Module Pack #3 - Available Now!

@Fire @SaintSovereign
First of all i like to say thanks for the Index Gate
And all the modules in general

Second got some question:
Will rembrandt help when designing things and animation no matter the tools you use?

Can other modules help increase fortune’s favorite to 100% and remove the failure rate like deus or financial success reality shifter since it has luck in it too?

Honestly I’m not entirely sure about that module. I’ll need to keep looking at it, back and forth. I want people to love me for sure, but I’m unsure how it’d work.

Those are some cool looking modules, particularly Chosen of Venus, aura of love is something I’ve wanted for ages!

Guess I’ll have to hang on until Module Pack 4 for that diamond cutter erections module :gem:


Oh man, am I glad that I decided to wait before building my custom (pats intuition on the head).

Where do you guys come up with this, its just brilliant, and the art cover…:star_struck:

Looking forward for the 4th pack, it feels like the release of TCG packs :crazy_face:


Thought of @James

Index Gate


Thank you for this- its very very similar to what i wished for

@SaintSovereign @Fire. :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:


@Malkuth I didn’t see that. Thank you


Ok, so much good modules to push life experience further. I don’t know where to start!

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Virtue Series: Temperance and Chosen of Venus look like the most interesting ones in the new pack list.

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Does Dragon Reborn cover spiritual protection similar to Immortal blade?

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Judging by this current module pack, when it’s all said and done, subclub would have left no stone unturned when it comes to the subject matters their programs touch upon.

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Jesus Christ! Is there something in Dragon Reborn that makes me miss releases and find out only after half a day???

Oh well, gonna check these badboys out


Yeah and there is still more to come also i bet maybe next yesr we will see some modules being updated who knows

The dilemma of choice. How do I fit what I want into what I currently have? So many good things in this pack. Rembrandt, metamorphosis, fortune, chosen of Venus and virtue: temperance, but they all have their draw.


I wonder how it works with games that require you to open loot boxes :sunglasses:


Damn i didnt even think about this hmmm good point gambling come to mind with this module but am not the casino type

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@mnemosyne do you love cats?

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I am upgrading my Stark with this wowwas weeaaa as Borat would say :slight_smile:

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@Fire Will Fortuna’s Favorite instill into you an “I am so lucky, everything in life comes easily to me” mindset making you get away with close to everything in life in general, or is it more a “Weapon X” module making you very successful /lucky (only) when playing games like Poker, Roulette etc etc.

If it is the first, will this new sense of “I am so lucky, everything in life comes easily to me” be able to carry into conversation with others because you radiate it?


I have the same question; is Fortuna’s Favourite specially intended to increase luck when betting on things or does it have a wider area of effect, enhancing your ability to be lucky throughout the entirety of your life in any situation?

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