Main Discussion Thread - Inner Circle

No doubt. I ran this and on the first day I had an interesting result.

So what is the difference between Inner Circle and Transcendental Connection? Is it good to run both?

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One thing I’ve found consistently with Inner Circle for me is that since I seem to have less connection with people in the outside world through physical meetups, Inner Circle has consistently brought me to online material that assists with reaching the purposes of the core subliminals I’m working with.

An example of that recently for me would be working with Ultimate Artist and recently running it with Inner Circle in the same stack, and then recently running into material on engaging the flow state for creativity. It has also led to discussions of my novel with another writer friend who is similarly committed to writing for its own sake, but in terms of pure creativity the material I’ve encountered online subsequent to running that stack seems too synchronistic to be simply random coincidence.

So the way I’ve experienced this sub has been less about direct connections with people and more about running into the resources to support the other goals through a kind of non conscious mind manifestation.



Anyone try IC Qv2?


I have it in my custom currently.
I feel like I’m seeking out mentors who can help me in things other than dance.

I also feel like IC is weeding people that I don’t want in my life and that my subconscious doesn’t feel like should be in my company.

Been writing about this in my journal. Not sure if it is IC making this happen tho.

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That’s cool if IC is doing this. I’m still going to add “Limiting People Remover” in my custom, though

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I should have added that too.

I imagine the scripts for these subs will change a lot with Q+, effective as they may be right now.

Yea, it’s like a “Reverse Inner Circle” or “Outer Ring”

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Yes, Q+ will probably require a rescript, and it’s going to be a nightmare putting these titles out, hahahaha.


Nightmare? Why so?

I presume we’ll wait for all the titles to be upgraded for six month. :smiley:


Is it possible that Inner Circle kind of does the reverse of not just finding people for you but also gets rid of people in your life? Ones that don’t really matter, are toxic for you, etc?

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If so, the sales page doesn’t cover that as far as I remember

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A rescript of khan emperor and stark would be interesting

This was originally on the sales page as well, seems to have disappeared from it since then though.


@empreror_obewan that’s a pretty big thing to remove from the page…

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I agree, the only reason I remembered it was there was seeing the same conversation in another thread.

Looking over the information in that first post in Sep 2019, it also mentions what I had encountered with IC about blogs and internet sites which share another persons thoughts/advice - this would have been useful information to have on the sales page.

I can’t really speculate on why it’s not there, maybe @SaintSovereign could shed some light on this?

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Thanks man! Appreciate it.

Maybe I’ve subsconsciously given off the aura or something that other people should do it instead haha. I’ve definitely had the feelings towards people.

Yes, it can do this. It’s not an explicit feature (as in, there’s a ton of scripting related to it) but the script does mention it.