Module Pack #3 - Available Now!

Yeah and there is still more to come also i bet maybe next yesr we will see some modules being updated who knows

The dilemma of choice. How do I fit what I want into what I currently have? So many good things in this pack. Rembrandt, metamorphosis, fortune, chosen of Venus and virtue: temperance, but they all have their draw.


I wonder how it works with games that require you to open loot boxes :sunglasses:


Damn i didnt even think about this hmmm good point gambling come to mind with this module but am not the casino type

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@mnemosyne do you love cats?

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I am upgrading my Stark with this wowwas weeaaa as Borat would say :slight_smile:

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@Fire Will Fortuna’s Favorite instill into you an “I am so lucky, everything in life comes easily to me” mindset making you get away with close to everything in life in general, or is it more a “Weapon X” module making you very successful /lucky (only) when playing games like Poker, Roulette etc etc.

If it is the first, will this new sense of “I am so lucky, everything in life comes easily to me” be able to carry into conversation with others because you radiate it?


I have the same question; is Fortuna’s Favourite specially intended to increase luck when betting on things or does it have a wider area of effect, enhancing your ability to be lucky throughout the entirety of your life in any situation?

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Since gambling isn’t mentioned in the advertising copy, I’d say it’s probably aimed at general life wide luck. I hope so, because I stuck it in my custom and I don’t gamble.


@Fire @SaintSovereign
Can we expect anymore surprises for this month?


Hero will be released this month. I believe it transforms you physically and mentally into a warrior or hero.


I would like a Zero to Hero module/subliminal actually.

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Now that would be a worthy xmas gift

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@TheBoxingScientist already got everyone once with this :joy:
I dig the optimism though


@Azriel LOL i like to keep people spirits high :slight_smile:


@king Hero will tale u from zero to hero :slight_smile:

I believe it transforms you aids you in transforming yourself physically and mentally into a warrior or hero.

yes, i’m a party-pooper. :rofl:

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@TheBoxingScientist I guess apart from Hero, you are waiting for Ero too?

Ero ? Aero ? Hero ? who knows

I thought in american poop means to dump ? are you also from america ?