Manifesting with words

Day 1: May 16, 2022

My goal with this stack is to push my manifestations and writing skills to the next level. I got the idea from @palpatine and @emperor_obewan, while reading through the BLU release thread.

To better take advantage of Mind’s Eye and Ascension chamber, I’ll be using what I call story manifesting. It’s my favorite way of scripting and working on my long-term manifestations.

As for why I chose to run Stark, after such amazing praise from @praisetheurdtree @Vesper, and @invictus, (just to name a few) and reading through the Stark ZP release thread I felt like I had to give it a second go. Also, I have some prior exposure to the script so I feel like my results will be amplified in certain aspects.

One of the things that I decided to do after reading up on Stark was to do an MTBI test to get a baseline of where I am after running Emperor.

The first Screenshot is from my last MTBI in November 2021.


The second screenshot is where I am now, after two cycles of Emperor and QL.

There were some slight changes, but my type hasn’t changed, in fact, I identify with its description much more.
This is why as of now Emperor is one of my favorite subs, it lets me stay introverted but allows me to socialize whenever I need to. When I was 16 though, Stark was exactly the archetype that I was working to embody, the coquettish behavior, mixed with a genius that can both work hard and cut loose. Unfortunately, after going through these last 2 years that is no longer the case. I’ve become more jaded and though some of my playful tendencies remain I’m more inclined to spend time alone than look to socialize.

For now, I’ll be running a standard pattern, but I may experiment if I get an idea for a new pattern. I’ll also be paying attention to the listening order, as of now ME will go before Stark to maximize the power of my visualizations. I’ll really be focusing on conscious guidance with this stack.

Now my main goals for the duration of this stack are the following:

  • Grow to 186cm (from 184.5)

  • Write 3000 words per day

  • Publish two novellas

  • Learn to touch type at a speed of 75 wpm

  • Write 1500 words in 1 hour (From 1000)

  • Increase my reading speed to 700wpm (From 300)

  • Stick to my daily list more consistently

  • Make 1000€ (From my job and my writing commissions)

  • Read 2 books a week

  • Get comfortable going up to girls I don’t know

  • Start playing League again?


You don’t need a sub for this :rofl:
Just pm me, @GoldenTiger or @Ingress, we’ll add you to our league group :rofl:


So, if I understand the title correctly, you’re intending to use the power of the written word to manifest. I’m a fan.

Going off of the link you shared with Palpy talking about authors manifesting life events, I went through a period of time where I started noticing rappers getting killed because of what they had written into songs. As a wise man said, the tongue is a double edged sword.

Does Stark have physical shifting confirmed?

I think I understand why you chose Stark, but I’m curious; why not return to Quantum Limitless for these objectives (except the talking to girls part).


Last time I played I was struggling to break into Bronze 1 so it might take a while for me to get to your level, even with a big skill increase from ME and Stark.

That’s exactly it. I plan to use the same effect to manifest my desired outcomes in life. In the same way that rappers will often manifest bad situations with their music, I’ll use my words to manifest my success.

It hasn’t been explicitly confirmed, but from what I gathered from the ZP release thread and reading through a few journals, it does contain an element of physical shifting. Though for that aspect I’ll be counting more so on ME and Ascension Chamber than Stark.

I was originally going to run BL to achieve those objectives, but I wanted to have a greater focus on the money-making aspect. Another reason is that my mental faculties are already well developed, I just need to force myself to develop these skills by doing them.


So, I had an interesting experience as I was writing the first post. I hadn’t ran my subs for the day and was putting off listening to my stack until later at night when I’d be caught up with the forum posts and would have time to visualize as I was listening to the subs, as you can tell from the wording of this message that did not happen. I received a call from a friend of mine, asking me if I was busy tonight, I told her no thinking that she was inviting me to eat dinner with her family, something she often does when her mother has guests over. She tells me that they’ll be coming to pick me up in 40 minutes, just enough time to run through my stack, I thought. I listened to my stack while getting ready to head out, so I wasn’t able to visualize while listening. So, turns out, that her mom was organizing a moon festival to celebrate the full moon, she invited around 2 dozen people some of which I’ve met at her previous dinners. One of their couples brought their daughter with them, she was cute and around my age, so it was a nice addition. There was a barbecue, and we ate around a campfire while playing with drums and maracas, it was very ritualistic, to say the least. My friend and I ended up spending some time talking with the other girl and we got to know her pretty well. Overall, the night went super well, I would have liked to be more outgoing, but I’m satisfied with what I was able to bring to present tonight.

As for the stack, I didn’t feel anything while running the tracks and didn’t feel them kick in during the night. Usually, I can sort of feel the energy of ZP, but today was different, I’m hoping that it means that my brain is attempting to do some deeper processing regarding the scripts. Now the interesting thing was the way that I got invited to go out before I even had a chance to run the stack, my hypothesis as to why that is that I spent so much time reading the Stark journals and threads that my mind started to try manifesting the archetype before I even started running the sub, something similar happened to me as I was preparing to run Wanted.

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That’s the major reason why I started writing music a few years ago; I used it as a pick me up and in order to manifest what I wanted with as little resistance as possible. After all; everything feels possible when you’re singing it.

I’ll be following this one.

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What a cool celebration.

Lol, my mom does not share your reaction. I sent her a video of us chanting and playing the instruments and she went on a tirade about me spending too much time around white people. :rofl:

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My Mom would have a similar reaction. What I meant by my comment is that, that’s a unique ass celebration and I imagine there’s power to it. I’m not familiar with lunar customs and chants though so maybe mama dearest isn’t far off :wink:

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Same here, I feel like there may be some sort of energy alignment being done and even if there isn’t being under the stars, dancing around a campfire with nice people is already a pretty cool experience.

