Main Discussion Thread - Khan

For faster and better results?


I listened to ST1 for 18 days now and I can’t reach the minimum listening time.
When I switch today, do I lose my progress? Or should I wait ten more days as my exam is on August the 14th giving me a bit more than a month listening time to Khan Complete? @Fire


You will.loose your progress if i remember correctly one has to liaten for a at least 30 days.


The mind never actually forgets anything, it’s all still in there. The synaptic pathways have been created. We just can’t always get to it. That said, you might regress if you fall back into old habits/beliefs, so it is important to continue taking the actions that support Khan, even if Khan isn’t there to nudge you. Demonstrate to yourself that Khan is where you intend to be. You manage that and worst case scenario you’ll stay right where you are.


I’m lost. Which one is the manifestation script that you mentioned?


I am not going to stop listening to Khan, only to ST1 and I will switch to Khan Complete. I thought about it more, and I feel like the only negative is that I won’t experience the full benefits of Total Breakdown as other people here on the forum when they hit 30/60/90 days.

Oh and thank you for all your posts! I really enjoy your insights, especially on the manifestation post.


He talks about Khan Complete (ST4) which has the additional limitless and manifestation scripting. However, as he wrote above:


Thanks very much, buddy!
Good luck in your studies. I’m at the other end, doing medical residency. We need to be limitless to accomplish our goals.


Ahhh nice to hear! :wink:

I know in the end I have to make the decision but you guys here are more familiar with Subliminal Club products. What would you do following the last posts here in this thread? St3 or St4 ?
Especially @Salchichon and @AMASH


Personally, since you’re going through an exam soon, I’d focus on Limitless until the exam date, with a few loops of ST1 to keep the results intact.

So, something like: 4x Limitless 2.0 + 1x Khan ST1

Then go back to 100% Khan ST1 as soon as the exam is done.


AMASH is right the great thing about sub club products is you can stack them whichever way you choose.


I started with limitless v1 and Ascended Mogul, I will say that, suddenly I was more focused on money, but not on my study. I felt a diffuse neck pain for weeks, like thyroiditis. I stopped them, but keeping limitless. Then, I try two weeks on emperor v2, I felt great, unstoppable, and I got divorce. My ex-wife still imagine we could return together, but in my mind, she was toxic. Emperor acted, so I sent her to hell. I switched to emperor v3, bit I don’t feel in the same level.
Khan give me a new hope, so I started ST1 with the idea to doing one module per month exclusively, but I’m contributing to test ssX, right now.
So, unfortunately, I can’t give you an advice due to not having experienced of Limitless, at least perceivable on my studies.


The first rule of the Private Testing Group is you do not talk about the Private Testing Group! :wink:

By the strong words you used (I sent her to heck) I’m guessing there’s still some leftover emotion there. I wonder if Emperor (or Khan) makes it so you just don’t invest any energy in it anymore. The point where you can part without any leftover attachments. You know:
“Honey, you’re great I’m sure, but you will never help me get where I need to go at this stage in my life, nor I you. I wish you all the best in your life, truly do, but we are going to have to go our separate ways lest we both suffer.”

Anyways, good luck @friday and try not to overload yourself!


I cant wait until I am able to purchase Khan. Stage 1 is exactly what I’ve been looking for, for a long time. Fuck renovation. Burn the fucker down and rise from the ashes


I split my stack in three distinct cycles.

At night i play

Playlist C Elixer + Dreams. Regen, spartan, ST1


Wow, Regeneration, Spartan AND ST1. That’s a heavy workload right there.

And how do you do that with Elixir and Dreams? Those are hypno-sessions, right? I’ve been trying to figure out how to best incorporate one of those at the start of the playlist only, with my stack repeating after that.


Did anyone notice the new supercharger module that snuck onto the store called True Social? Seems to me it might work quite well with certain aspects of Khan.


That supercharger was announced, it was released like a month back. But it could indeed be quite good combination with Khan. I guess you will amplify the social part of Khan.


I don’t recall seeing it in the Latest Products sidebar or the SuperChargers category until yesterday. Guessing from the fact that the link already has 10 clicks in an hour, I’m not the only one that missed it. Progress waits for no man! :slight_smile:

It’s good to see a social supercharger in addition to the romantic supercharger. After lots of loops of Khan Stage 3, maybe running a loop or two of Libertine and True Social before going out will have quite the effect on your day (or night).


I think you might have been right with that it hasn’t been announced. I knew it was the supercharger where the were problems with the women who did the vocal. However I thought that after the delay the supercgarger was still openly released. Apparently this wasn’t the case when I just looked back at the thread of TS.