BillionsZP (Wealth + anything needed to become a billionaire)

Just had a sales call today. I didn’t close the guy. But I’m so impressed at myself. I’m going to re-watch the recording to figure out how to emulate and re-do what I did right, and how to improve what I did wrong.

Even though the guy didn’t close, I think that the problem was more so the way the appointment was set. Improper expectations were laid out. Not a problem with the sales call itself.

Mogul has made me better at sales and at developing full sales processes. I’m deeply thinking about how to go from a cold introduction to an initial conversation to an intro call to a sales call to a closed deal. Every step of the system feels clearer to me. I feel smarter. I feel like a better sales person.

The problem with the guy and why he didn’t close was because we offered him a “free” trial, which isn’t true. It’s a “free” trial but he still pays the hourly wage of the person using our system. He seems SUPER eager, which is why I think the sales call is worth studying… throughout the call he was telling us about all the projects we can help him with, how our system would fit perfectly with a project he’ll have coming up in January, how he has a database of 3000 people he wants us to start managing, all of this stuff, and he booked another call for the beginning of the new year with me to discuss this more.

So I think it’s a good call. Mogul and RICH are amazing.


I think that’s definitely a portion of it. I’m feeling a lot better now that I hit the gym and started working.

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I don’t know why, but something tells me that your ideal stack would be StarkZP with RICH ZP :thinking:
And maybe PCC ZP

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On Sunday I resume my washout, but after the washout is over I’m considering adding Regeneration to my stack, maybe 1-2x a week instead of 3x.

My stack could look something like this:

Mon: Mogul, RICH.
Wed: Mogul, RICH
Fri: Mogul, Regen… (not sure if I would prioritize mogul or rich…)
Sat/Sun/Tue/Thurs: rest days

  • Stack would only be listened to in the evening as a meditation before bed. Meditation, evening listening, and weekends off will help integration and avoid over-exposure. Think of this as an alternate listening pattern for ANY 3-ZP-sub stack.
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Never used Stark before! But not all that interested. WAY more interested in Mogul/Ascended Mogul. Especially now that Mogul has the celebrity aura and social skills + social manifestation. I really actually don’t want anything with romance scripting in it at all, it all feels like a distraction right now, and I’m sexy enough as it is.

I have a Qv2 custom that includes AM/HOM/PCC/wealth modules/sales-social modules… I was considering listening to that after my washout, on a Qv2 day. So it would be Alternating days of my custom and Mogul/RICH. I do like how good my custom makes me at sales and it does include PCC.

I’m only considering listening to it now that I’m booking multiple sales calls every single day. Without a packed calendar of sales calls, it gives me too much recon.


At the gym it had crossed my mind that I should prioritize being sober more than I currently am. Maybe this is the subliminal guiding me to the right path of action. I don’t drink very much at all, but sometimes I like cracking a bottle of wine and staying up late drinkin’ it with friends, which is great, but has some consequences the next day.


And what about Mogul (or AM) + Rich + HOM or PCC ZP (depending on which comes first or you prefer)?

Also doesn’t HOM has some romance/connections scripting?

Most likely the case, because during the final week of testing, I just came to the conclusion that I won’t get high anymore, and even though I was high the day before yesterday (Thursday), I don’t feel like doing it as often anymore.

This is coming from someone who used to have an extremely hard time stopping it, and basically made it a lifestyle by being high daily, in fact, most people who meet me nowadays get more surprised by the fact that I’m not high anymore than the fact that I’m quite bigger than the last time they saw me :rofl:


@Billions @Invictus i honestly think being on ZP makes it more pleasant to be sober depending on your experience. I’ve been high during this run of ZP but honestly I went from needing it to get through some days to it being a take it or leave it type deal. Life’s just been easier to deal with and being sober keeps me sharper


Yeah totally. I like being my best more when I’m on Mogul/RICH. It feels like it’s more important to me now.

I also recover faster and can work more effectively even if I’m hungover… so it could be considered LESS important but in reality, it’s more important to me at the level of preference.

It’s not that I’m unhappy after a night of drinking. It’s just that I feel disconnected from that sense of power I feel when I’m sober. I was living an already perfectly-enhanced life, and the “enhancement” that is alcohol only dulled the experience a little bit, but I’m still experiencing it. Recon on ZP is really short. 20 minutes usually. An hour if it’s big.


I told my girlfriend not to come over to my house before 4pm. Then she came over at 2 and said that it wasn’t to hang out with me but it was to hangout with my mom. But I still had to pick her up and the first thing she does when she gets in the car is be really fucking tense, I ask her what’s wrong, and then she gives me this big emotional outpour of all the things she’s upset about. Took 40 minutes to talk about them all.

I was supposed to be working, then she came to my house pretty much uninvited, or at least not invited by me, and then totally disrupted my day. Pissed at my mom too for allowing this. She said “Yeah, your GF is going to pick me up and we’re going to grab coffee!”

More like, I’m going to pick my GF up and then they’re going to stay home and make it impossible to work with clarity and focus like I would’ve if she was here at 4 like I told her to be.

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Question; why didn’t you go to a cafe or something instead with a headset or something, and work there instead?

Honestly, that’s how I used to do some of my final year assignments as well, when I used to be in similar situations with my girl.

Because I was specifically told that I wouldn’t need to and that they were on their way out - until they weren’t. And besides I’m most annoyed that I had to pick her up and then she started fighting with me ASAP.

Same, I m getting to the point where it’s tough to tell if I’m even going through recon unless my thoughts become wildly negative or aggressive. Even so, I’m able to center myself again quickly.