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I had an experience with the moon that I never told anyone about. This happened before I moved to Vegas, so somewhere around 7-8 years ago.

Me and my very reckless homie (that’s just how i remember him lol he was wild, nothing to do with the story) were running around the small town that I grew up in. We went down to the elementary school after a few mini adventures, and by this time, it was evening.

We met up and sat there, panting, just enjoying the moment. I asked him, “Doesn’t something feel primal about this evening?” And he nodded, still catching his breath.

We started doing random shit. Running across the monkey bars, practicing blind balance walking across things I question now and so on. I kept asking him why we were doing this and he shrugged, so I shrugged and we kept on upping the ante.

It soon grew dark and we finally lost interest and started walking home (a terrifying walk for those not initiated in walking without street lights in a small town) and finally, something told me to glance up and the moon was friggin ENORMOUS. I think it must have been a harvest moon.

I stopped dead in the middle of the street and started staring up at the moon, unblinking. I almost wish I had told someone else about this because I don’t recall the thrill of what I experienced then, but I certain turned into a ‘lunatic’ for a bit after that.

I googled lunar phenomenon later on which helped me understand it.

Anyways. Random but that popped in my head.


Day 2: May 17, 2022

My mom’s friend came over to see me today. It’s not such an out-there idea thing that I couldn’t imagine it happening, but I can say with certainty that it was definitely a manifestation from Stark. I explicitly told myself that I wanted to laze around today and do some writing but stay away from people. Not only did that not happen but I also ended up going grocery shopping, something I’ve been avoiding doing for the past few days (mostly because of the heat but also because I want to stay in my own comfort zone).

I accomplished almost all of my goals for today, aside from writing in my manifestation Journal and writing 3000 words, though I might get to 2000 words written by the time I fall asleep. Overall, I had a pretty good day.


@SubliminalUser may find this journal interesting (sorry if you were already aware of it).

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So that did not happen exactly as planned lol. It’s currently 7am and I went from having written 1000 to over 4000. I decided to bite the bullet and took 200mg of caffeine so I’m feeling a bit wired at the moment, on the bright side my typing speed is faster. I have a story prompt ready to be published after some polishing up when I wake up, cause I’m too tired to be doing something that requires a high level of mental focus like editing. So overall VERY productive day.


Forgot to add that I’ve NEVER written this much in a single day and in a single sitting. The prompt clocked in at over 2200 words in one sitting, so I’m gonna coin that as a HUGE success from Stark.


Day 3: May 18, 2022

I edited the story I wrote and posted it. In the end, I was satisfied with my work but the reception I received was lackluster. Stark is meant to make me famous, however, so I’m not worried on that front just impatient.

I was able to take the time to sit down and meditate while listening to my stack today and boy was that a trip. I closed my eyes and focused on my visualizations, I felt myself getting sucked deeper and deeper into my own mind until I pushed through a tube-sized opening. My field of vision was limited, and the landscape was a pale orange, like the color one would see in a sandstorm. Eventually, some smaller shapes started to appear and I tried to change the color of the landscape to blue. The color didn’t change, so I focused on trying to imagine the things I wanted to manifest, everything went well until I was suddenly brought back into the straw space, though this time it was blue. I took some time to mess around with the colors, at first, I had to fight the color already there, pushing it back and making it recede out of my view. Towards the end, I was able to cycle through the colors while a thick blue wisp danced and morphed in the center of my vision. The vision cut out as soon as Mind’s Eye ended and Stark started playing, I had to force myself back into that space, though this time it was much smaller. I pushed through once again and instead of the monochrome space from before, my field of view was filled with blue and white patterns. It looked like I was in some sort of computer or inside a program, I tried to navigate the tubes until I was popped out of the straw view. I failed to reenter it for the rest of my loop, so I focus on what I wanted Stark to manifest for me.

I’m not sure what the above experience means, the fact that it only lasted while I was playing ME and through the first few minutes of Stark points to the cause being ME, though I have no idea what meaning can be extrapolated from it. I’d love to hear about any possible insights you guys come up with.

In terms of my goals, I did pretty much everything today except writing and my typing practice, though I may or may not get the writing done before I go off to bed, though this time they’ll be no caffeine as I need to be up before 12 so I can go grab lunch with a friend.


That experience is insane!

What you experienced sounds like a state of consciousness (or a collection of different states of consciousness according to some) that are called “mystical experience,” “peak experience,” and or “trance.”

I can’t tell you what it means, but if you have any interest in learning more about those states of consciousness I have several book recommendations lol.

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The experience definitely felt mystical, it felt like how those in magick communities talk about meditation. I tried going into that space again and could barely do so, but it only lasted a few seconds. ME is definitely worth the hype.

I don’t think I’ll be able to take you up on that offer right now but I’ll definitely keep it in mind as I’m also thinking or reading the works of Dodson and the like for how they handle shifts in reality.


Day 4: May 19, 2022

Today was a lazy day, I ended up not getting anything done. Something to note is that my sex drive has increased tremendously, it’s a bit annoying to get anything done when all you can think about is getting laid.


Day 5: May 20, 2022

I got little sleep and felt some recon so I didn’t get much done today, I really beat myself up over it to the point where it made my mood worse. Finding stuff to consistently write 3000 words on has been hard so I’ll need to come up with a way to get my creative juices flowing, my goal is to improve all aspects of my writing and not just work on the parts that I already excel in.