MALKUTH The Phenomenaut

Had this thought last month.

What if some dreams are actually you getting invoked?

Like the way teenagers use Ouija boards, or how magick practitioners may summon or invoke a spirit or an angel.

What if there are times when it’s you who are responding to an invocation? Responding from whatever emotional or consciousness state you are in. Answering questions. Speaking vague or precise answers to their questions. Marveling at or rebelling against whatever situation you happen to witness.

It was a funny thought.


Ive though the same thing in the past… at a time I decided to call or text people after I dream about them, to check if what they were feeling/living at that point of their lives matched the energy of my dreams.
Spooky it was how accurate sometime the dreams were, of course I didnt tell them any details of my dream until they share what was going on.

I remember even one time this girl told me “I was about to call you to aks for your opinion about whats happening to me” I guess she decided to use a dream instead of her phone :rofl:

Then I thought… what about sex dreams, how to know if its me or am I being invoked… havent answer that one yet…


Think it may have been a month or a few weeks ago? I had this dream that felt odd and highly specific. And I just kind of thought about astral projection and how, if all of that AP stuff is real, then it could certainly be happening while we slept. Being pulled to other locations, planets, etc., Or even to other locales on this planet. Was interesting to think about.

As children, we naively project our sense of primacy and normalcy onto events. The “alien” is someone else. The confused, benevolent, or malevolent spirit is a mysterious force from ‘some other plane’.

At some point, it hits you, 'Wait a minute. I can be the alien." In a sense, that’s what James Cameron’s Avatar movies are about. “Alien attacks from outer space.” But the aliens are Earthlings.

hahha. and think about this, @Joa23

In the Windward dimension, on the Angular plane, there are 17 planets fluctuating in synchrony with a counter-pulse stellar formation. 6 of those planets support sentient life. And on the 5th of those planets, societies have developed in which there are constant clashes and tensions between Hierarchy-based social organization and societies based on Sexual/Affiliative bonds. In the past 45 stellar cycles, one cultural strand has been emerging that has begun to integrate the two orientations. A blend of hierarchy and empathy that was never before seen on that world.

On that planet there live, 3 earnest young atavites (a kind of ethnic/species name. They look a bit like mangrove trees but they can move about similar to slugs by sliding on a layer of excreted lubricant). They are utterly inspired by the notion of compassionate social connection. Others around them are convinced that this is impossible, but the 3 youths are passionately devoted to the possibility. Their minds and hearts are focused on proving that it is possible.

On one particularly intense opening (a time-quantifying term based on when the stellar alternations move from a contractive to an expansive phase), the three bond-mates have absorbed a little too much nitrogen-graphate compound and are basically a bit intoxicated. In a state of temporarily expanded consciousness, they continue with their intense debates. “Compassionate connection is possible!! Care is possible!!” Things are getting quite intense.

Their particular wave of thought and intention happens to coincide with another being far away on another plane of existence. That being’s consciousness responds to their consciousness, and he is drawn into their midst. They are amazed by the inexplicable manifestation of this ‘spirit being’ of consciousness. Very quickly, however, they realize that this being, who calls himself @Joa23, has profound wisdom and life-experiences to share with them. He comes from a world in which, not only are compassion-based social bonds possible, but, moreover, he has dedicated himself for years to be what he calls a ‘teacher’ and a ‘healer’. Through his memories and imagination, he shares with them visions of what is possible.

And after only a few minor revolutions, the visitaiton is complete. The mysterious @Joa23 disappears back to whatever strange world he came from. Apparently, the beings there look like mold-covered calcium-carbon deposits. They move about by wiggling their lower halves in an action that they call ‘walking’. (It was very scary at first, until the young atavites realized that @Joa23 was actually quite friendly.)

And based on that spiritual visitation, the three beings begin a kind of social revolution known as NETWORK. They do succeed in integrating compassion into the hierarchical substrate. And they always speak in reverent tones of the @Joa23 being who confirmed that their vision was possible. Most others assume this is some clever form of allegory.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, @Joa23 wakes up from a particularly deep sleep and says, ‘Wow, what a weird dream. Those slug-trees were talking to me. I must have eaten something strange for dinner.’


uhh…okay…guess that previous post was in my brain today…


Was thinking about the ‘positive’ side of recon this morning.