This weekend was really tough for me, but I’m bouncing back and am excited to work. It was partially tough because I like working. I prefer working. If i’m not working, I’d rather be deeply resting and relaxing to keep my energy at 100%, or having amazing quality social time. That’s IT. Work, rest, play, and the finest quality of all three… that’s what I want for myself. That… just that… and nothing less or more than that.

Manifestation, a bit of a tangent, feel free to skip this unless you're @Invictus

I had a cool manifestation come up where I found a resource that helped me gain knowledge/insight/understanding into the nature of money. It’s cool to see Mogul helping me manifest knowledge and learning materials that will help me along my path… not just technical materials, but even philosophical materials too. This is a bit of a rant feel free to skip it if you’d like.

@Invictus and I both had deep thoughts about the meaning of money, and right after that, Mogul helped me manifest knowledge resources on the philosophy of money, to help me get a deeper appreciation for it.

It was in a book I was already reading, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, a philosophical fiction novel that argues in defense of capitalism… but I only picked it up and started reading it because it’s incredibly entertaining.

Right after those deep thoughts I was having about money and how money is all about exchanging value, a massive 5-page essay/speech was monologued in the book writing down the author’s precise beliefs and arguments for exactly why money is the root of all GOOD instead of the root of all evil like some people say it would be.

@SaintSovereign I saw your comments on people believing money is the root of all evil which makes it hard for them to get progress. This whole book, but especially this speech, should be required reading for anyone re-wiring their money beliefs.

The opening lines hit me and I knew that I was about to be majorly impacted by what I was about to read. I’ll share a short excerpt.

“So you think that money is the root of all evil?” said Francisco d’Anconia. "Have you
ever asked what is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can’t exist
unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material
shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and
give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by
tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by
the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?

"When you accept money in payment for your effort, you do so only on the conviction
that you will exchange it for the product of the effort of others. It is not the moochers or
the looters who give value to money. Not an ocean of tears not all the guns in the world
can transform those pieces of paper in your wallet into the bread you will need to survive
tomorrow. Those pieces of paper, which should have been gold, are a token of honor–
your claim upon the energy of the men who produce. Your wallet is your statement of
hope that somewhere in the world around you there are men who will not default on that
moral principle which is the root of money, Is this what you consider evil?

Look up the Fransisco D’arconia Money Speech if you want to read the whole thing.


This begins my washout, where I’ll be focusing on work, good routines, and spending some time with family for the holidays. Looking forward to seeing the new title released on Christmas! My first listening day will be the night of the 26th or 27th.

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I guess I have a lot of energy from coffees this afternoon alongside loops of mogul/rich.

I just made the most amazing morning routine. Or rather, I made an amazing way to actually enforce/consistently do it.

My alarm clock on my phone has a typing option where you can write out pre-written statements. They can be statements you write yourself.

It’s meant for people to write down and then repeat their mantras, things like “I’m beautiful” or “I’m a successful person” to wake themselves up.

But what I did was very different.

I wrote down a series of actions, instructions that I’ll have to follow each morning before completing that step and moving on to the next one.

“Don’t complete typing this until you’ve done a set of pushups to failure.”
“Don’t complete typing this until you’ve made your bed.”
“Don’t complete typing this until you’ve drank a glass of water.”
“Don’t complete typing this until you’ve washed your face.”
“Etc, etc, etc.”

I won’t be able to see one set of instructions until I’ve completed the previous one, and if I don’t type out what it tells me to type out, the alarm will start ringing again after a minute. So I can either lie to myself or actually do the activities, but I can’t ignore them.

Excited to see how this turns out tomorrow morning!


I kinda just realized how CHOSEN might be helpful for my girlfriend, paired alongside regeneration. She can have a full ZP stack that focuses on healing her anxieties and insecurities and making her more positive. I’ll recommend this to her and see what she thinks. She’s already listening to regeneration which is good, but probably giving her some healing-induced recon too. Not sure. Chosen’s positivity, warmth, and inspiring others will probably help her be happier, help us interact better, and help us stay together right now. I’m very much so considering breaking up with her. We’re too aggressive and angry at each other all the time. I’m pretty sick of her getting triggered and don’t show patience to it anymore.


Last night I had a bit of extra energy. Partially from ZP. Partially from getting bubble tea (has caffeine) at 7pm.

It was super productive.

I designed a morning routine that involves meditating, journalling the first thoughts of the day, making my bed, brushing my teeth, doing some quick exercises, drinking water, and washing my face…

And then the app prompts me to do them one at a time in random order.

It was FUN this morning. This is the first morning in my life that I’ve ever made my bed, brushed my teeth, journalled, and exercised all in the same morning. It’s usually some but not all. And I rarely do it with so much energy. But because I don’t have to think or decide, I’m just following the instructions that I set for myself on the alarm, it’s easy to follow and I Wake up super quickly.

This is definitely a mogul manifestation. I feel myself being more productive, starting my day successfully, having more energy, and being cleaner. I’m such a messy person, my room is an absolute mess, but just by making my bed, I got inspired to clean my whole room before moving on to the next item on the instructions.


Day 1 of the washout, continued.

I’m thinking in terms of how to develop partnerships, how to increase total cash collected, how to leverage the opportunities of the present moment and think for myself rather than do what everyone tells us to do.

Since starting Mogul, I think we’ve tapped into and learned about one of the biggest blue oceans in the entire Real Estate marketing niche, and I’m excited to move forward and keep exploring this unexplored territory.