Million Dollar Luther 🤑

LOLL :laughing:

I am almost certain that there is a man out there who is so obsessed with testosterone, that to enter his social circle you need to have a minimum ng/dl level.

The thought of it cracks me up, lmao.


Is it possible to have an unhealthy obsession with health?

#huh #what

To some people it’s a chore and an inconvenient hassle.

To other people (like me) it provides insane amounts of dopamine.

I get more dopamine from eating something healthy, than I do eating cookies or a bag of chips. I get far more gratification.

This is hard for people to wrap their head around because it seems contradictive to nature.

It’s because of how I frame it in my mind.

If you’ve ever played a video game and beat the final boss, you felt an incredible dopamine release because you did something amazing. You accomplished something and progressed in the video game. You leveled up. You experience satisfaction.

When I eat ordinary meals or do something “mundane” like drink water, I literally release incredible amounts of dopamine simply through my perception and the way it makes me feel. It’s all mental/placebo.

I know that through increasing my vitality, I’m improving my overall QoL. Every ingestion makes me stronger, healthier and more full of vitality in a self-love feedback loop surging through all of my cells.

I can’t sabotage or sacrifice it for anything. People constantly insinuate to me that “oh that must be hard to be so strict and healthy like that”. They don’t get it, because they’re still operating from their indoctrinated viewpoint of poor health and poor nutrition programming. They are essentially products wired for self-depletion and medical dependence.

On the contrary, it is incredibly difficult for me to eat unhealthy. I don’t even think that I could force myself. It’s just the way I have it down in my mind, I don’t know how to explain.

When I see people eating trash, it registers in my mind “why in the world are you doing that”, like I don’t understand the thought process.

From an ROI standpoint, the goal is to feel better, get better, experience better, have more energy, be vibrant and be awesome, while kicking ass. I would reckon that this is naturally what everyone would want.

I want more and more and more, without limit. It’s like a game I play that offers me endless dopamine and real life benefits… and I keep going further and further getting even more dopamine. It elevates your well-being and enriches you on a deep level.

If I were to stuff my mouth with cake and whatever GMO processed trash is out there these days, then I’m literally losing. I’m choosing to lose, lol. I’m deciding that I want a lower quality of life. The thought doesn’t feel good. It’s not good for your mind nor your body. There is also the guilt and shame after, like who wants that. I don’t understand people’s rationale, like they self-sabotage their own health and then cry after once the ramifications of self-abuse come to fruition. It’s like “what did you expect?”. Too much caffeine and low IQ. Lack of foresight and understanding. Low-level thinkers usually don’t get very far, in my opinion. LOL

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So have you always had that dopamine feedback?

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This goes back to what I was saying earlier.

If you don’t do that, then you are going to be a product, relative to the goal post around you… which is abysmally low. Freakishly low. Disturbingly low to the point that it is disrespectful to nature and makes you question the audacity, temerity and unmitiged gall of the self-loathing entity that set it.

You need to set the new standard and set it very high. You have to separate yourself.

If you don’t, then you will lose. It’s competition.

This applies to health. If you don’t improve your health - you’re getting lapped.

You’re getting smoked. You’re low on the leaderboard and low on the percentiles.

Real life is the ultimate video game.

High QoL is only reserved for the people who want to level up in the game.

This applies to any domain of life:

Wealth, Spirituality, Purpose, Fitness, Health, Sex Life, etc.

You have to stop caring what people think, what people expect, what people believe.

You just have to pick up the sword and conquer your own life. Nobody is going to do it for you and you only have 1 life. Don’t regret shit, it’s your responsibility to live life to your fullest capacity and potential without giving half of an inch of a fuck about anything.

The moment you ever find that you aren’t, you’re losing.

“I’m gonna try /mopeyface” is a defeatist mindset. Half of these people have already lost from out the gate. You can only verbally comfort them and instill a temporary sense of false hope but the reality is that everyone’s capacity to devastate the challenges of life is upon them - and only them.

Most people care too much about other people, that’s why they’re losing.

