Main Disc. Thread - Zero Point Custom Build Questions

I’ve applied Occam Razor theory to my custom. I had 20 modules and it was long. I realized that my goals were all centered around “Carrer building” and “Romance/Sex”.

My testosterone increase is not “main goal”, the main goal of helping my hormones out is to have more libido/sex drive and also energy/ambition in life. Khan was missing the work discipline for me, which is why I have those modules for more motivation to work and Machine : Action to get moving. Sex and seduction gives more skills in seduction (and also sweet sweet lovemaking :smirk:). Yggdrasil to accelerate the results in both departments… And that’s it!


Thanks for the insight. Didn’t even occur to me these were separate themes but it makes sense.

So something like this would be good?

Ascended Mogul Core
Ultimate artist Core

Music modules
Ultimate music producer
The spotlight

General result enhancers
Current Invoker

I would like faster more immediate results for myself and this is most in line with my current goals. The other module themes were really only there to support this one. But if it runs better lean I’ll go with it. Yggdrasil was a good recommendation, I haven’t used that module yet but it seems like a good way to manifest goals better.

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What if someone doesn’t want a couple of cores and a bunch of modules?
What is someone just wants Dragon Reborn with their name embedded?


Pride Unbroken
Inner Voice
Divine Will

and so on.

There are a lot of modules that are like flavor highlights to accentuate aspects of Dragon Reborn.

For now, we are told that the minimum ZP custom has 10 modules. So that’s the structure within which we are working.

For major program name-embedment, just got to add it to the Roadmap.


Multistage (ST4) in Q consists of 3 cores(st 2; 3 and 4). Does it counts as 1 or 3 cores in a custom?

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One. It’s listed as a core in the Q store.

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Thank you for clarifying👍

EDIT: Wealth-focused custom subliminal. I am starting from a small base and I hope to grow my wealth as I go along and learn. I’m very much trying to focus on a wealth subliminal that allows me to take a “predictive” approach in terms of wealth generation. This includes being good at reading between the lines when I read news reports and research material, knowing more about potential business opportunities faster than others and basically knowing many things ahead of others.

At the moment, I do have channels of income - at the moment sales of commercial reports, retainer services for another company as well as my main due diligence consultancy business - but they seem to all be stuck for various reasons. I’m speaking to another company about being something like an external business development director for a salary at the moment but the negotiation is still in the early stages, and that business is in a different industry, so I’m not sure how things go.

I’ve done the MBTI test a couple of times, and mostly tested as an INTP and I am increasingly identifying myself with that personality. Would you want to look at this custom below and see whether it is good for me and my goals?

@SaintSovereign Could you chip in on this for me?

  1. Mogul Core
  2. Mind’s Eye Core
  3. Financial Success Reality Shifter
  4. Secrets of Akasha
  5. Transcendental Connections
  6. Informaticon
  7. Submodel Alpha
  8. Omnidimensional
  9. Secret Sauce
  10. Virtuoso Matematica
  11. Market Weaver
  12. Instant Business Tactician
  13. The Lines

I think QL4 may be better than ME since it helps you dive deep into reality and make connections. Hard to say, ME is damn good too.


I could consider QL4 too.

I ran one loop of QL4 ZP about two weeks ago - not sure whether it was responsible for making my mind go into an overdrive making all sorts of connections over the past two weeks.


Please review my custom

Power ZP T

Purpose : To master art of selling and convert leads into sales .
I am Head of a company and business development and sales is my primary task.
We do lot of industrial exhibits and I have to meet and talk to lot of people .

Sales Terminus

  1. Fortune fav

  2. EOG 4

  3. RICH

  4. Whispered power


  6. ROI


  8. Master mind

  9. Sacred words


  11. Instant business tact

  12. Jupiter

  13. Entranced

  14. Inner circle

  15. Yagdrassil

  16. Natural winner

  17. Glory seeker

  18. Lifeblood fable

  19. Wanted

  20. Chosen

  21. The story teller

  22. Emperor voice

  23. Eagle eye
    24 Daredevil

Yes I can see many cores here , I need suggestion which one should I eliminate .

EOG I have nice base and somehow it motivates me a lot

InnerCircle can help me to get references for more sales

Rich, I cannot do without, this is most result oriented sub for business ( atleast for me )

Wanted somehow worked so well when I was on experimental sub , it somehow made me so WANTED in business circle and my brand also shot up on this sub

Chosen . I can let go … but had nice results

Daredevil : Can help me to connect more with people

Regarding modules

Fortune Fav : it can really help as many time sales tenders are like jackpots in our business and I wish we can get them more frequently

Emperor voice / dragon tongue / whispered power to bring more convictions in speech

Sacred words for mail etc

Glory seeker / Life blood for branding

True sell is heart of sub ofcourse

Eagle eye to read person while negotiating

Please suggest @SaintSovereign , @RVconsultant

Also requesting other to pitch in , if you feel I should add / leave any of these


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you would need to build a new custom (and pay the $99)

That’s why I would listen to the RICH ZP Major separately.

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very good questions.

I think it would be really nice to have that as an option at one point.

But as far as I know, having only name-embedded major titles was on the roadmap for the future.

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mate you REALLY don’t have to build a custom, take it from a guy who used majors and a plethora of customs, the “increase in power” is only needed when the major programs aren’t satisfying you.

don’t think because there’s a certain “higher” power level that you aren’t reaping the benefits that currently changing you in seemingly powerful ways (judging from your posts and your strong dedication)


Alchemist st4
Minds Eye

Fusion Optimized
The Single Point
Negativity Displacer
Awakened Perception
Gratitude Embodiment
Starfilled Night
Harmonic Singularity
The Wonder
Power Awareness
Immortal´s Blade
Dream Traveler

I may add Energetic Development XI, but I think that would be covered by the Alchemist core, right?


If I were you, I would add Sage Immortal too

Add that too

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I have a similar custom in Qv2 with Sage instead of Alchemist. I think it will be too dense with all 3.


Those are some beautiful modules, @Gemstone.

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Now we just have to wait for the new Module pack.