We often describe the ebbs and low point of the recon cycle. Directionlessness. Purposelessness. Doubts and thoughts about switching subs. Frustration.

But there’s a ‘high’ recon phase that comes before that. It’s categorized by a kind of grasping, grabby, intensity about the sub program. In that phase, there’s the desire to over-listen to the subs, to play them too much. There’s the thought, ‘this is going to fix everything if I can just listen to it 24 hours a day!’

I think that ‘high’ phase tends to precede the low phase.

They’re both different sides of the exact same phenomenon: losing touch with the actual substance and pacing of the growth process.

It’s like when you’re driving a jeep or a dune buggy really fast and you go over a bump. For a moment, your body bounces off of the seat and you’re kind of floating there. Then in the next moment, your body slams back down and gravity presses it way down into the seat.

In both cases, you’ve lost the graceful light contact that is usually how we sit in a moving car. You’re just a little bit out of sync. Some people find that fun and just compensate by holding more tightly to the steering wheel. Others prefer to slow down the speed a little bit so that they can have a more harmonious ride.



I’m in a bit of that positive recon-ny phase right now. Being mindful of it. The high that precedes the low.

It’s a good time to be on a break.


When I began experimenting with it I lived alone and it always felt as if I was inventing or imagining the experience instead of exploring it.
I had a couple of practices with other people in a group and the guy leading the experience told me I was pretty good at it. Of course I didnt believe him.

It was like a year after when I was living with my girlfriend (who was very afraid at first of my dream time activities) that I understood how real AP actually is.

Picture this… shes sleeping next to me, I watch her and I think this is a good time to practice, I close my eyes and take a couple of deep breaths and begin relaxing my whole body, my minds goes quiet, consciously and purposefully leave my body and start wandering about my appartment… I go visit every room, then I decide to go back to the bedroom and as Im going in I see my girlfriend sleeping peacefully.

I feel like going next to her and kiss her, she looks pretty sleeping, I continue to float next to her and I give her a kiss, then I go back inside my body.
As soon as I enter my body, she turns onto me very scared… she says " Im afraid, I had a nightmare… someone came next to me while I was sleeping and touched me".
I decided to not say anything to her until some other day.

I remember making that connection with someone, somewhere…
I had another story like the previous one, that involves a certain submerged city… Another experience involves beings from other dimensions, but quite frankly thats more of a PM talk.

Thats a very well crafted, trancey story my friend… I enjoyed it so much I had to read it 3 times.
Thank you!! ❤️‍🔥

That sounds like a regular morning for me lol… Makes me wonder why do I resist so much the idea of going for Revelation of Dreams, even though Ive been flirting with it for a while.


probably a good call on that one. hahaha.

What an amazing experience, man. Life is really interesting.

Thanks, man. It started as a simple 2-sentence analogy, and then very quickly I realized that something else was happening. haha.

Well, for now, you can observe its effects on me.

I am not someone who tended to pay much attention to dreams. But I’ve had a few very meaningful experiences lately (and earlier throughout life). I just don’t like to make a big deal out of it because I’m already working pretty hard to get and stay grounded.

But my mind seems to truly love --and respond well to–the Revelation series. I already knew I was the Unfolding kind of person. But I never expected to have such an immediate response to any subliminal like I seem to be having with RoM and RoS. I’ve played one loop (of my RoM and RoS custom) so far, this past Tuesday, and it seems to be processing and executing quite actively. So, that made me want to work with the final additional Revelation program that exists right now. (Looking forward to Revelation of Body soon at some point. Actually, I also consider Genesis as a kind of honorary member of the Unfolding series.)

The other reason I’ve added it is that it has the entire Paragon Sleep script. I was thinking of replacing Deep Sleep in my POOLS custom with Paragon Sleep. So I thought why not push the envelope a bit and add RoD instead. Therefore, I did my best to reduce the number of modules in the custom. Paragon, Khan Black, and RoD alone already seem like a very rich and possibly dense program. As it is, I’ve managed to keep it to 11 modules.



The capacity to stand both within and outside of a perceptual gestalt and to, with perspective, observe and experience it in its entirety. The capacity to accommodate more and more perceptual elements without either systemic overload or defensive, reflexive response.


