Melody: As Life Unfolds…

I do feel more at peace when I think of them when I come to think of it. Great result.

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You could enter a support ticket for some ideas.

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Thanks! Is it possible to get my account banned from making purchases for a period of time? Say 3 months?

that’s quite an extreme measure there.
Perhaps a site blocker plugin for your browser will be enough? You can use it to block the main store for some time

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Maybe I should trust myself not to delete or turn off the internet blocker I already have perhaps.

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Wrote out my most optimal day with time blocks on paper last night and placed it on my desk. Today I’ve been following that easier than I thought because even tho I’ve got a bit of a cough, just want to make the most of my day.

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You could contact support to find out if that might be possible.


Today, I woke up and used the free-flowing thought method to freely express my knowledge on a subject I will later structure, expand, and re-write for my first e-book. I ran NR yesterday. (1.30 loop) This makes it far easier to get down everything I want to say first and then structure it later. Will make creating the next one far easier and quicker too.

I want to note, that after the first loop of NR (3 mins) literally an hour or two later, an ad came up on YouTube which then led me to find a mentor with a process and AI resources to create a new long-term income stream that’s manageable for my current life situation. Pure magic.

To add, this also allows me to help others and gives me a greater sense of deservingness to conquer my music career and creating these E-books help me to learn my knowledge at a deeper level by teaching it. So definitely help solidify what I already understand and know and maybe even help connect new dots too.

Realise I’ve always had this quality of being an ‘Entrepreneur’ because I’ve always wanted to help people with problems and love teaching people things that I know will help them. I iused to see that as a bad thing and sure enough, it can be when it’s not wanted but this gives me good feelings for sure. I had the realisation that taking money off of people isn’t bad at all if you’re genuinely helping them with a problem or issue. It’s being of service to other people which seems to give me a lot of fulfilment.


To add, you feel like you deserve money when that is all the case. If you deliver and or overdeliver on what they’ve come to you to solve for them, then that’s being useful, not evil. Genuinely helping others succeed at something.

Phase 2

Got my custom upgraded to V2 so gonna use that as the main driver for my stack over the course of this year and next year.

3 min loop of custom and feel a drive to improve and do things which is always welcome. Annoyed at the stuff I’ve allowed and let slip since DR from all the recon. That’ll be AM and mixture of other stuff.

Picked up a 5p off the floor at work and felt this massive amount of gratefulness and appreciation for receiving it.

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Had my first songwriting collab with someone in a place where I want to be in my career which is cool. We managed to successfully come up with three parts of a new song.

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Realised my singing voice is pretty unique and interesting and I’m great at expressing the lyrics and emotion. I’m becoming a true performer. For a while, I was pretty insecure about my voice but definitely feel a boost in confidence after the session.

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Walk through the door to a better life. :white_check_mark::heart::cyclone:

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Played 1.30 min loop of NEW Emperor with my custom and I’m doing great today. Moved and deleted apps on my phone that I never really needed anymore and added a bunch of habits to a habit tracker app that I never actually began using. Almost finished planning one of my main goals in a unique way I hadn’t tried before.

Something clicked recently where I feel this unstoppable confidence in my own abilities again. I am the MAN!

Been a long few days, some crazy shifts at work. Now starting a new cycle beginning with N-Emperor. Played 5 mins this time. I feel a little disoriented and want to sleep the rest of the day. Gonna go back to 1:30 loops.