Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

Very nice change.

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Topless and Shoeless in an elevator! :sweat_smile:
You have your eye on someone in the CCTV security team?



Great results.
The shorts seems to have changed colour as well. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I didn’t know that in addition to physical changes, it could also change clothes :smiley:


Hope that hero product works better for physical changes.

@RVconsultant can you speak to the technical team whether changing the frequency of the audio ? might make the physical changes modules more effective for older people.

I was actually just walking my friend out of my ex boyfriends apartment. She was in the picture but she’d hate me posting her picture anywhere :joy:


To be fair I did go through Heartbreak a few times during that month + so some of it was stress and not eating properly. But now I’m working on my nutrition now that I’m leaner.


Cheers my dude. You motivated me to add Khan to my custom BTW :eyes::eyes:

And the shorts definitely changed haha.

You know how sometimes there’s more benefits than are stated on the sales pages? That’s one of unwritten ones :kissing_heart: I’m proof haha.


Add Khan to your custom its a life changer.

I am readding emperor to stack with wanted again. It makes me more productive.

Khan is in my custom along with WANTED and Heartsong.

It’s definitely what I needed.

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So you are listening to wanted only in your custom and not as standalone?

Yeah, not standalone at all. When I did use it standalone I cut my hair which I had grown the longest it’s ever been, changed my look and all that but I didn’t look like I do now, clearly.


Congrats on the results @Brandon !


Need to hear this am still looking for that one last core for a custom next year, also I think I will have to be working out a bit for the physical shifting
Thanks again for the update

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I’m the same way. I don’t like my picture taken. I guess it comes from hating my image.

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Stress, doesn’t give you better muscle tone. It simply drops the pounds. Own it bro. You did a good job.

So far been on Wanted for about 3 months and while I am seeing a bit of benefit, I’m not sure if it’s significant enough to attribute it to the subliminal. Hard to say, because I am looking pretty decent but I don’t feel like I’m getting the Wanted effect I’m looking for.

It’s a physical subliminal, from everything I’ve read it will take time so I’m ready to use this for the long haul. I hear the successes of others however (growing in height at 26?? Seriously??) and it is a bit discouraging.

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Keep going man. It’ll happen when it’s meant to happen. Physical shifting is tricky and different for everyone. Trust me, there’s been many moments on WANTED where I felt like the shifting results weren’t there then the other day I noticed how attractive I have become.

It seems like the results creep up on you and this is only just the beginning. Keep it up man, and you’ll get there.


How long have you been running Wanted for?

I also wonder if I’m just unable to recognize the physical benefits, having dealt with a combination of lifelong insecurity about my looks and social obliviousness.

I’ve been running it since it’s release in mid May, so just about 3 months at this point.

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I’m sure there’s some healing elements in WANTED, which may be addressing these insecurities first so that you can appreciate all of the positive physical changes. If it’s a lifelong insecurity it may take some time to recognize how much you’re changing for the better, but I assure you if you stick with it you will get there my friend.

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