Still noticing a different quality—movement and flow—in my meditation sessions in the four days since I played my first loop of PHENOMENAUT.

I think that I’m going to take some more processing days. Until Wednesday and possibly beyond.

I sense that my system/my mind needs a bit of room to consolidate and integrate all of the new input.


Why stage 2 of Khan Black vs Stage 3 for POOLS, if I may inquire?

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It’s because I’m still only on stage 1 right now and for the first time ever I’ve decided to splurge and create a custom for multiple stages of a single program. It’s worth it to me because I will play each stage for at least 2 months, and I want to run a 2-program stack over the next 4 to 5 months.

So in November, I’ll create a new version of POOLS with KB Stage 3.

And you’re right, that stage 3 looks like it will synergize incredibly with Paragon. Maybe it’ll be a custom that I can play in the long-term, even after I have completed Khan Black and am mainly playing Stage 4.

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Intuition Wins Again

Firstly, I never play partial loops unless explicitly instructed to do so by Saint or Fire. The reason is that I almost always play subs during meditation sessions and so I just add the subs to a 1-hr playlist consisting of subs and silent mp3s.

The other day when my POOLS of Healing ZPv2 rebuild arrived, I opted to do it not in a meditation session. That was the first unusual choice. As I was in bed, I played a song on my phone and played the sub at the same time. A second unusual choice. Then after the song had ended, 3 to 5 minutes later, I opted to stop the sub there. A third unusual choice.

Since then, I’ve also opted to take some processing days to let things settle down a bit. I think today is day 3.

Okay, well, I just got a reply to my customer service query that confirms that the POOLS of Healing ZP rebuild is actually still in Terminus2 build strength. I checked the box for Standard ZP when I was making the ZP rebuild, but the automated system currently does not process down-shifts in build strength, only up-shifts. (I’m guessing you have to make a specific written request to get a down-shift. I guess this is to protect customers from mistakenly losing the power that they desire and originally paid for.)

Bottom-line: The sub I was playing this past Thursday night was a ZPv2 Terminus2 program. And, amazingly, my mind just chose to press stop after 3 minutes. And then to take me into a 5 to 6 day rest-and-processing phase. Even before I ‘knew’ it was Terminus2.

That’s fun and reinforces my faith in my mind and intuition. Wanted to note it here.

The whole point is moot now since I’ve ordered a new, streamlined version of POOLS that is definitely in Standard ZP build strength and that is arriving some time this week.,

It seems that after my 1.5 to 2 years with Terminus and Terminus2 programs, I am now very much in the space of running Standard build strength programs.


The Revelation of Mind was designed to skyrocket the cognitive and meditative abilities of your mind to allow for deep, deep insight and understanding into the secrets of reality, your life, your spirit and your purpose.

Genesis is designed to help you discover your true purpose — what YOU want to achieve on Earth — and provides you with the tools to achieve those goals.

At the heart of RoS lies the goal of fostering a profound sense of self-awareness and insight into the self. Through the lens of transcendent spirituality, you will delve deep into the secrets of your reality, uncovering its hidden truths while uncovering the beauty and unity of existence as a whole.



As I’ve mentioned, I originally had two customs called SAPIENS and NAISSANCE. I called the two-custom stack, PHENOMENAUT.

And when I took the time to reflect on Revelation of Mind and Revelation of Spirit, I saw that they basically covered every single module in NAISSANCE. I, therefore, scrapped NAISSANCE and added the modules Revelation of Mind, Revelation of Spirit, and Genesis into the original SAPIENS custom. (They replaced Emperor and Quantum Limitless.)

And the new custom was called PHENOMENAUT.

But it continues…

As I review the original modules of SAPIENS, I find that many of those too are covered by Revelation of Spirit.

I’ll leave them for now, but I’m contemplating whether I’ll ultimately remove those as well.

Here are the current modules of PHENOMENAUT. I’ve indicated modules that seem to already be covered by Revelation of Mind and Revelation of Spirit. (Now, of course, there’s nothing wrong with adding further emphasis to these various functionalities by including the modules, but I’m working to get this clear.)

