Manifesting with words

Day 6: May 21, 2022

Just got back from work so this entry will most likely be all over the place. I’m currently running on 2 hours of sleep and 200mg of caffeine, so you can imagine how I felt in the morning. I had a lot of occurrences today that I can only chalk up to Stark. I had more social interactions than I usually do, smiling more, and more verbal in my conversations, despite my lack of energy. When I went to the store after work the cashier instantly struck a conversation with me. While that might not seem like a noteworthy occurrence it’s not something that has happened to me before as I’m usually more closed off when I go to the store. The crazy thing is that I didn’t feel any different today, it was just a bunch of events happening in quick succession.


I just increased my bullet chess rating from 963 to 1035 in one session. This is my highest bullet chess rating since February 2020 when I was running QL. I think the biggest improvement came from ME, I was still calculating the same lines as I usually do except much faster than before so I stopped losing on time. I wonder how high I’ll be able to get it when I start to express the increased computational power of Stark.


Day 8: May 23, 2022

Forgot to update yesterday as things were a bit hectic. I got my contract from work, and I’ll be making 500€ in the 3 weekends I’ll be working this month, it comes down to 15.15€ an hour. I was also offered the chance to work during the summer months as a night-time receptionist, the offer is pretty interesting as they offer pay bonuses.

Though I have to admit, that even with all of these streams of income being created at the moment, I still find myself wanting to have more. It’s gotten to the point where the thought of buying mogul crossed my mind, even though Stark already has wealth scripting, I also drafted a list of modules for a wealth custom but that will have to wait for later in any case.

I also thought of changing the order of my stack so that can become the dominant sub in the stack. The increased visualization from ME is quite nice but I’ve been a bit too passive in its utilization. I haven’t read a book in almost two weeks, and I should probably change that if I want to keep increasing my reading speed.


Day 9: May 24, 2022

I got a call from work asking me to work this Friday, another money manifestation from Stark, I guess. I switched up the order of today’s stack and tried listening more passively to see if I could have some more effects from Stark, especially regarding my writing.

Building on what I wrote yesterday, I’ve decided to first finish 2 cycles of this stack before moving on to Ultimate artist + EOG or Khan. I want to start being more consistent in the quality of my writing and to be able to finally make a steady stream of income from it. I’ll be adding Ultimate artist to get rid of the last few blocks in the way of that. As for the second sub of the stack, I’m torn between EOG and Khan. While EOG is exactly what I’m looking for, Khan is more than enticing, being able to manifest both money and change my relationship with women. Since I’ll be running the multistage long term, I’m leaning more towards Khan as it covers more objectives.


A realization:

I had an ephiany a few moments ago and need to get it of my mind. I was listening to music and the song ‘King Of The Damned’ came on and the meaning of the song hit me like a truck.

Even though I’ve been blessed and gifted in life, I’ve been the one actively stopping myself from fully receiving my blessings. Even though I saw myself as a king, I kept wondering why my external reality wouldn’t line up with my internal reality. I now realize that I’ve been holding myself back and self sabotaging unconsciously.

For example, I did a group projects with 3 other girls from my class. Doing the project together let us break the ice and by the end of it we were familiar enough with each to casually start up conversations. Despite all of this, I did nothing with this opportunity, in fact I pushed them away and avoided interacting with them. Another example would be when one of my classmates had started to actively show interest into me and acted like a donkey and played hard to get. During both of those times I was using subliminals with the goals of making friends, being more attractive and doing better in school. I was receiving the results I wanted, but refusing to capitalize on them.

I now realize that I’ve been actively blocking my manifestations. Instead of trying to add more positivity, I should have focused on removing the things interfering with my success. It’s like a seesaw scale, you can add 50kg to one side but if the other side has 500kg then the balance will stay the same.

The reason I hadn’t committed to doing this sooner is that adding more positive programming feels easier than removing the old one. Running Emperor sounds much more pleasant than running Khan. Which is why I’ll be dropping Stark to start Total Breakdown alongside Mind’s Eye for my next stack. I’m tired of getting in my own way. I want to utilize all of the gifts granted to me in my life and push myself toward greater heights.

This ended up being more of a rant than a journal entry, but I’m glad I took the time to write it out as it helped me organize my thoughts.


I very much relate to what youve wrote here. Great epiphany! Now that you know what exactly its happening, you can change the pattern.

With the plan to change to khan, i would recommend to fight the urge to stop the stack midway through to swap. desiring to switch the stack can very easily be recon, and especcially when talking about a multistage, you dont want a pattern of switching when in recon. Khan is a big commitment, you have to be fully onboard to go through all the stages properly and fully make up your mind what youre doing it for. Else you may just be “wasting” your time that could be better spend sticking to a stack.

Giving it a bit more time can make you certain that khan is truly what you want and not just some recon wanting you to change the stack.

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@TheDerpinator I just wanted to confirm that you understood that I’ll be dropping Stark after my washout (which will end on June 9th) and not right now as the sentence I wrote wasn’t very clear.

If you meant that I should use Stark for at least 2 cycles before switching, then I definitely see the merit in doing so, though if that happens to be the case, I’ll still be adding on Khan ST1 as a third sub in the Stack.


Day 11: May 26, 2022

I haven’t played my loop for today yet, but I had an interesting realization. I was reading the above post by @Sage_Ninjistic in the WANTED ZP thread and it made me think back to an experience I had yesterday while going shopping. I noticed an influx of attractive girls there, my taste in women hasn’t changed and I’ve been going to this store for years, so I was questioning the nature of the occurrence. After reading the above post I think I can attribute it to a manifestation from my Manifesting stories. The version of myself that I wrote about in yesterday’s story was the type to be surrounded by girls no matter if he was romantically involved with them or not. Now it wasn’t explicitly written but it’s the image I had in my head when writing him and since I spent two hours working on the piece, it looks like it may have manifested into my reality. This is a success that I’m going to try to replicate with more consistency.


