Main Discussion Thread - Q

You will soon be able to create your own Emperor even with Terminus^2 (or more? :wink:) power


@friday you serious bro ? :smiley:

Seems most likely. You can even try running Blue Sky Terminus^2 for a month. I might consider that if it can completely overhaul my subconscious mind permanently.


Nice I want to enhance my emperor and stark q experience by adding in the terminus 2 module look foreward to that.

@King I know exactly what you mean if terminus 2 can completely overhaul my subconscious it would be a great thing. Terminus is already doing wonders for me as it appears to be speeding up the healing process for me. I cannot believe alot of nasty habits that still remained after previous versions of emperor and rebirth are being eradicated within days of using terminus.

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I don’t think Blue Skies, as we know it, will be in the Q-Store for now.

But Saint already teased us with this:

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Ascension Q, probably being to subliminal I’ll add to my stack together with Stark Q, eventually.

Ascension Q, looks like to most advanced self development and growth subliminal available. It is extremely powerful and effective with very lean and unexpected results. For anyone new to Subliminal Club, I’d probably recommend Ascension Q or Ascended Mogul Q, either of those are extremely potent, fast acting and work extremely well in the long run. Those two programs are really underestimated.

I prefer Ascension Q over Ascended Mogul though, although I haven’t tried it (it is more focused).


If u say ascension is powerful and that’s like entry level sub…how do u compare emperor and khan?


Guys, if you like to create a silent mp3, can download Audacity, it’s opensource.

On a new Project > Generate > Silence > 30 mins
Then File > Export > MP3


It might not have “waned,” instead it just became your new reality. The euphoria of new experiences – like being more dominant in a situation where you would’ve normally been docile – will eventually wear off as it becomes your new normal. That doesn’t mean the sub’s effects wore off. They’re not drugs. Every time you have a new experience on a subliminal, a part of that experience becomes permanent.


We’re not releasing anymore Terminus experimentals until we can figure out how to accurately communicate that you NEED to start slow and possibly keep an offline journal to compare results.


@SaintSovereign @DarkPhilosopher

I used to run subliminals set and forget i past. no problem.

when i started run StarkQT 1 loop a day I almost always couple minutes before end
of loop checked track “How much Longer till end?”

With MindsEye is opposite. suddenly I have question in mind “Is it first loop or second?” and it was always couple minutes minutes past beginning second loop.

At night I dont have dreams and I sleep very deep. Last night I woke twice and it was at before end of Stark QT and after start of MindsEyeQT.

Please, is any explanation for this ?

I ran my night stacks after two say off subs

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This needs to be understood more clearly, because it is truly that important. A subliminal changes your state of consciousness bit by bit so that your experiences adapt. The collection of those experiences builds your personality.

The sole purpose of using subliminal’s is to change your way of thinking and feeling when dispensing energy in a physical experience. Once you take a break from listening the effects from the subliminal start to fade. It is only the experience that was brought to you, which you keep. Endlessly running dense stacks of subliminal’s to rewire your unconscious (culmination of experiences) is simply a waist of time and energy.

As within, so without.


I continue to be blown away by StarkQ. Topics and information that once seemed like a long lost language are now beginning to make sense and draw me in. That and I am developing a clear road map for the future of myself and my family. I no longer see what I want for us as outside the realm of possibility. This should become even more interesting when I receive the nootropics I ordered


I like that idea, alternating programs.

Like the man said, until people resist their urge to gorge themselves, more power will likely do more harm than good.

It often takes a while for people in general to get used to something new. Once the new becomes the normal, that’s when the next new shows up. With SubClub, the release of new platforms and technologies has been gradual, spaced out over a span of months.

But then suddenly, we went from Emperor 4 to Emperor Q to:

Well, old MacSaint had a site, ee-i-ee-i-o
And on his site he had a store, ee-i-ee-i-o
With a Q-Q here, and a Q-Q there
Here a Q, there a Q, everywhere a Q-Q
Old MacSaint had a site, ee-i-ee-i-o

And people are still reeling from the Q-explosion that happened. After the upgrade I told Saint: “The Chorus is not all the subs that are upgraded, but all the people that are suddenly posting.”

So in my opinion, now is not the time to throw in even more. Let the Q settle, then once we know how the general audience listens to it, what works best for people, then start considering an upgrade in power.

Didn’t look at it that way yet. Usually the initial burst of effects normalize in about two weeks. This way is a very good way to think about it.

I will admit that after a bit it does become somewhat easier to do some old habits without feeling the sub pushing back. Just being honest here. There may be a little bit of desensitization going on somewhere.

For one, I think Stark is quite a bit denser compared to ME. ME has a very singular focus, like Mogul, Primal or Ascension. It’s a beautiful cello soloist. Stark is the percussion section. :wink:

Stark has many more goals. If it is as many as some have said, I don’t know, but it’s definitely extensive.

Also, Mind’s Eye seeks to turn your senses inward, making you more aware of yourself. If you’ve ever fantasized/daydreamed you’ll be familiar with that time loss. You’re running an awesome story in your mind and suddenly it’s two hours later and your story is still going.

Stark may work on the inside, but much of what it seeks to change has an external expression. The “archetype” of Tony Stark isn’t exactly an introvert. The sub needs you to go out into the world and make your mark.

So yeah, one is heavier then the other. :slight_smile:

An added note, the day after I ran Q at night for the first time, I had a very short fuse.


That’s why I love to use one main-stage and use all 5 of the stacking modules as my potions for every situation. I use the appropriate stacking module to enhance my performance, so that I can get the best bang for my buck in every situation, collecting those experiences that rewire my unconscious archetype.

On top of that staying focused on one program will reinforce on the effectiveness of the program. Same goes for the stacking modules, for every time you use it the next time it will be more enhanced and effective, it builds on itself. Oh and don’t even get me started on the stacking modules, these are extremely underestimated right now, the way in which they interlace with each other and the potentiality of that just makes it a technological system of Alchemy in itself.

When this technological system of alchemy is combined with a spiritual practice to keep your psyche balanced in the middle pillar of the 3,6,9 results are exponentially enhanced. Because –

As Above, So Below – Referring to the four worlds; physical (3) , emotional & mental (6), spiritual (9).


All this talk about listening times with gaps and reduced loops has got me very intrigued. In my upcoming revisit of Khan ST1 (now Khan Q ST1), I may even just start with 1 loop a day!


What a novel idea!



That moment when you hope that Saint is in a good mood to finally share a rough release date for the Q-store


Rough? I’d say somewhere between now and 2021. Saint, would you agree with that rough estimate? :wink:

Actually the Q store won’t be released for a while yet. It will open, yes, but not released. It shall remain in the captivity of SubClub. No releasing here.

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I was close to getting a heart attack at this point.

You really got me there :wink:

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