Revelation of Mind

Revelation of Spirit


Entranced (RoS, RoM, conscious guidance)

*Eagle Eye (RoM, conscious guidance)

*Empath (RoS)

*Mercy Protocol (RoS)

*Way of Understanding (RoS)

Whispered Power (RoS/RoM)

*Chiron (RoM)

*Story Teller (RoM)

Polyglot (RoM, conscious guidance)

*Ultimate Writer (RoM)

Trailblazer (RoM, conscious guidance)

Technological Prodigy (RoM, conscious guidance)

Instant Business Tactician (possibly RoM, Genesis, conscious guidance)

*Carpe Diem Ascended (RoM)

*Victory’s Call (RoM)

Mountain Breaker

You Are Not Alone (RoS, conscious guidance)


I think that of the 17 additional modules in my PHENOMENAUT: Genesis custom, basically all of their functionality could be covered by RoM, RoS, Genesis, and conscious guidance.

That is incredible.

Gives me food for thought.

But I already own it. So for now, I’ll just play it as is.


Thank you for this breakdown! I have been looking over my own custom with similar intention: What modules could be covered by RoM and RoS?

I swear some of your posts are information manifestations.

How do you feel about Mind’s Eye with RoM in a custom?


I think that, for now, Revelation of Mind is all that I would need.

But that’s a personal and subjective question.

Also, I’m still very early. I’ve only run one loop so far of my RoM custom.

What would you be hoping for from Mind’s Eye in the custom? That could be pretty cool.

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Thank you, and yeah, you are right.

I think you’re going to dig it. (RoM) A lot.

I had put it in my first custom because I considered myself to possess a poor visualization ability. I remember a portion of that one’s trailer effect! I was at work, doing my thing. I usually have a song running through my head. Just how my mind works, I thought. That day, a random lyric turned into a replay of a song, but I was hearing it in my head as though listening through studio quality headphones. A chill broke through me while it was playing that gave me goosebumps for near a minute, until my amazement overtook that sensation. Just from the music stream in my head! Goosebumps! I learned that day my mind’s preferred method is an auditory stream, and no longer felt bad about not having a top notch VISUALization skill

Past that, I learned that Mind’s Eye assists with manifestations, which came from things I was thinking about during my Ascension Chamber plays and what would come to pass that week. I attribute the results I got to the combination of those two.

I included it in my Self Enhancement custom to continue to have access to a manifestation boost and to improve on my visualization. I’m still working on getting a nice flickering flame visual in my head. I always wanted to get that one down.

I suppose I wonder if those two goals could be covered by RoM solo, and the answer likely includes a support ticket. :smiley:

Thank you for asking that question, Mr. Malkuth! As a person who works best in response, the proper questions are essential.

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That is amazing!

Thank you for sharing it.

Excellent to know now that all I have to do is ask you a question and then more of those thoughts and experiences will emerge.

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With each successive day, I’m noticing a calming down of my mind.

Today feels much more settled compared to yesterday.

The plan is to resume listening after at least Wednesday. Or as much as Saturday.


Choosing an appropriate tool for a job requires one to properly evaluate the job itself.

If I need to reach something on a ledge that is 5 meters above me, and I choose a ladder that lets me reach 3 meters; can I say that the ladder “is not working”?

Seems to me that the ladder is working just fine and is doing exactly what it is made to do.

I’m thinking about ‘choosing the right tool for the job’ in the context of subliminal programs.

Next week Friday will be my 4 year anniversary of running subs and of working with Sub Club.

Looking back, I have to say, there have been A LOT of results.

Where the growth is happening is in my ability to identify the issues that are most important or crucial, and to choose the tools that will address them most effectively.

When you get to this stage, it’s not about Power at all, really.

Sometimes you need a very small philips screwdriver, and a hydraulic-powered jackhammer is simply not going to get the job done. Other times, sure; you need a freaking space shuttle because it’s time to exit the atmosphere. Most times though, you probably need a combination of both. Because that space shuttle is not going to get very far unless all of the nuts, bolts, screws, and so on, are as tight as they need to be.

Sometimes I’ve chosen programs that were over-shooting the areas that might have needed attention the most, or that were targeting areas that were not yet ready for action.

But this is the process of gaining knowledge and especially self-knowledge and situational knowledge.

Got to keep at it.

Right now, Genesis feels like a program that addresses something that precisely needs to be addressed.

We shall see.