@manifest's Journaling and Thoughts

Ahhh! Ok. Never thought of doing it that way. Cool. Thanks for clarifying my friend. Will do!

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Feel free to tag me if you have any other questions

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Hey @anon84605638 how are you doing?Did the frequent urination slow down? I noticed you have a focus on Physicality shifters in your custom do you feel a difference in energy and workouts? I’m trying to get myself back into the gym. I feel the mental motivation to start getting back on track with a consistent exercise routine (seductress) but not the energy​:upside_down_face: I have been having some intense episodes of dizziness, fatigue. I definitely know I need to drink more water i lost 4 pounds in a week. I tried tai chi but I was getting a bit impatient with the slow movements I prefer weight lifting and the stair master lol. Congrats :clap:t5: on your Progress with Wanted ZP can’t wait to for the updates.

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Hey @BeautifulSoulGoddess,

Today I’ve been quite witty and almost tipsy-feeling (didn’t have any alcohol, though). More energetic and relaxed than usual. More confident and social. More clear-minded.

Sorry to hear you’ve been fatigued. Drinking more water is easier said than done. Maybe if it’s kept in the fridge, it will be more appetizing, and we’ll be more eager to drink it. Here in Europe, we get it directly from the tap, usually.

I guess Seductress is the female equivalent of my “Wanted”? Yes, physicality shifters are some of the more essential ones in my stack. I notice a somewhat stronger jawline, maybe slightly more defined muscles. I’ll keep you posted on my progress. You keep me posted on yours as well, please!


I just ordered my girlfriend a custom after we had collaborated to find the most suitable modules for her.

We chose the following:

—Financial Success Reality Shifter
—Facial Morphing
—SPS: Fat Burn
—Seductress Q Core

Using Ultima technology and Solace [A] sound track. My love is not much of a forum user, so I guess I might journal some of her progress on her behalf. She’s in the forum also, though. Love that we’re now in this subliminal stuff together, @YassyJaz !

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Later, once a female-oriented ZP is released, we’ll add that to her stack, because I’m really enjoying my own ZP, Wanted.

Were you able to edit it?

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Unfortunately not

Mind’s Eye is probably the most distinct subliminal in terms of effects so far.

Last night the visualizations were intense and vivid.

I did it for the sole purpose of feeling good.

Manifestation will be the side effect.

No longer is visualizing something tiring – but something enjoyable, just as the process of manifestation should be.


Thanks to @bombayduck and @Deadpool, I decided to give resistance bands a try for my future workouts. I’ll receive them on Tuesday by the door. I want to master these bands fully, so that I know exactly how to work out any part of my body using them solely. I like to keep things simple. These were the answer to my “prayers” (or rather, visualizations). I don’t like bodyweight exercises for various reasons.

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For inspiration regards exercises take a look at this channel.


Just want to add that James Grage is the founder and creator of Undersun, and he’s where it’s at for band workouts.

Yes that can absolutely be done, the beauty of bands is how versatile they are especially once you add a door anchor for workouts. You can add so many variations to a single exercise just with your body position and the way you hold the band, it’s really incredible stuff.


What would you like edited, and what would you like it changed to?

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If you could just add that I also cycle between these tracks:

Wanted ZP
Rebirth ZP
Mind’s Eye ZP

Thanks :slight_smile:

Dreams still vivid, especially considering that I usually have next to no dream recall.

Last night’s dream involved being in an airplane looking for seats, encountering some old classmates.

Noticing recon.

I won’t bore anyone with further details.

I think it’s important to realize that it is just reconciliation – it’s not a relapse into your old ways. I remind myself of this!

I don’t remember which scientist came up with this, but I do recall a scientific theory about biological systems strengthening and evolving only once they have been overwhelmed to the point of virtually breaking.

In other words: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

In a sense, subliminals are an insult to your subconscious’ current identity. So when we listen to subliminals, we cause a subconscious identity crisis. The identity in charge of our subconscious realizes it’s obsolete and a new, stronger, more attractive identity has to take “his” place. I imagine this is what causes reconciliation. The body does all it can to conserve energy! Now, it gets a stimulus telling it that it isn’t sufficient in its current state, which causes a massive load of energy to be focused onto feeding the subconscious processes. It’s like sitting in a house that’s still being built. It’s going to be loud, shaky, unstable. Maybe it could be likened to being awake during a brain surgery?!

Anyway… I’m having a writers’ block now which is unusual. It took me ages to write this post, and it will be my last today. To rest I go!


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This is awsome glad you 2 are on the journey together. I will be following

This is so true it’s crazy you just posted this I literally just had a conversation with my sis the other night we were talking about how everytime we evolve and change for the better its followed by low mood or feeling lost. I Especially noticed this with using subs I came to the conclusion that it’s my subconscious and conscious mind adjusting to the change and processing everything once I was aware of that It longer worries me cause I know that it’s just a sign I’m breaking through to another level. @anon84605638 Great job on the awareness you got this!

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Thanks @BeautifulSoulGoddess!

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Dreams… those never-ending dreams!

Whatever was it last night… oh yes – bunch of key cards to get into strange hotel buildings.

Yesterday I watched Bill Gates forgetting the key card to his own Microsoft building. The strange hotel buildings are from a Netflix show I’m watching: How to Get Away with Murder. (Can’t believe I’m pointing this out, but no, it’s not a tutorial!)

How do these dreams relate to my use of subliminals? I have no idea. Maybe the cord between my subconscious and conscious mind has been cut. I’ll see soon enough – after all, that’s what I have this journal for: to document the changes and experiences I’m having so I can look back and notice what would otherwise not catch my attention.

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I’ve been trying to achieve this but it’s been so difficult. How did you do it?