Most of us think about something magical when hearing about manifestation. Most of us think it is something you have to “switch on” for it to work. I have a different approach about.
I think we manifest all the time. What does that mean? It actually just means that your thoughts/emotions are being projected on the outside world, for you to experience subjectivly.
Thoughts and fearful emotions dont necessarly cause an accident, but they cause you to see and hear about them everywhere. Then you get more frightened and think about them even more etc.
It basically is the power that ruled probably most of our lifes. But what if we could rule the power instead?
Is this even possible? If so, how?
I think, and my experiences show me that it is possible, and the answer is simple: Intent.
So what we are going to do is experimenting and find out what works best for us and share our experiences. If you are completely new to this, thats great, because I myself will start all over again.
So the task for this week is to get familiar with this mindset in order for feature experimenting.
Here is what we are going to do:
Every day take out a piece of paper and write random things you want to experience on it, as if you already have/experience it. After that, write “Thank you. It is done.” below it and just put it aside and go on with your day. Thats basically the whole process. However, I want you to write a list that is as diverse (in difficulty/magnitude) as possible. So this is what it would look like:
- Someone offers me a drink
- A friend finds someone he/she loves and dates them
- The sun rises and sets
- I find a penny
- A friend tells a funny joke
Thanks for all this. It is done.
Whats also important is that we just write it down and thats it. No imagining, no feeling, nothing. Just write it down like you would write a grocery list and thats it.
You notice what I did here? These are mostly pretty small things and some of them happen everday. So why bother? It is to strengthen your trust in yourself. By writing these lists and reviewing them every week and check off what manifested already, you gain self confidence and get familiar with the process. You dont believe that this actually works? I manifested all those examples (Expect the joke-part. But I even manifested the sun set and rise !)
So, if you want to take part, just write these lists on a piece of paper and share your experiences if you like.
(Btw I am not an expert on this field, I am still just a student. Any help/advise/tips is grately appreciated!)