Main Store Titles Requests

How about a title strictly working on abundance.

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Yes I would like a title target the quality and state of abundance in general smth like lBFH

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Ascended Artist:

Ascension mixed w/ Ultimate Artist. An alpha male who is supremely confident and who’s art is revered by many. An actual Rockstar. But a rockstar of any art. Musician, Writer, Painter, etc. An alpha male who doesn’t just get romantic partners, but throngs of groupies based on his aura and undeniable artistic talent. An alpha artist so desirable that they automatically manifest muses to help inspire their art.


Kinda feel like that’s what RM is a bit of and Stark

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I didn’t think RM focused on Romance. I would LOVE to run RM, but I’m so used to the physical shifting from DR and Ascension. Don’t want to give that up. Unless SPS Muscular System and Fat Burn would do the same thing. Then I’d be adding more modules and I already plan to add some physical changes modules to my next custom. My suggestion was basically a title that turned you into someone like Drake. Confident, Artistic, Gets girls.

Caveman ZP:

reject society and return to caveman, effects that reverse the darwin theory

Few objectives:

  • physically shifting for maxmimum caveman (this will include hairiness, large ribcage, more robustness in areas like cranium, broad nose, long toes, big resilient feet for running barefoot, strong teeth and enamel thickness, increased density in the posterior region (big butt)
  • neanderthal strength and toughness
  • automatic vocal shifting for optimal grunt capacity
  • purging beliefs not in alignment with wilderness thriving
  • cognitive shifting for decreased intelligence
  • manifestation of meat, edible fungus (mushrooms), nuts and moss for diet
  • heartsong scripting except for manifestation the perfect cave instead of perfect partner
  • be subconsciously guided on how to efficiently create huts, tepees, stone tools and bone tools
  • explore your inner caveman and spiritual growth to become one with the neander

please and thanks


preferably unisex

I hope you’re not serious about devolution :rofl::rofl:

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LMAO after running the title journals will be like

“today I was trying to read and couldn’t understand shit… yes! its working”

posts in main discussion thread for Caveman ZP: “look at this gentlemans incredible results”

Everyone: Wowww!!! (like how cavemen act around fire)

On a more serious note: subliminal club has 24 hours to satisfy my requests or i will charge in to the emperors lounge with my fellow cavebrothers and cavesisters. we are armed with with stone clubs passed down from the great neanders

tread lightly folks -scratches butt-

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for those 1% of people that think I’m not joking - i’m joking LOL


Idk if I should be concerned or laugh about this :sweat_smile:

Cause I know damn well that someone out there has probably seen it and thought to themselves “is this guy okay?” :rofl:

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concerned laugh


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I wouldn’t mind this Neanderthal ZP I think going back to our Ooonga Boonga roots would be very beneficial to our growth. Then just run QL to undo the damage

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yes my brother, the oonga boonga lies deep within

spare those who not knoweth the secrets of great neander

no need as the decrease in cognitive intelligence will manifest benificially… all overthinking shell be cured as we internalize the present being of our stone age ancestors

untold wisdom will be unlocked through caveman zp by perceiving the way of caveman:


caveman roi >


Yes we will be unstoppable! Chosen: Return to Monke

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This idea deserves a scroll of resurrection. :smiley:
There are a couple of modules now to help avoiding trouble or becoming a target, but also for opening paths; both physical, mental, legal, and/or bureaucratic, and also manifestation.

Stealth, and opening of pathways. Perfect for those who aspire to become one of the hidden rich.

Like a Shadow King? :thinking: :no_mouth: :open_mouth:

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Hi @Lion

Do you think there is a currently a subliminal or custom that can target these matters?

@King - I don’t think so. Lineage: Mandate Eternal and Emperor: House of Medici are quite close though.

I’ll throw my hat in and request a sub specifically designed for Emergency Services personnel. EMTs, Paramedics, Firefighters, etc…

The demands of these careers are pretty high physically and emotionally. Also, they can be quite competitive.

I believe there would be a strong demand for a sub like this, if not a module.

Also, subs made for the Department of Defense services. One for each: Army, one For Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps. Again, physically and emotionally demanding, and highly competitive.

If you nailed those subs, the demand would be there for sure.

Anyway, just my 2 cents.

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I think Aegis Initiative: Survival Instinct is kinda for that.