Manifesting with words

I think you misunderstood that :sweat_smile:. She was in the area and dropped by to see how I was doing, she used to come by to check up on my sister but that was the first time that she explicitly came to see me.

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Use minds eye and manifest it. If I only I had bought minds eye over a year ago. I wouldn’t be here today.

I’m more interested in girls my age, so I’d rather not have that happen.

Just bumping to say this thread was a great read (or re-read)!


Thanks, I still kept up the method though it’s an irregular thing these days, though that might change during the Ascension Chamber experiment. Today is Day 1 of my five-day washout and then back to the crazy experiments, I might break reality if the manifestations keep getting stronger.


Posting this here in case anyone wants to give me any recommendations on which modules to add in a potential Khan + QL ZPT2 experimental custom.

Day 2: November 2, 2022

I started a new stack composed of Khan ST4 and RICH Exp yesterday. I hesitated on whether I should add LBFH, but I felt it would be more prudent to just run the titles explicitly related to wealth and leave LBFH for my next stack.

My goal with this combination is to make as much money as possible so that I can order a few more customs. I have a few projects in the works and not many of the store titles would be tailored enough for me to stick to them long-term.

I’ve come back to this journal as I think logging my progress should lead to faster manifestations. I’ll be sure to include any big gains I make here.

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I had a super intense workout session today, it reminded me of the days when I was running Emp Fitness and the beast unleashed during the ~~~April 2020 period. I haven’t felt like that since that period, so it was quite a surprise for me, but an appreciated one nonetheless.

I also went to the store today and noticed that my way of waking changed. My steps were super slow, and I felt a feeling of complete nonchalance on my way there.


Day 3: November 3, 2022

  • I had a very tiring day, so I only played RICH and decided to not play Khan. I had a lot of small changes start to show up today, it felt like every action I took today was just slightly geared to aligning with the image of Khan that I have. It would be too much to list everything but here are the highlights:

  • I felt more confident/nonchalant

  • I was able to push myself to start working

  • I went out of my way to invite someone out while I would usually go out alone

  • I took initiative in something I was procrastinating doing for a long time

  • I received a message from a girl that has yet to text me first (she sent me a picture of her new hair cut too)

There were also some incoming money manifestations that I don’t want to jinx but seem to be starting strong. So, I’d say it was a pretty good day overall.

Day 5: November 5, 2022

I ran Diamond yesterday and got results that I was unhappy with. After posting my report on the forum, I was made aware that I’ve been pushing the envelope too much. With the release of ZP experimentals I’ve been a bit hastier than I should be in running subs, so I think I’ll take a small break to allow my mind to process the backlog that I’m currently going through.

I’m feeling a bit annoyed with myself for not having the self-control to not push so far as I have a lot of important things coming up in the next few weeks and being able to run subs would make them much easier, but then again, why do something if it’s easy.

I’m starting to process the backlog of subs, today I had effects from both Khan and LBFH. LBFH is making me understand more and more aspects, as well as making me forgive myself and others. Khan on the other hand is making starting to rear its head by making me want to stick to my word as well as making me not want to sleep until I finish all of the tasks I set out to accomplish today.

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November 6, 2022

I’ve been having some manifestations from Khan (or maybe it’s RICH, or both). I have an opportunity to work with a popular game designer in the visual novel space and while the opportunity is exactly what I need, the workload and the potential pressure on my schedule are daunting. Khan is telling me that I’m more than able to handle the work, I just need to get myself together, sit down and do the work.


November 7, 2022

The idea of taking a break was definitely a nice one, I feel like my mind is getting sharper and sharper every day. It’s nice to just be able to process things without having to add in anything new. Though, I think that my break won’t be as long as I planned for it to be, as some unexpected events have taken place.

I’ll wait a few more days, or for the official release of ZPv2 before jumping back in. I’ll be running Khan IV with either Bl or RICH, depending on how things turn out regarding my clients.


Day 1: November 8, 2022

This is much sooner than I was expecting but too many things have piled up for me to be able to take a longer break.

My main goal with this stack is to increase my productivity and make money. While it might seem odd that I chose to use Khan and BL to do so, especially when Emperor Black was just released, I want to be able to say that I’ve been using a sub consistently, even if it’s not the fastest route, All roads lead to Rome.

The reason that I chose BL over RICH is that I know what I need to do to make money and while being able to manifest money would be great, I feel as if it is time for me to take massive action toward my goals. I will work hard enough to be able to accomplish all of my personal projects, as I know that I am more than capable enough to achieve them.

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Day 3: November 10, 2022

I forgot to post an update yesterday, so I’ll probably be posting 2 entries today. Yesterday, my sexual energy felt all consuming, I had a semi hard on pretty much all day, whether I was sitting down or while I was just browsing through a store. It was quite distracting to say the least.

I also had track practice and I have to say that I haven’t had such a productive session in quiet some time. My form was pretty much perfect, and I was able to engage my core with every movement. I also didn’t suffer from any muscle cramps. While my first though was to attribute this to Khan, I think that BL might also have a part to play here as it may be healing certain parts of my nervous system.

I’ve been having a lot of opportunities manifesting and I feel like i’m messing myself over for NOT being able to work 16 hours a day towards my goals… I’ve been doing the bare minimum for so long and never pushing myself to excel when I know I can be great and it’s very hard to do that while running Khan. I feel guilty that i’m not constantly banging away at my keyboard, spending each and every second of my day towards building my Empire. I know that i’m destined for greatness, yet for some reason I keep getting in my way and it really pisses me off.

I’ve been thinking of adding in EMP B to my stack, but it’s probably the recon speaking more than anything. I may end up doing it in the end, but I at least want to wait for the release of ZPv2 so that I can see if Khan alone can get me where I a
want to go. It’s 6am and I’m on mobile, so this entry probably has more typos than usual, but i’m too tired too care right now.


Day 4: November 11, 2022

Just woke from having like 4 hours of sleep and my mind feels a bit clearer. I just had a conversation and he hit me with this quote that left me feeling unsettled, “To succeed, one needs to make sacrifices,” and while I agree with the idea that one needs to work hard to succeed, the sentence makes me feel a deep discomfort. I think that was the final push I needed to start running Emperor Black.

I’ll keep running Khan IV as I plan to stick with it long term, and I’ll pair it with EMP B and Mind’s eye. It sounds like a crazy stack but I think that it’s what I need in the moment.

Today is supposed to be a rest day for me, but things are pilling up faster than I can handle so I may end up skipping this rest day and playing EMP B and Mind’s Eye. In case I do, I’ll add to this journal in tomorrow’s entry.


That’s definitely a belief that isn’t true for everyone. I can see why you might have been disturbed by it. I sure am.

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I understand the meaning behind them those words and while it goes against my personal philosophy I can’t say that that it justifies the visceral reaction I had.


Just got back home from a meeting with my classmates and I have to say that things went pretty well. In the end I was stressed out about something that I shouldn’t have been stressed out about so it feels like a wait has been taken off my shoulder.

An interesting note from Khan, I was heading home from with one of my girl friends and as I was talking to her, and girl behind her was staring at me and giving IOI’s, it felt like she was trying to steal me away from my friend.