MALKUTH, Building : BUILDING, Malkuth

Welcome back to your journal mister Malkuth

Missed you, brah


Thanks, Yaz. :pray:t4: I’m still kind of in flux. We will see what happens.

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Some things are only valuable if you get them completely for free;

and some things are only important if they don’t matter.

Like friendship. The more you had to ‘pay’ for it, the less it’s worth; and the more freely it’s given, the more valuable it is.

Romantic companionship. The more you grip onto it, the more it dies. But if you can let it go and just enjoy it without making it central to your survival, it thrives and provides abundant life back to you.

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wow every time I read something you say I open my mouth in amazement.

I always imagine you say it with a long white beard
while sitting on an edge of a cliff watching the moon and night skies.

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:muscle:t5: :pray:t5: :blue_heart:

More like I’m sitting in a bus terminal thinking of how I got here and working to figure out where I’m headed. And the beard may be some scruff because I haven’t yet made time to shave in the past few days.


hahaaha in my head you will always look like master oogway and only because I never saw wiser being in my life hahahaha

I hope you’re doing amazing!

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Current stack (interim stack?):

Sapiens QTKS
Khan Black: The Crucible Stage I (Ignition of the Inner Flame)

My other two customs are waiting patiently in the background: Naissance Terminus2 ZPv2 and PATHS of Wealth Terminus2 ZPv2.

The Crucible and Genesis are both serving Sapiens, the current central focus.

The Crucible is also strengthening the foundation and the structure for when I return to Naissance.

And now, it’s time for today’s meditation.

Dragging my feet a bit these days. Lower tolerance for reality perhaps.

What are some treasures that I have right now?

What are some ways that I might harness them?

Taking responsibility for your mind.

A lifelong project.

The Cosmos opens up. Time opens up.


So much of what I related to as Reality was actually just my own unrecognized mind.

The past begins to feel as fluid and shifting as the future.

Most of my nostalgia is for my own state of mind associated with a particular situation and point in time. Nostalgia is the longing for a mindstate, not for a point in time.

Actually revisit that point in time, and I’ll often find that I was paying attention to almost none of it and understanding even less. I was, rather, mostly paying attention to my own processes, and taking those as the full picture.

Truth is, they were barely a pixel in the whole picture.

There is so much to be explored.

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There is a UNIVERSE of what I/we do not understand about what other people are experiencing

Exploration time!

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He Can Face Any Man;

He Cannot Face The Truth.

Is he strong or is he weak?

(inspired by the ideas of Lionel Snell aka Ramsay Dukes)

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You have a QTKS custom?

If yes what was your experience with the dreams you had after your first loop we’re they different compared to a normal custom?

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This is a great question.

If you know how to look at the description under my User Information, you’ll see my three primary customs. One is called Sapiens and that is the one I chose for participating in the QTKS trial. (Thank you to Saint and Fire!!!)

Started the QTKS trial on 30 May. No special dreams. (I am not a particularly active or enthusiastic dreamer. I generally take them as they are. Let them come and let them go.)

But then, here’s what happened:

Over the next four weeks, I played 12 loops of my QTKS custom. In the middle of the third week, we were given the green light to add additional titles to our stack, and I chose to add Khan Black: The Crucible to my stack.

At the end of four weeks, I added one more subliminal to my stack. Genesis.

On Wednesday 28 June 2023, I played my first loop of Genesis (together with the other two programs). And on that night, I had the most amazing dream. It was amazing not only because of the narrative content and imagery; but because I could feel it reflecting deep movements in the structure of my psyche. It was, in short, meaningful.

Dream-telling often strikes me as oversharing. It can be a way of telling someone your issues without owning up to the fact that you’re doing it. But in this case, I’ll make an exception. Here is the dream that I had.

This is a direct copy from my non-public journal and is a bit long, so I’ll hide it behind a caret.

My Genesis-catalyzed Dream

Even though, Genesis may have catalyzed the dream, I would still categorize it as a QTKS related dream. I feel that Genesis has allowed my mind to more effectively “handshake” with my QTKS custom.

Further to this point, on this past Monday 10 July (18 loops into QTKS Sapiens, 10 loops into The Crucible, 6 loops into Genesis), I had a powerful synergistic expression of my QTKS custom. Basically, went into a light trance state and just had a flow of 6 to 10 manifestations (e.g., ideas, thoughts, insights, emotional shifts and perceptions) that were all related to the modules in my QTKS custom.

So, that’s my response to your question.


Wow that’s exactly my experience with my dream so you think it’s because I stacked it with GLM and True Sell that it happened not a direct effect of QTKS?

This part the dream I was a deep, meaningful, almost too realistic dream of my past relating to romance that I’d want to say but can’t confirm shaped things relating to my romance life. What’s odd that is I’m sure why I dreamt of it since none of the modules or subs I’m running currently are romance focused except gorgeous manifestor and sexual manifestor and maybe Hegemon but indirectly same with GLM I’d say. What I’m trying to say maybe is I’m not running it with the focus or goal of getting romance results if that makes sense.

I had the same exact experience today as well!

The dream

It felt extremely real like I told you I thought I had woken up until I realize I was still dreaming which to be honest has never happened to me with subs it was amazing experience tho. Not a cruel dream or a bad dream but (since you shared it’s only fair I share) essentially the dream was that a girl from my past who’s a girl I liked the most out of my life came back and was trying to act like she wanted to date me. Confused since she clearly rejected me in my past and never liked me I directly and with no hesitation mentioned it and in the dream I remember that I was correct she didn’t like me she was just acting to get something out of me and then the dream ended.

My interpretation was she noticed the lifestyle or career I’ve been able to achieve and succeed and wanted to be part of that? And maybe the dream was a way to warn me that with QTKS results to be careful who my circle is and who I invite into my romance life?

Circle wise I’m fine since the current circle I have is people I trust and are way more successful then me but romance wise this seems more likely.

What do you think?

Tagging @SaintSovereign as maybe this will help him for QTKS related effects with stacking?

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dream interpretation.


well, time will tell what it meant.

The Universe is utterly unknown.

It is vast; nigh infinite.

Normalcy is a wonderful illusion. A beautiful, boring illusion that keeps us sane as we grow strong enough to face the reality of the Unknown.

Thrive. Help others to thrive.

What else is there?

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