rich…)
Sat/Sun/Tue/Thurs: rest days

  • Stack would only be listened to in the evening as a meditation before bed. Meditation, evening listening, and weekends off will help integration and avoid over-exposure. Think of this as an alternate listening pattern for ANY 3-ZP-sub stack.
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Never used Stark before! But not all that interested. WAY more interested in Mogul/Ascended Mogul. Especially now that Mogul has the celebrity aura and social skills + social manifestation. I really actually don’t want anything with romance scripting in it at all, it all feels like a distraction right now, and I’m sexy enough as it is.

I have a Qv2 custom that includes AM/HOM/PCC/wealth modules/sales-social modules… I was considering listening to that after my washout, on a Qv2 day. So it would be Alternating days of my custom and Mogul/RICH. I do like how good my custom makes me at sales and it does include PCC.

I’m only considering listening to it now that I’m booking multiple sales calls every single day. Without a packed calendar of sales calls, it gives me too much recon.