Lol’d again, funny guy.

On some level(s), the alchemy of your conscious process for manifestation in addition to Wanted and the other numerous elements of your inner self shifting that we can’t really know all of at once culminated into your results.

Theory time…

It’s likely that on an unconscious level, though you may not consciously recognize it, you’ve let go of ‘counter-elements’ to your desire for attractive women.

If I use your scribing (my personal term for scripting) as the set up for an image, you, being the master of your own reality on the level that you are capable of recognizing it, used your pen to rewrite something that was enough to allow abundance to flow.

Not much of a theory time but eh. I don’t get @'d much



I like your theory! It’s in line with the discovery that I made yesterday on my subconscious hang-ups actively blocking some of my prior manifestations. Also find the use of the term scribing to be fascinating, whenever I see that word, I always picture someone using their writing to predict the future, which is fitting seeing as that’s exactly what I’m trying to do.


Fascinating and I feel this with my own Wanted journey. Resistance to desires fades with use of subliminals, or as you put it “counter-elements” allowing those desires to manifest?



Yes and I would say more. The resistance or the elements contained in your belief systems contrary to the desires are challenged by the audios.

Reconciliation occurs during the transitioning stage of you being carried (by the script’s influence) from where you see yourself now/then and who you believe that you are/were now/then in relation to whatever desire you have, and the unifying of these and other elements into the ‘one’ image/picture/reality that allows that reality to be recognized by your sight in your life.

Resistance is removed, yes. But it is deeper than simply removing :slight_smile:

I think.


That would explain why results are always followed by the worst recon symptoms for me…wow, thank you that helps a lot, actually.


Don’t mind me. Just shooting arrows into the dark. But if it helped, awesome.


No, please don’t shoot arrows into the @Dark.


When you tag yourself, whom is summoned?

Imma Sagittarius hahaha, that’s a difficult request.


No one oddly enough, I think it’s cause I see the message before the notification can go through. Joke aside your theories are greatly appreciated.


Day 13: May 28, 2022

I only slept 3 hours last night and felt dead on my feet this morning, but I was still really talkative and social at work. I started conversations with everyone and learned more about them and the hotel. The topic of my new position kept being brought up and I got some really good advice on negotiating my contract from one of my coworkers. I haven’t signed anything yet, but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to start in early June.

Thanks to the new position I’ll be earning a lot more money, yet I still find myself being impatient and wanting to have more and more. I know that the money manifestations from Stark are in effect, but my mind is still not satisfied.

I’ve also been feeling frustrated at myself for not being consistent with my writing goal. I genuinely enjoy writing, yet for so long I’ve been holding myself back from doing it. Even now that I’m starting to use my writing to try and influence my reality, I still have trouble sticking to my writing routine. I’m angry at myself for never doing anything to remedy this and allowing myself to never fully embrace this passion of mine. It might be the recon speaking but I’m thinking of adding Ultimate Artist to my stack as a way to finally push past this barrier I’ve created for myself. I feel that ultimate artist is the best choice based on the product description and it should pair nicely with Stark as mentioned in the pro tips.

P.S. After calming myself down and going through the Ultimate Artist threads and a few journals I feel like adding it in is the right choice. I’ll have to wait a few days to buy it as I’m unsure of when exactly I’ll receive my salary.


Early washout day 2: June 4

A lot of things happened in the past week mainly involving my new position at work. So far, I’ve been improving super quickly and I can handle the basic quiet well. My new contract was exactly what I envisioned it to be, so I had no problems on that front.

Now onto the reason I started an early washout. I had a party on Thursday night and my goal was to stand out as much as possible. So, I decided to run WANTED and Libertine on Wednesday and Libertine solo on Thursday, right before heading out. Had no signs of overexposure but decided to take my washout early to not push my boundaries to far.

Running Wanted and Libertine was a very nice experience. Seeing a girl’s eyes light up when I go up to her is such a nice experience. I had a great night out and the effects where still visible the next day when I went to work, and my trainer shared a lot about herself to me. Women felt more comfortable around me then the last time I ran WANTED, maybe Libertine’s aura boosting also strengthened the aura from WANTED.


Day 3: June 8, 2022

I started the stack on Monday and put off writing a journal entry until I could clear my thoughts. I’m currently going through a cold, who’s only symptom is to act up, but only during my free time…

I haven’t played today’s loop yet and will do so before I go to bed, so I’ll only go through the changes I’ve seen in days 1 and 2. I’m being given a lot more tasks and responsibilities, yet it feels like I’m being treated quite childishly. Wanted makes me appear ‘cute’ and not ‘hot’, I don’t particularly mind it as long as people don’t use it as an excuse to treat me like I’m younger than I actually am.

I’ve been thinking about the forge module and how it will manifest into my life. I have a lot of things to breakdown through Khan, so I was briefly worried that I was in over my head. That thought lasted all of two minutes, when I conjured up a memory through random association. I acknowledged that I’ve been self-sabotaging my romantic life for the past 10 years… I’ve had more romantic opportunities than a lot of people my age and have let all of them go to waste. It’s not the first time that I’ve come to realize this, but I feel like it carried a different weight this time, because I know that I’m ready to end that cycle of what if, once and for all.

Lastly, I’ve also been thinking of making more money, the feeling of lust that I had before is gone and replaced more by a sense of anticipation. I know that Khan will manifest money for me, so I’m thinking of ways to open up more pathways of manifestation. My mind kept drifting to the idea of a modelling gig and I’m tempted by the idea to start getting into modeling earlier than I had planned, we’ll have to see how it works out though.