@manifest's Journaling and Thoughts

Sometimes those dreams are messages. One of my dreams right now is actually coming into reality.
Also I practice lucid dreaming sometimes and it helps with my confidence, it only means we have the subconscious ability to bend reality to our will and if I could do so in my dreams I could also do the same in the real world

I don’t know, I just did it. Said fuck it. No announcement, no nothing. Those friends who were important had my number. The others I don’t care for. The social media likers are less of friends than you might sometimes believe – few give a shit if you leave, those who do will contact you again.

Damn… I’ve always wanted to lucid-dream and astral-project. I’ve never been successful. Like I said, maybe the cord is cut?! :joy: Or I’m a demon with no soul. Like Maze in Lucifer. But she developed a soul. Oh whatever, I’m getting off-topic.

Did any subliminal in particular help with getting lucid in your dreams?

There are techniques i could also recommend some sources to you as well. First of all meditation helps, then you could also read reality transurfing by Vadim Zeeland, there’s a part he talked about lucid dreaming and how to do it. Writing your dreams also helps you to become aware of your dreams. Its something that takes practice but for me its something I’ve been doing naturally since I was a child

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I seem to notice recon pretty much immediately after starting my listening session.
To me, it manifests as a slight increase in my old OCD ways of thinking, and its accompanying anxiety/adrenaline.
It’s definitely temporary because I experienced the same yesterday and it was completely gone as I woke up the morning after.

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I ordered 5 bottles of Lithium Orotate from Swanson Europe:

I love this supplement. Mainly because it has an extreme range of benefits for neurological and mental well-being. Unknown to many aside from its use in bipolar disorders, Lithium in small doses such as the supplemental above are not likely to be very toxic for the body or have side effects. The therapeutic doses cause adverse reactions or side effects in some people.

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Getting enough sleep these days, which is a true blessing – and with the recent 5-HTP supplementation in the evenings, and the “Cozy Cabin Rain Sounds for 24 hours” part of my YouTube Music free trial – falling asleep is no issue, either.

I suddenly started craving sea salt… I love taking a little bit every now and then. Should I email the “My Strange Addiction” producers? :smiley: Nevertheless, this could be a sign of anemia. I doubt I have it, but I better get my salt intake under control.

Time to enjoy my daily dose of caffeine and cereals!

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This forum is dominated by men and it’s funny to see how many of them see their participation in the forum as a competition against other men.

We try to formulate the best sentences, the best arguments, as if a million was at stake.

I don’t know what to make of this. It’s a funny observation. Because I’m the same – and I don’t think anybody can escape this ambition.

Somehow, we all want to demonstrate our superiority, to affirm to ourselves that we are better than we think we are. Doesn’t this stem from an inner feeling of insecurity? Isn’t it insecurity that drives us to become better humans?

Many struggled to define what is a “better” person. So they invented God, who be the judge, giving salvation to those who are “selfless” and “ethical.”

Some see themselves a lottery player in life, some see themselves as the casino owner. Some justify the injustice in the world by saying “may the one who works the hardest get the most.” Others comfort themselves with the perception that life by nature is unfair, trusting that it’s not an inadequacy of their own that causes the dissatisfying outcomes.

Then there are the “casino owners” – those who dare to see themselves as God. These people are often attacked with judgement and stereotypes around narcissism. But the fact that you are still alive is in itself a narcissitic consequence – we’re all a bunch of narcissists deep down. Therefore, the argument that those who dare see themselves as God are narcissistic doesn’t hold. If they are not narcisstic, what are they? Empathetic? Sure, realizing that you are God may help you feel affinity with the world and a responsibility to make things better.

There are those who like the idea of being all-mighty, admiring the idea that they can manifest the life that they want. There are those who see it as a game of probability – using Occam’s razor – the principle that the easiest explanation is usually the right one. What takes less energy to understand, that you are the only conscious person in the world, or that everyone has consciousness and their own life stories? Logically, the former, because it’s the only thing you can conclude for sure. You know you are a conscious human being. You do not know others are (as) conscious as you are. What’s easier to understand, life or death? Life, of course, because you have never experienced death. You do not know that death is real – because you’ve only observed what you believe to be people dying, in the state of life.

