Mogul V2 Six Months Experience

To be fair I’m probably being very impatient


Yes, and how does switching help you get your results faster? You already started on Mogul, continue because results will happen faster this way :slight_smile:


If anything, you can add Inner Circle, so you manifest people who will help you with your wealth question. That is something that boosts results, not delays it.

So something like: 3x Mogul 1x Inner Circle, would be a perfect fit for you.

Then, it’s not just you and those who depend on you. But you, and a group of people who have your back. We can all use that :blush:


The more I listen to Mogul the less dire things feel. As if my subconscious is screaming at me to be patient and just do what needs to be done Either that or it’s what I need to keep telling myself.


I think all Sub Club products do that. It’s part of the healing and of the Sanguine module in most major programs. And I find it good because it puts you in a place where you can take more action because you’re less emotionally impacted.

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I don’t see the point in recommending an unreleased, untested product to someone on a seriously tight budget.


That is very reasonable @Simon

That thought is really coming from a place of caring and concern. And I know you’ve thought of many reasons, so I am wondering, what could be other reasons why it might be appropriate to recommend Inner Circle to @James? Could there be good reasons you haven’t thought of?

Or are you against recommending any and all products until you personally have tested them and can testify to their extreme effectiveness?

Let us know. Your input is very valuable :slight_smile:


@James keep at it, 30 days at least. Have a look at my journal again if you need reassurance.


@AMASH @Michel @Simon I’m going to stick with strickly Mogul for the foreseeable future. Our financial situation and future is more important to me than anything. The only audio I have seriously considered adding is Limit Destroyer as I already own it .I desperately need to change my beliefs and mindset regarding money and wealth as well as learn to have a deep gratitude and appreciation for everything and everyone in my life. It’s really strange but right now what I crave more than anything is what I took for granted in the past. Doing laundry at my apartment building, going to get mail, going grocery shopping, watching my wife cook us a meal, and more.
I’m not listening to Mogul to make a million dollars .It’s not what I want at this time. Right now I want to work my ass off to have all those things I just listed. If I was to expand on my list it would be to become debt free and build and emergency fund. Although I don’t follow him I have heard that’s the core of what Dave Ramsey teaches.


I missed listening yesterday because I had a lot going on. Back at it today as things are a bit quieter but still chaotic. Taking time to be grateful for what I have. That my wife and I have been together for over 14 years and that nothing can come between us. I have no idea what I would do without my best friend


You are making the right choice @James. Listen to Mogul as much as you can, in the morning, at night, when eating, when working, and keep journalling, and watch and notice even the smallest changes, so that you tell your subconscious it is what you want, and call that forth more and more :slight_smile:


@AMASH So don’t add Limit Destroyer? Just stick with Mogul?

I never said that. I noticed you seem to have decided to only do Mogul.

You can still do a fair compromise. Running on loop:

Limit Destroyer

This will serve you very well, and get you great results from both :slight_smile:


This stuff has been the most helpful to me in terms of possibility and practicality. I wish I’d known about this stuff when I was 16 before I had to work for a living.

my favorite money podcast is

one of my favorite podcast episdoes and I think the first time I’d heard of Mr. Money Moustache was Mr. Money Mustache — Living Beautifully on $25-27K Per Year. now of course I have higher goals then 27K but he does it with a family!

That really opened my eyes and made me realize on financial independence. That maybe it was possible for me at some point.


@ABC333 I will check him out. Thank you very much. @AMASH I wasn’t implying anything. I just want to be clear given my often limited listening time available. Obviously I have no intention of switching subliminals but given the anount of trauma and stress I’m going through currently and in the future I am seriously considering running either Regeneration for an extended length of time at some point.

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Trust yourself @James.

Whatever you feel in your bones that it seems right, go for it, and we will all be here to encourage you!


@AMASH Thank you. I have a lot of incredibly faulty beliefs about what is possible especially for myself. I know it hasn’t been helping but there are times I almost feel cursed to fuck up self sabotage any good thing that comes our way

since it’s just a feeling and the only thing that is real is now. Just for fun, just for now, what would it be like if things were already perfect? For me automatically good feelings come up and I feel grateful. It may not last all day but it’s enough to reprogram those faulty structures of yours. Sometimes it does take work and effort to override those old habits. :smiley: Joe Dispenza for the win!


Missed some days but will be back at it this evening and tonight. Put a reminder in my calendar which I probably should have done before so I didn’t forget to set it to play in the evening and while I sleep.Only able to use my phone speaker as I have no ear buds or an external speaker. Trying not to expect to much or anything too quickly or right away. Going to research and read up on how beliefs impact money management and wealth creation. So tired of being broke and struggling. I did decide that because I already own it tonight I am going to add Limit Destroyer to my play list


These efforts and resources you are pouring your heart into will bring you the life you are seeking. The tools they will use are your own hands, feet, and mind. Make those tools available.

Without hope and without despair, perform at least 10-15 minutes of action per day that you think may help to manifest what you want. Consider it just as keeping the tools oiled and ready. No need to place great pressure or expectation on it.

Think of it as symbolic. Like a practical form of prayer or magick. Detached from any result, but just making concrete actions. These symbolize your willingness to have new realities enter your life. More does not mean better. Just 10 to 15 minutes of practical action each day, detached from result.

I wrote the above as much for myself as for you.