Main Discussion Thread - DREAMS

Ahhh :laughing:, no. But this dream somehow related to Sage Immortal, because I ran it with Dreams.

So, the dream was very unusual to me because of the following:

“I was in a room with a bunch of people, as usual, I was friendly because people felt friendly. Then, a shaman sat just with me and said: you have problems with beauty”, me: with WHAT? And he suddenly…his pupils in his eyes became larger and larger and then his whole eyes became VERY BIG, like, you know, LSD-25 (no, I didn’t tried anything except MJ in California in LA, 2009). And then suddenly (with his eyes growing large) I listened a BANG, with a shaman bell or something. And I was scared as fuck. Very scared. You know, moosegumps all over the body like then from nightmare. BUT. I wasn’t wakeup I just squeezed my eyes. And he, took his hand I removed something (literally) from my head. It wasn’t physical. It was like energy cylinder or something. And then he placed a green leaf or something on my eyelid. I started laughing as crazy as something started to leave me, I don’t know, fixed, rigid conceptions of reality or something but I started to LAUGHE. Shaman smiled and said: now, its alright, now is perfectly ok with you, you are normal” and get up and moved to another person. I waked up laughing and very easy.

I hope my message is understood :slight_smile:

Dreams or Sage Immortal or all together but THAT was interesting.


Dreams ZP is really going to be something else.

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Anybody using dreams zp atm and can share some experiences?

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Dreams is a sub Ive been wanting to use since forever, but somehow I always leave it for later.

Since last week Im really thinking alot about using it, I might give it a try starting next cycle.



I have listened to DREAMS (ZP) now for 3 weeks (every 2 days) and didn’t experience a lucid dream or better dream recall than before.
Now I will pause for 5 days, as written in the description.

I have a question, though: is this type of Subliminal meant to be listened just before bed, or can I expect the same results when listening to it during the regular late morning meditation?

Technically, you can listen at any time of the day to get results. In fact, I recommend listening in the morning (if you don’t experience tiredness from subliminal use), allowing the script to process throughout the day.

Did you have good dream recall / lucid dreams in the past? If not, it may take a bit longer to experience better results.


I got a wickedly cool lucid dream from Mind’s Eye Q Terminus Squared when that first hit the shelves. Maybe stacking Mind’s Eye ZP with Dreams ZP would help it along


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Yes, I keep a dream journal since several years and remember almost every morning 3-5 dreams (in average).
After almost 8 years (no kidding) of trying to experience a lucid dream or even OBE I achieved the first goal 7 months ago: in January and February I suddenly experienced 5 lucid dreams within 5 weeks.
Unfortunately, all of these dreams only lasted 2-4 seconds due to my excitement, and then it stopped completely.
Since then I didn’t experience another LD any more.
(In case that you wonder what I do: besides daily meditation I fall asleep, in the evening, with the gnostic mantra FARAON, and every night I make WBTBs (as I naturally wake up several times) where I simply continue to sleep with a combination of WILD and affirmations.)

I already use 3 tracks, so I prefer to stick to that combination for the moment.
The Subliminals I use are: DREAMS, Astral Projection and Sage Immortal.
(One day I listen to both Dreams and AP, then 1 day of break, then I just listen to Sage Immortal, then again 1 day break, then again the other two etc.)


We don’t have many reviews of apX and DREAMS, so any thoughts you give would be very much appreciated (good or bad).

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Well, regarding my personal experience:

I bought AP last year and thus heard it for way more than 6 months. I didn’t experience an AP, though I have a pretty involved practice (taking supplements before sleep and alongside with regular WBTBs, making a lot of affirmations before sleep etc.).
But: I’m not the „typical“ practitioner, as I already try to achieve an OBE since 8 years.
This is not the standard, normally one should achieve the first conscious OBE after some months at the latest (from what I’ve read in the Astral Projection Reddit forum and other forums).

So, my guess is: in most cases that Subliminal should help, alongside with regular practice.
On the other side, if you are one who seems to fail complete at that topic, chances are high that the Subliminal won’t change anything (as in my case).

Regarding Dreams: I just begun to use it, the first 3 weeks are over now and I didn’t experience a lucid dream yet.
I also have a deep LD-practice, especially a lot of Reality Checks throughout the day, as well as „all-day-awareness“ as often as I remember to do it (I am very deep into spirituality, so I read and think about such topics every day and from morning until sleep).
Here’s the same resume I can offer, personally: normally, one should achieve his / her first lucid dreams after some weeks or months, but my subconscious seems to be completely „resistant“.
But, as this is not the common thing, I think you can’t do anything wrong with that Subliminal.


Really interesting topic. I haven’t purchased DREAMS yet. I remember as a kid, AP was something that came natural to me. I never understood it though, back then I was very religious and whenever I would ask a priest etc it was always something unholy or blasphemous, to my culture that was.

My local library nor teachers couldn’t help me either, until WAP (not the Cardi B song) came out on cellphones and I could do some research about the topic. Growing up a lot of fear was instilled into me so whenever ‘I go under’ I would attract fearful circumstances which gave me sleepiness nights. I purchased and used Alchemist Explorer package but never used APX or RVX yet because of that.

I believe I have deities that wants to communicate with me but I keep brushing them off hence I’m going through tough situations on a daily, I even learned a technique to get me from AP/OOBE quickly. I barely remember my dreams and if I do it’s something unheard of, via Google.

I still have some healing to do but soon I will be all over DREAMS and APX :wink:


Have you thought of including Ascension chamber? Most of the lucid dreams I’ve had were on Ascension chamber, infact one was so real it got scary for me


Thanks for the advice, I will check that one out

Don’t overexposed though. I went ahead and listened twice a week and I’ve been having lucid dreams and nightmares all throughout this week. I plan on taking up to 12 days washout. I’m already on my 4th day of washout and I’m still having these dreams :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Alright. I just listend to it once now, yesterday evening immediately before bed, and now will make a 5-days-break of all Subliminals.


This morning I had a Lucid Dream, and even a longer one.
I would call this a success ^^


Dreams ZP Refresh skyrocketed my visualisation skills even more than Mind’s Eye.

Every day I have a bunch of meaningful dreams about my life.

One of my favourite subs of all time.