The sense of self has been castrated through various means. Traumatic beliefs, traumatic experiences and traumatic indoctrination. The sense of self is rummaging through a muddied swamp of limitation and inadequacy.

Fear of rejection, Fear of being unworthy, low self-esteem, shame, lack of confidence, etc. Everything is based upon what other people or society thinks about them. They are a slave to a sick society and incompetent standard. They don’t realize how much power they have, in that with every person lies untapped potential on the level of the greatest people in human history. The difference between those people and these people is the capacity to give a fuck. Lol.

Sometimes you have to get your ass kicked and ping-ponged by life for a good couple years until you finally decide that enough is enough and switch gears into a state that actually makes you feel like you’re living.

I have explored everything to extreme and I will develop limitlessly into every area to extreme. You have to set the standards and find your own fulfillments. Play your own game and dominate.

You have to level up in every area. If one area is lacking you will lose.

Sit up straight and stay sharp.

You need to be the video game character that has level 90+ in every area, lmao. The moment you settle for anything less, you are losing.

Even talking like this motivates me and instills me with ambition to voraciously progress. This whole post is dopamine to me on the level of sex.

People just don’t understand man. Lol.


(i’m like 60% trolling in these posts lol)

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Not at all, lol.

I used to eat like complete shit and crave KFC chicken. I used to binge eat McDonalds.

Spicy Cheetos. Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Ice cream sandwiches. Hershey chocolates. Cake. Pizza.

(all off the top lol)

I used to be in not very good health from years of self-abuse. Like below average, bad.

Everything I say is from experience, I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum.

You have to do:

You need a practice, medium or tool involving the subconscious mind which affects your perceptions and beliefs. It manifests unique to you.

The way I think, is non-typical… it’s not just cultivated randomly. I’ve basically programmed myself for health and the way I opinionate my attitudes towards health is based on my beliefs/perceptions.

My programming doesn’t allow me to be compatible with poor-health.

It’s all in the subconscious mind.

Similarly to how you program someone with a go-getter, millionaire type of mindset.

It’s like that, but for health.

Not sure if this makes sense, lol.


Makes perfect sense. I’ve been abusing my body with energy drinks and caffeine for the past two weeks because I don’t have that alignment within myself. “What’s a little bit more abuse on this body? It doesn’t matter anyway”. Yeah not there yet. I’m not kfc and McDonald’s bad, but I’ve still got my vices.

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The flagrant disrespect. I am vehemently appalled. I’m shocked.



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I troll way too much somethings legitimately wrong with me, lmao

I sometimes text people randomly going “you did this to me” and they’re like wtf

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Might run Genesis ZP, what it’s lookin’ like

From 2024-2025 I planned to run LotS and see how freaky I can get,

I have to follow my intuitions above all else, I can’t force anything

I must go into the rabbitholes of testosteroen optimization, otherwise the gods of anabolism will smite my insignificant yet plump and well-defined ass

I greatly fear them, for in a heartbeat they may invoke a cataboliclysm on human kind.

the fate of the world rests on my deltoids. I must fulfill my purpose and become more anabolic,

stay natty, stay strong.

amen brothers


I sensed a great degree of vehemence in her refusal

the Allfather has sent me on a mission,

i must leave no Valkyrie unbedded. None

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what else do I write in here…last night I realized that sweet pea is a quadruple entendre

Might not


didn’t realize how wild this sounded… LMAO

I remember when someone once asked “why is working out important” on this forum and I went into a full cognitive dissonance.

I literally could not compute the question. I was very rude and regret this response as it was very inappropriate for the forum. Luckily the moderators were lenient and didn’t ban me. I am incredibly grateful and also reformed.

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an extremely innocent and caring individual such as myself, deserves to experience the highest levels of anabolism

I have relinquished the mortal temptations and devoted myself to all that is pure and holy

with great sacrifice, comes great testosterone

amen brothers

may you be blessed by the gods of anabolism and be rewarded with the highest hypertrophies

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Catholicism, buddhism, hinduism, shintoism, judaism, anabolism… all the same shit.

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