Main Discussion Thread - Q

So complicated to chose !! But after selecting, I arrived at 18 modules from 25 in the cart :smiley:

To give an idea for my choices : my objective is to be calm and confident under any situations especially under pressure. So my key subliminal is Sanguine,

Around Sanguine I take

  1. Inner voice (positive thinking)
  2. Ego Adsum (present moment)
  3. Lion IV (calm, nonchalant, focused, dedicated)
  4. Stress displacement
  5. Negativity displacer
  6. Dominion (confidence and power)
  7. Power unleashed
  8. Invincible presence
  9. Total nonchalance
  10. Natural winner

Then I combine with
11) Productivity unleashed (focus/concentration and procrastination)
12) Carpe Diem Ascended (motivation and ambition)

Then I add some boosters
13) Mosaic (which will amplify the stackings of other subliminals)
14) Naturalizer (makes changes very natural)
15) Omnidimensional (work on different angles)
16) Overdrive (increase success of subliminals)
17) Deus (push the limits of subliminals)

As you can see it is a focused subliminal lets see what will happen !!

Thanks @SaintSovereign and @Fire for your work !


I can’t log in the q store it says wrong password …

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@Fractal_Explorer said their username worked instead of the email. Saint reset my pw for me on both sites so I didn’t try that.

So there are more to come then. Good to wait and see what other interesting stuff there might be

@King Moree to come, so those are not ALL the modules?

You can see more potentials in the Q requests thread. Not sure that all of them will make it, but some will.

Yes, there are only 152 modules listed in the store. There should be at least 212 I think.

Oh nooo, don’t give me more options

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To the 31 modules that I need to narrow down to 20…

If you could just delete some of yourselves from the Wishlist, that would be great.

When I first got on to the store, there were 158. But yeah, there should be more coming.

So, I was asked what my Blue Skies experimental experience was like. As you now know, Blue is about expressing love. For yourself, but that’s only one aspect. Saint did not tell me about all the components of Blue at the time, so as not to spoil the results, so I wasn’t aware of this.

At some point when Saint asked me to report, I told him something strange was happening. I had somehow started feeling a deep respect and admiration for all living things. It went so far that I started conversing with my plants as I was taking care of them. It wasn’t until then that Saint told me it was one of the goals of Blue.

So now you know why I said that for me Blue had an amusing effect. It turned me into “that guy that talks to his plants”.

On the other hand, it may also explain why Saint experienced periodical reconciliation on it. In order to truly love yourself, you need to accept yourself, forgive yourself and a bunch of other stuff. A lot of things happen inside.

In truth, although I could take more loops than Saint, I still had to be careful. Too many loops in a day meant a guaranteed headache and exhaustion. It’s how I came to respect the new guidelines for Q subliminals.

Now I have no idea what the big differences are between Blue that I ran and the Blue in the store, but I still consider it a great one to play with. Maybe even on subs that deal with heavier, more externally focused topics.


I think people need to run the q subs from the origin store longer like 6monthd plus…cause the older subs from the subliminal club website are still very potent and I don’t think we allowed them to do proper work and reach full manifestation…


I also started talking with my plants lately - but haven’t run Blue Skies…

Maybe I am just crazy


People don’t talk to their plants?

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Guys i did it !! i pulled the trigger and got the custom Q but i forgot to add in terminus but it should not matter. :wink:


I am very eager to hear results

As I expected, I am in the middle of creating an Excel sheet with all of the descriptions to allow me to look at and think about everything at the same time.

Then I’ll think about my goals and road map for a while. Then we’ll be in there.


Gonna start a journal?

Even though that’s the case, if you have the money wouldn’t be better for someone running Khan to do a custom of all its components and add 1-2 enhancers or desired modules?

And I am a huge believer in the addition of name in the process. I do a lot of affirmations and mirror work and whenever I put my name in or see my self in the mirror it is like 10 times stronger. Imagine in a subliminal program.


How about playing your customized sub while looking at the mirror for the whole hour? :smiling_imp:

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You 100% right…name will make a huge difference…
But like my case I just started with subliminal club…and they programs are potent…so I feel I rather run a programme for a good 6 months before I go custom

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