So if we let go of all society’s influences, and purely use Occam’s razor to explain the universe, what kind of worldview would we have? Right now, the only room that exists on Earth is the one I am sitting in, I am the only conscious person on the planet, there’s no such thing as death. Right?

We can use the metaphor of life being a simulation. What would be the way to sustain the world you are experiencing now with as little resources as possible? It would be to do it like a video game. Only what you are seeing on the screen is existing in this moment, the rest does not have to exist right now because I am not experiencing it. For me to hear someone cooking upstairs, what resources would be needed? A sound effect. Would there need to be advanced graphics demonstrating the person who is cooking? No, because I am not looking at him as of now. When I go to him, that will be generated.

This is how your life would be sustained with as little resources as possible, in a digital setting using Occam’s razor.

What is my point? I have no fucking idea. Why did I write this? I don’t know. Maybe I am channeling my subconscious. It’s my journal, so obviously anything I say is just my opinion.

I like to think about life, and when I start, I can’t stop.

So I better not. :smiley:


P.S. To clarify on what Occam’s razor is:

The scientific principle that you should never assume more than is needed to explain a phenomenon.

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Voice Master is in my custom.

My voice can fluctuate in depth – no, not like puberty – but from time to time and weather to weather speculatively due to the amount of moisture in my mouth or vocal cords. I might just be overly observant, but I feel it varies.

Now, I notice that my voice is always at its deepest.

So that’s progress.

Are subliminals teachers?

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Beautifully Written!

Based off my personal experience I feel like they are.

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Semax is a very interesting chemical.
It’s on the essential list of medicines in Russia.
It has quite incredible neuro-protective and -enhancing effects.
It’s a nasal spray, and supposedly, the brain will only absorb what it actually needs and break the rest down into inactive amino acids.

I’ve tried it before, I don’t know if I noticed anything. It’s supposedly good to go on a Semax cycle once or twice a year to maintain brain function and prevent neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s.

More can be read on the Russian page:

Семакс — полная информация, применение, инструкция. Сайт о лекарственном препарате

I have ordered it before from a Scandinavian company called Cziom. My experience with it has been good:

Maybe time to go on a cycle again!

P.S. @DarkPhilosopher & @James thought of you two :point_up_2:

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Curious where my mind is at when every time I read that my mind tells me it says “Sexmax”

Which made me very curious why you thought of me. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the notification. How long does that 18mg for 23 EUR last? Before I consider supplements I always calculate if it’s worth the investment.

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Theoretically, it contains 60 doses. I found that it lasted a few weeks, but it was a hassle to properly spray it into the nose, so I used more than the daily dose and thus ran out much quicker. One spray is enough to buy and use to consider it a “cycle.” One a year is supposedly enough to have benefits on the brain. I don’t know what science has been done on this, most is in Russian. :slight_smile:

wanted TRULY shines in long runs, i did 1 year and a half of khan and 1 month of qv2 custom with wanted, and then moved into a full cycle of wanted chosen zp, and currently in cycle 2 of that stack.

the physical shifting and heights you can reach far surpasses the immediate effects.


That’s good to hear @Yazooneh.

Do you also use your custom, or only the ZP audios right now?

Do you find ZP to be more powerful than the naime-tailored customs?

Listening to my session now.

Experiencing various visual auras.

First some blue strike in my visual field and now a blurry dot like that of a migraine.

I may be getting a migraine attack, or it is some sort of subconscious reaction to the subliminals.

It is interesting nevertheless.

Time to close my eyes!

Got no sleep whatsoever, so decided I might as well get up.

Could be the subliminals causing emotional upheaval or some sort of a hypomanic state.

Anyway, sleep deprivation affects me terribly, so I’m now feeling both nauseous and drunk…

Colors so vibrant in an intimidating manner. Damn, maybe time to get some melatonin for nights like these.

In addition to yesterday’s manifestation, I may have a new financial opportunity. I’ll see. I’m optimistic!